Today I will remind you

How are invisible non-rpers on rp server keeping it afloat?

Well the economy for starters, not to mention the actual content in the game.
If the server was only those who roleplayed 100% of the time there wouldnā€™t be much of a server.

Ah jes, the economy argument. It has been brought up before but it just isnt a valid point:

Whats this supposed to mean? If people dont do content, the server crashes? What makes you think that RPers dont do content?

No, it would be something much greater


But it is, say for example there are 1000 players and 20% of them roleplay, thatā€™s 200 players on the server and 800 players now suddenly gone. Thatā€™s 800 players worth of economic activity, raiding and what-not now gone away.

A community is only as strong as its weakest link.

Isolationism never works for anyone, sadly.

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Oh no, raids and economic interactions that only affect non RPers (and negatively affect RPers: see ADā€™s tmog AH prices compared to other servers) will be gone!

Whatā€™s the loss


How exactly would this hurt RP and the RP community? Maybe its because I woke up not too long ago and half of my brain is asleep, but I just cannot find a downside.

OOCers are not part of RP community. RPers do not rely economically on OOCers.

Are you just using words you think are fancy to make some obscure point? Its not working.

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Well for starters a scarcity will cause prices on things to jump up even higher so those already expensive mog items will become even more expensive.

As above, and because the RP community is not an enclosed bubble as much as people would like to think it is.

They are and will always be part of a server, like it or not.

Now now, its too early in the day to sink to jibes.

Translation: prices will be as high as they already are naturally instead of because of non RPers exploiting RPers.

Damnā€¦ sounds horrible!

I know! See, I know the presence of non-rpers must be a terrible quibble for some, even if theyā€™re basically restricted to one zone but theyā€™re a useful resource to have.
How else are we going to get our Mythic 15+ boosts? Amongst other things. Goodness I need to work on getting the water elemental mount from Jaina mythic. Iā€™d appreciate a steady pair of hands.

Funny, this is all that the PCU does in-house


:muscle: easy
Just have friends and do it with them.

Alas mere mortals cannot rely on autarky. Thus the great unwashed masses of non-roleplayers will remain a constant presence.

What people?

Yeah I know this, but to pretend that they are the modern day Atlas who carries the existence of this server is just lol

Never too late, never too early

They know where to find it

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I usually go after 9PM and before 5AM, call me old fashioned.

No, I just treat them like normal players who are just trying to enjoy the game as much as we do. If anyone blame Blizzard for not offering free transfers off the server.

Thereā€™s a difference between knowing and seeking as well.

The chameleonā€¦

I think I will blame the people who willfully picked AD as their server of choice even if they had no intention to RP at all.


So people either already have a community of RPers to clear mythics with or donā€™t want one? Sounds fine to me.

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git gud, get 15+

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A minority then. I can count on one hand the people who came here deliberately to cause mischief. A great many of the unfortunate souls who made their way here did so in ignorance of what RP was, because their friends were here or because of its population being high.

Sounds about right, people are allowed to peruse the wares in a store after all. Free market and all that.

Sadly my hand cramps up easily using the mouse and keyboard, so i have to rely on the kind services of non-roleplayers to boost me most of the time :frowning:

You donĀ“t ā€œhave toā€ rely on anyone, since doing raids or M+ is not required part of the game. You can witness all story and participate in all content while being casual.


You say that but a while ago it was

Why does this keep happening

I can count way more than that. I can also count not using my hand!

Neither of these is a valid argument tho