Today I will remind you

If you never RP or plan to, you should go.
I said full time for a reason.

We’re RP nerds, they don’t care what anyone thinks. Lol m8.

Oh look more restored posts I wrote that you good folk attempted to remove by abusing mass flagging.

Guys you have to consider some different approach of removing reason out of discussions. This one isn’t letting you stay ignorant.

So RP’ing just once is enough? Or are you asking me personally? ^^

This is basically my criteria too.
I don’t RP all too often anymore because I’m in a bit of a low when it comes to WoW currently, and I’m focusing on other games mainly, and just leveling alts for fun (and also to possibly RP with in future), but I came to AD because I was interested in RP, I engaged in RP, and even though I do it sparingly and casually nowadays, I am still here because I am interested in RP, and want to RP. We’re not purging anyone who isn’t literally IC 24/7 or anything.



Ugh what a mood.

You didn’t have to do my man Robin like this

It took me a while, but I cast them into the depths of ignore.

I just find the memes.

There’s a meme for EVERYTHING.

I was RPing casually a lot in Legion (emphasis on casually) and I remember saying right before the servers shut off to start the pre-patch, as I was dancing naked on my DH with a load of other people celebrating the servers going down, that I was gonna finally play non-LFR raids, M+ and get more seriously into RP
Then BfA was BfA and I’ve barely touched normal or even LFR raids, I barely M+, and I still casually RP. Now the same cycle begins with Shadowlands, and I need to hope that this time, all three of those work out.

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It looks like you’re hoping to get a crumb of attention with memes :thinking:

Maybe, but 90% of arguing is conveying your point in a way that’s easy to understand isn’t it

The " bad guy " in the scenario described is absolutely the OOC dudes riding mammoths over roleplay - and they are the reason people are posting against OOC players as a whole. Saying uhhh #NotAllOOCels is basically a non-point / a waste of time

Maybe if the legendary clean OOCer that is touted 24/7 in these threads was more common + was quicker to condemn / report griefing instead of saying “bro … who cares … its just a mount on top of you for two hours … just go to another area” you’d find people are much more accepting of them

Does that make sense?

IDK what yesterday’s situation was but thanks anyway



Best of luck to ya! I’m hoping Shadowlands brings a lot of us back properly tbf.

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What a bunch of slander coming from this person.
Not saying I am surprised, on the contrary it was expected.

The expansion looks good thus far, but I fear RP’ing in the new zone might be hard to justify. At least for a lot of characters.


Why you lying?

No lies were said by me here Croecell.

There it goes again, why you lying?

I just might have to resort to flag option here, harassment and accusations of lying about something imaginary. I will not tolerate that Croecell.