Today I will remind you

Isn’t better to change realm if you’re OOC all the time? It doesn’t make sense to roll on a RP if you’re not into RP.

My main was on Argent Dawn, I like WoW RP but on my main I was most of the time OOC in cities.
I decided to transfer my main to Tarren Mill and keep my RP character on Argent Dawn in order to attempt to those meeting I’m interested in.
It’s better for you, you have the chance to not interrupt any RP, you can do more PvE/PvP, join competitive guilds, etc and it’s better for RPers.
Everyone wins in my opinion.


I don’t think so. But I prefer this kind of disagreement, or take.

I think people can work with these attitudes. It is definitely better to start from points like this rather than those who can’t tolerate diversity of thoughts. A lot of people here are calling me a troll because, well, I am disagreeing with them. “I don’t think we should tell full-time OOCers they should go away” is a fairly reasonable point, even in the (unlikely) case that it is wrong.

Well you are a sensible person. Thank you.

Played long enough to get a name change.

No, i think he and a few friends are the OOC griefers he’s defending hence why he comes to these threads, inserts his “hot” takes and then argues in circles.

That or he’s a troll and hasn’t had attention for a while hence the; “he comes to these threads, inserts his “hot” takes and then argues in circles.”

All roads lead to Rome i suppose?

Ok I laughed at the TERF thing. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

It is not.

Ok boomer.

Full time OOCers should go.
The “I wanted to play with friends” excuse is a non starter these days with cross realm grouping.
If you never RP, what other genuine reason do you have for being here?
If you’re considering RP, make an alt, test it.
If you quit, move on.


Little late here with my reply.

An example is that i simply said to him that i find oocers to be annoying since they take up places like the valley of strength in orgrimmar so we can not RP there at all, if we do we will get plenty of oocers mounting on us and saying weird stuff.

Then Tali went on a rant about me being a really selfish prick. :man_shrugging:


Anything else that compels a player to remain where they have met people (or an atmosphere) they like. It’s not up to you or me to tell players what they should do to enjoy the game. Unless it’s griefing/harassment (that’s a big no).

(This is my Argent Dawn ‘alt’).
I have met lovely people on Argent Dawn.
I just did what I thought makes sense.

If you don’t RP you should not be on a RP server, simple.
I did RP but was better to change, Argent Dawn is the last RP active realm after all.


Cross realm play

This is not a zoo


I can tell people whatever I feel is necessary.
It makes no sense to be on an RP server and never RP.
In the same vein as pvp servers, why would you go there if you hate and have no intention to PVP?

Sounds like his MO honestly. He’s always got that attitude, and I mean isn’t it selfish of him to go to an RP realm, never even INTEND to RP in the first place, which will inevitably attract his fans, who majority don’t want to RP, to AD? Just because he (and many others) enjoy the vibe of an RP server, doesn’t mean you can just go there and treat it like a PvE one.


Yes, you can do anything; it doesn’t mean you have a right to expect them to follow your directions. Or that you should in the first place.

Ironically, from their perspective your disagreement must look a lot like mine does to you.

How often do you reckon someone should RP / at what point is a break too long and makes an individual an “OOC’er”?
I’ve personally taken smaller breaks before, where I didn’t RP for a month, but still played the game for the content.

It really is, he also says he does have an interest in RP while also saying he will not rp at all and he only likes RP cuz he can go look at people so the world looks alive.
So he just treats us like a zoo to watch.

Eghh, in all fairnes he said was RPing sometimes. But you know, I also used a bow once at a friend’s house, and it doesn’t make me an archer.

Have you ever RPed? Y/N


Probably when someone deems themselves free from RP, having completely quit.

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