Today I will remind you

Okay I need the Tea. What did Tali say? I used to watch him as well, then realised he’s a bit of a smug expletive with a fake persona who does harm to AD

He made a smug expelative and unsavoury joke.

Anyone who swears 24/7 like a retard is a bad image for the AD community.

One of my hobbies is figuring stuff like this out that aren’t plain open to the public. Now… I do not get the ignore function, at all. What I could figure out so far:

  1. /w People on 110 trial character, blocking said character, removes the trial character.

  2. Two people with two accounts: character A blocks character B.

Character A can get whispered by character C, who is an alt of character B.

Character D, who is an alt of character A, can see emotes, whispers and texts of character E, who is an alt of character B.

The whole ignore function is not working account-wide on some occasion and on other occasions it is. It’s super confusing and not working well in any case. Would be great if you can just block the b-tag of someone and that carries over to all characters on the b-tag account.

This word ban is somehow not banned by the bot. Interesting.

He randomly made the statement that role players that do not want OOCers are TERFs and repeated that for a whole while, there was no argument that lead up to that, he simply added that to his rambling entirely on his own

Even if you somehow presume that there is no overlap between OOCers, who are such saints, and “just griefers”, AD isn’t marked as a Full realm because of the RPers population alone so OOCers put a strain on the server’s infrastructure at the very least.

I’m not trying to prove anything about you, but a lot of players here are saying that all OOC players should go away, and are being vocal about it. That is complaining about OOC players as a presence on the server; not just about griefers.

You’re just shadowboxing here, I’m sorry.

Nah he’s not - you posted a mini essay saying “so sorry that your roleplay was griefed by a parade of OOCels on mounts, but look at it this way - why didn’t you just move =P?”

Pretty crazy to spend so much time blaming the victim of targeted harrassment and telling them it’s their fault for not vacating the server’s busiest hub

I think at this point you will say just about anything to extend your tired non-argument


YOu are saying we should leave the brats who come troll us alone, so I’m not, and I won’t stop voicing against them.

They should, this is a rp realm, not a normal one.

No, we are saying oocers have no place here while complaining about the griefers, who are themselves oocers, you should really learn the diference between telling someone he doesn’t belong and complaining about them.

Yikes. And he complains about Asmons fans. Wouldn’t be surprised if he includes some of the complaints about him on the forum in his new video at this point, not that he’ll own up to being wrong or anything.

Given the situation he got himself into on his stream, he knew exactly what he was doing: It was his transition into doing world quests or dungeons (whatever he did after he finished his mad ramble), ending the argument in a way that will give him superficial goody boy points on social media

I think it was funny seeing a grown man lose all composure over less than a handful of people in his twitch chat argueing with him, gives you some insight into the personality imo


Yeah, I’ve kinda realised he’s basically the Anti-Asmongold. On stream asmon is like borderline a possessed demon, but then on his youtube channel where he drops the persona he goes full Philosopher and is surprisingly mature. Tali is similar in that he has this “good guy” persona but is behind that a bit of a smug a-hole who can do no wrong. When you look at his rant about Asmon a few months back, it’s hilarious to see what happens when people disagree with him (he literally banned people in chat for disagreeing with him about it).

I think we’re getting a bit off topic ^^

So let me bring it back: OOCers :point_right: :door:


Obviously, it is really good that at this point apparently loads of people have realised that doing something so detrimental to the RP community as coming to the last + active RP server without the intention to ever role play is hostility in its own, the RP community is extremely vulnerable (mounts parked near the auction house are enough to prevent RP entirely)


Yes back to people who don’t RP. Simple opinion on it. :clap:Lock :clap:Em :clap:Up :clap:

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Ackchyually… Lock them OUT :sunglasses:

I’m not sure why are you defending this known and very obvious troll who tried to lie to us on multiple occasions and made fun of the “rp nerds” in a very disrespectful way, but okay


Keep in mind, you are talking to a guy whose hobby is being a contrarian.

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If you tell someone that he has no place here because of what he does, saying that what he does is harmful to the server, and that he/she should either be like you or go away… you think this is not complaining about what he’s doing?

Just face it guys. You’re not targeting griefers alone.

I just did.

I think you’re being deliberately blind to what I have been saying for what, three or four posts now? You do you. I’m saying this attitude of yours won’t help. It might be a better move to isolate griefers rather than expanding their pool (and include all OOC players). That might be a good starting point.

This wasn’t the message, and there was more to it. Although I can see why some would read it like that. Maybe we’re just misunderstanding each other, who knows. So if you people don’t believe me, why don’t you just play pretend: what “if” I am actually against the stereotype that all OOCers are bad, rather than defending griefers?

Either way, yesterday I liked how you dealt with the situation, so I prefer to keep a good image of you in my mind and suspend my disbelief about our previous contrasts. Perhaps a good bunch of them was on me, who knows.


My bad, this was the first time I read a post about her/him. I assumed she/he was new.


Even that should have its limits, though.