Today I will remind you

Why is there a need for diplomaticness when people are just clearly in the wrong and its actually listed in the ToS?
There is legit no stone to stand on to defend bullies phrasing slurrs because we have a hobby.

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I have only once (1) seen a raiding guild take action when its members were griefing RP, even though I always approach their officers in a very friendly manner to remind them of what their members are doing and what they think about that kind of behaviour.

Only one (1) time did the officers take action and kick the griefing members. Every other time it’s been a variation of



Because they aren’t wrong, and aren’t breaching the TOS (unless you refer to griefing?).

One thing I notice, those who put themselves on high pedestals will never be able to compreehend the thought of those who walk on the ground and take offensive the latter refuse to see as high as they see themselves, so I Wouldnt bother to reply anymore and Just move away from his padestal, he has to fall some time right?

Another piece of midwit kino

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You have it the wrong way around. Roleplayers being against non-RPers is what happened after many years of the latter provoking the former.

The RP communities just wanted to be left to their own devices without interruption but that never happened and now you have people becoming more radical in response.

That does not apply here. This is a response to legitimate grievances that the community has had for a great many years now.


Yes, I too drive over when the light is red because signs are just guidelines and I shall not be bound by such silly social constructs.

There’s no way you’re actually believing what you just said.


Anything that disturbs RP is a form of grieving, its not restricted to just Mammoth and flag spamming… Hovering above sending curse words to insult others mid RP also falls under that.
The countless mount parades trough hubs, led by several PvE guilds that are so called just normal OOCers and are no harm is also a sign that there is a problem, and explains the reactions that were given.

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As the saying goes, those who humble themselves want to be exalted twice - you’re just asking for a praise in a different way.

To me, you’re the one

[quote=“Zagkush-argent-dawn, post:1172, topic:147603”] who put themselves on high pedestals

I pull off the mask from the dragon and reveal another griefer himself

jinkies, who could have seen this coming scoob…

It’s true though, unless you find a piece in the TOS that says you can’t be a full-time OOC player on a RP realm.

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In the name :clown_face:

Imagine going inside the opposite genders bathroom because there are no written rules you should follow the signs its advices, its still a big yikes you know…


Eeey, mah man! Up top :raised_hand:

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ok griefer but the post you replied to was talking about genuine griefing and your contribution was

Here, let me help you

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Let’s assume such behaviour isn’t considered griefing proper (it probably is). Why does the RPer have the burden of being diplomatic towards the guy purposefully disrupting their game, whereas the OOC player doesn’t have a burden to be diplomatic and respectful towards them playing the game in a way that the server label endorses?

You seem stuck on shifting the burden of compliance onto the wrong people. This is an RP server, anyone not using the server for RP should be expected to be diplomatic towards allowing RP behaviour right of way, not the other way around.

It’s not like RPers try and camp out and regulate access to PvE utilities like the AH is it, so allowing them right of way will hardly result in OOcers not being able to get jobs done. It’s literally asking “if you see us about, don’t purposefully troll us” yet you’re here arguing that the RPers need to show diplomacy towards people who want to do exactly that, on a server listed as for their hobby.



As we have already stated, a sign without a justification is just a track or an indication, it has little to no authority, and definitely shouldn’t be considered a huge violation.


But that’s assuming he is being intentionally disruptive, it’s the same thing.

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Are you saying you don’t know what RP stands for or what


Once again, dont respond to the high nose dragon wannabe and let us go back on topic.

Athramus is now banned from posting until he reveals his results from the reading comprehension test