Today I will remind you

We are quite fine, mate-o.

People who come here with the intention to roleplay are welcomed by our warm and wholesome RP community. I and many others are more than willing to get new people into RP if they need help with fitting in.


I’ll fix that for you for free.

Remember that passion, standards and trying to ban people who are breaking the rules is healthy for the server, if AD ever flourishes it will probably be by the hands of it’s own fairly welcoming community. :ok_hand:


I’m ashamed to admit but

I went OOC yesterday due to raiding.
:frowning: Sorry Sir, I’ve let you down.

The “gatekeeping” and “elitism” defences are weak, because at current, AD’s roleplaying community does not “need” new blood. The community is active enough to sustain itself whilst being able to take new blood in, and many of that community have been here a long, long time.

So the idea that the stance of RPers will “gatekeep the scene” which will ultimatley destory RP needs a factcheck. I wouldn’t describe it as gatekeeping, rather target-hardening. At this point the principle concern is allowing those who make the current community (which as said, is strong and healthy enough to sustain itself, we see new guilds popping up all the time, new projects etc.) to actually be able to sustain that community, as that is what is keeping AD going in terms of RP atm- it isn’t newcomers getting into it.
Some of the reactions to this defensive stance might be a bit abrasive to the eyes of newcomers. It may put some of them off. *some of them may be able to work out why the RPers are so defensive when looking at OOC players and “get it”, but tbh if it switches off a potential newcomer who can’t even comprehend why RPers on AD can be like this and they only see it as “Elitism” I don’t think the server is gonna die without their addition.

Newcomers are great but atm the onus is one ensuring the server can actually maintain RP in-itself free of disruptions. If you think a defensive hobby group might put off newcomers, then what do you think telling them “btw when u do your hobby here in our hobby club other people are completely free to come in and go and throw crap and slurs at you as is their right, wanna sign up?” does?


Thats it
Youre out


On a more serious note in regards to the Out of Character people on Argent Dawn: I’ve personally got no issues with them for as long as they don’t make it their deliberate mission to bother, harass and bully Roleplayers.

My guild does PvE for the most part but we’ve a pretty healthy community for RP as well. And I personally find it interesting and fun to introduce these roleplayers to the Current Content through carrying them with out alt raids etc in Heroic. :slight_smile: Gives them a chance to get some cool sets for RP, mounts, achievements, titles etc etc.

There are some very problematic guilds on AD EU (names [redacted] cus i’m a good boi) that imho should be either taken down or forced to transfer to normal servers, mainly because they provide literally nothing to the RP community, except continuous harassment of the RPPVP events, major gatherings etc, etc, etc.
Same goes for the people using the argument of “Just turn pvp off looool”, it’s counterproductive and plain stupid.

Not sure if this is just rambling but yeah. :man_shrugging:


I don’t think I’ve personally seen or heard any problems with Eminence at all! :smiley: Mainly since you guys are either people who still rp between raids and content, or also make sure to enforce the rules of not disrupting the rp going.

But sadly, most 100% pure ooc guilds dont do this as we all know, or in some cases like a couple of pasts guild, activly encourage trolling.


Yeah I mean we’ve got a strict rule on that.
Its a mega-fast kick as soon as intel comes to the officers of a member/raider/trial causing a ruckus.

I like my RP, PvE and PvP. RP server is the only place where I can effectively do all without the requirement to level ten different alts on ten different servers etc :thinking:
Most of the people in the PvE guilds on AD EU do not RP however, and they make it abundantly CLEAR that they don’t RP. Be this through forum harassment, griefing or just having all the flavors of anti-rp possible, anything from silly names to silly guild names etc.


Precisely weak because they aren’t elitism. Elitism exists, but is not part of the gatekeeping. The main expectations towards a newcomer is that they come to an RP server to roleplay and that they cause no grief to the community.

Elitism exists on a different level; there are guilds that ignore each other and also red-flags people tend to avoid in RP. But these are not related to “new players” more so a self-defense to avoid smut/ERPers.


Likewise on my guild, if some causing trouble and disturbance.

A big iron boot comes rigth at its Le Bum.

Most of my guild role play on alliance but raid on horde.


Eminence is awesome. If I wanted to join a raid guild now, it’d probably be Eminence.


Ngl I had a completely different idea of roleplayers prior to this thread, so my initial comment probably didn’t age well. I genuinely thought the community was really intolerant and hostile towards anyone outside of that interest for no good reason. I wasn’t aware there was that much griefing over the years, perks of having trade and general turned off by default.


We don’t want to be hostile, but we, like you, don’t really enjoy being pushed around, especially in a server meant for us.


I think it’s always important to distinct what people are not fond of.

Being Out of Character - This has always been fine. People are playing the game after all, doing content and simply constant roleplay would be quite straining on most people. People respect roleplay and avoid causing any ruckus when they’re OOC.

Being OOCer - A slang term made for those who specifically target roleplayers to ruin their experience. These people get roleplayers riled up and most have lost all patience in trying to “make peace” or “work it out” with these folks, as it often incites more griefing.

Being OOC and being an OOCer is not the same. Roleplaying community is generally a very welcoming group and a hobby as well. In WoW and out of WoW.


I still don’t really understand why that in its simplicity is such an alien notion and idea for some people. That it literally just boil down to wanting to enjoy a hobby in peace. The same people would with almost 100% certainty get absolutely mental/furious if someone was constantly bothering them when they were trying to relax or unwind after a long day.

It’s like just because it involves RP it becomes some otherwordly thing that can’t be grasped or understood.

Cause obviously RP is lowest tier thing in the world when it comes to entertainment and we’re all nerds with no lives who sit here all day hurr durr durr.

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When people who already play WoW start calling someone else a nerd, oh boy


Nerd wars.

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I’ve delved deep enough(Not very deep at all was needed) into fandoms like HP, Supernatural, Dr Who, Star Wars(And even freaking pokĂ©mon of all things) to see some really really ugly sides of that which makes WoW’s pale in comparison.

People need to chill with eachother and let those of us who for example like to RP just enjoy it in peace. It’s hurting literally no one.

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One thing is for sure though - OOCer is a confusing term. I do wish people would call them griefers, because that’s what they do.