Today I will remind you

But why? You are doing a fine job of crying yourself, that river you want will be filled soon enough.

Not okay.


Even if this is true, which I don’t know yet, I still stick to my statement that it’s not okay.

If you wish to argue with someone, don’t call them/compare them to some of the worst beings in history.

You get what you deserve


what’s that?

Even if the person you are talking about is someone you dislike or does reprehensible things, you hold yourself to a hire standard than this. Don’t lower your standards down to get your point across, it’s not a good look. Granted, at this point, me saying this is probably too little too late, but still.

You’ve not come out of this looking all too well and I don’t think that needed to be the outcome.

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my image is the last thing that concerns me, especially my image as seen by these people.

being disliked by these people is a badge of honor. it’s how you know you’re doing something right.

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Negative attention is not the same as positive attention, even though the former can carry someone surprisingly far.

A broken clock is still right twice a day. There’s very few people on an individual level, let alone as a collective, who you’ll find yourself in vast disagreement over everything and anything they do.

There’s no biz like showbiz

we don’t know eachother, but i’m not trying to “get carried” anywhere based on forum posts.

so what?

There’s a first for everything it seems.

To put them plainly, I think you’ve made yourself look a little bit silly with the way you’ve conducted yourself in this thread, and I don’t think that further vitriol and mockery is going to change anything.

No, but still. It’s not just the people you dislike that read and write on the forums, but people beyond that too. It just helps to be a little considerate about the things you type on here.

You don’t need to agree with someone all the time to find that they still have valid points. That’s what I’m getting at.

who does it help exactly?

What an insightful and well written post, truly the pinnacle of voice and reason.

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Generally everyone, since it contributes to a more decent behaviour/atmosphere, and it also helps both your own image as a whole on the server+your own guild.

Playing the tough guy act of “pfft, IDC im to cool to care about what others think w/e” just comes across as kinda douchy and self-important to me.

And it’s usually not the case anyway, since most people who brag about it, tend to care the most in my experience.

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i mean, ultimately my posts were never directed to you, wether you believe me or not is kinda moot, or do I need to repeat myself because I trust you can read just fine

I never said they were about me.

You’re just being agressive towards everyone else for the sake of it. I disagree with that.

ok fair enough, I don’t know you (afaik) and I have no illwill against you, so if you just reread everything ive written with that lens maybe we can be on better terms again.

what grudge, your discord is actively the go to venue for racists and other contemptable people.

you also bragged about your ERP conquests to me and Ganath back on Moonglade so I guess people dont change that much lol