Top 3 best race class combinations (Lorewise)

I think that they only as what people want to see. I mean nobody can say something against athletic elves.

Thats racist :frowning:

Even our Humans (baby race compared to elves and stuff) are better @ magic than Thalassians

Ancient mages like Thalyssra fear Jaina Proudmoore

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Mine top 3 were already told before, so I will not repeat (NE hunter, Human Paladin, Orc Warlock) :smiling_imp:
I will just point out one classic combination which is Blizzard forget. Combination that need more prime time to shine.
That combination is:

Dworf warrior.

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I’m not a racist at this point. You can’t wear colorful sets because it looks terrible with the skin.

  1. Blood Elf Mage(DUH).
  2. Pandaren Monks.
  3. Goblin Alchemist/Engineer.

Going by lore, and not just what is made prominent in-game.

Note: While the races can often do a lot more, these are what they are exceptionally skilled at

Night Elf:
Night elf demon hunter
Night elf druid
Night elf mage (highborne)
Night elf (Moon) Priestess
Night elf Rogue (esp Warden)
Night elf Sentinel
Night elf Hunter

Nightborne Mage
Nightborne Warlock

Blood Elf:
Blood elf Hunter (Farstrider)
Blood elf Paladin (Blood Knight)
Blood elf Mage
High elf Priest

Void Elf:
Void elf Mage
Void elf Priest
Void elf hunter
Void elf Rogue (cos of the void)

Human Warrior
Human Paladin
Human Death Knight
Human Mage
Human Rogue
Human Priest

Kul’tiran Shaman (Tidesage)

Forsaken Priest
Forsaken Warlock
Forsaken Mage
Forsaken dark Ranger
Forsaken Alchemist
Forsaken Rogue
(Forsaken DK???)

Dwarf Warrior
Dwarf Mountaneer (hunter)
Dwarf Archaeologist
Dark Iron Elementalist
Wildhammer Storm Rider (hunter?)

Orc Warrior
Orc Warlock
Orc Shaman
Orc Beast Master
Orc Rogue
Orc Death Knight

Mag’har Shaman
Mag’har hunter
Mag’har warrior

Draenei Priest
Draenei Paladin
Draenei Mage

Lightforged Priest
Lightforged Paladin

Darkspear Troll:
Darkspear Shadowhunter
Darkspear Witch Doctor
Darkspear Loa Priest

Zandalari Loa Priest

Tauren shaman
Tauren Warrior
Tauren hunter

Highmountain Warrior
Highmountain hunter

Gnome Engineer
Gnome Mage
Gnome Rogue

Goblin rogue
Goblin alchemist
Goblin Engineer

Pandaren Monk

Worgen Rogue
Worgen Warrior
Worgen hunter

Note: While the races can often do a lot more, these are what they are exceptionally skilled at


Night elf: - race speaks for itself, it has an exceptionally high skill bar in all these areas based on group: Even though the Illidari we are not sure how much a part of the Darnassian group, they are playable and as such are high.

The night elf mage is the shen’dralar highborne which are the leading mage group amongst the Darnassians, their mastery is phenomenal with only the nightborne and possibly Draenei by lore able to compare. The new darnassian highborne while late to rejoin the party, you must remember the night elf is naturally exceptionally gifted at the arcane - even if part of this group banned its use for 10k years, they were surrounded by it, and the natural talent is still there. As potent as ever.

Blood Elf: Renowned in all those areas. While they can be warriors they aren’t strong, the high elf priest tradition is as strong as the Thalassian mage one. Problem is as blood elves, most of these became paladins, and while you may still have strong priests, mosts of these would on the high elf side, as most blood elves lost faith in the light, and many went on to subjugate the Naaru as paladins and later find redemption.

Void elves mostly mirror the blood elves as they are exiles from current day blood elves as well as also coming from high elves. They gain the rogue expertise because of BFA revealing the void can be used to undetectably cloak you from any magic, which is essential for a rogue

Humans have great renown in all those classes listed. Priest is probably the weakest but in lore they are traditionally quite strong there though not as strong as high elves in general in both mage and preist, however they have produced excellent mages and preists and so that is a strong point. While they also have some great warlocks - it is not their forte, neither is hunting.

Kul’tiran - despite being human, actually seem only exceptional as Tidesages, they have appeared rather average in everything traditional. - if you want to mirror the human strengths amongst them - go ahead, just remove Mage/Priest - because it is only the one famous mage amongst them, and they don’t really ahve a priest culture, it’s more tidesages. However I wouldn’t deny you adding warrior and rogue to them. But certainly not death knight, though they may indeed have some, this is more a Lordaeron human thing

Forsaken: As mentioned, I stand by all the above for them, Warrior is not a strong suit, but warlock is. The question on Death knight can be argued about - forsaken death knights technically should look like humans, with some choosing to be loyal to Stormwind, and others to the banshee queen, however for game play purposes they look forsaken. If this is the theory you accept, then Forsaken Death knights is on the list. If Forsaken DK is something else new, and actually actually a forsaken reborn as a DK for the second time in undeath, then no, it cannot be on the list. THe choice again is yours here.

Dwarf: I couldn’t peg dwarves for anything remarkable outside WArriors, Mountaeers and archaeologists
, go into the realm of the dark irons and wildhammers, you have more interesting notorious dwarf options like Gryphon Riders with lightning hammer strikes and Thermatuges.

Orcs: Are great at quite a range of things like humans. But you can forget Mage and Monk amongst them. WHile the player character is exceptional, he is like the only one.

Mag’har would retain the core orc proficiencies

Draenei I have not really known to be great warriors, their “warrioriing” is more Paladin than warrior. And while shaman, again they are not great great at that.

Lightforged even less so.

Trolls are probably the most diverse, but they are only renowned as hunters and witch doctorts. While having some really good warriors, rogues, perhaps even locks, the race isn’t amongst the greats in any of those, even less so for mages, monks, Dks, Druids.

Zandalari are rpobably stronger than darkspears in nearly every class but the shadowhunter and witch doctor, however their race isn’t GREAT at the things they can be.

Tauren: The trio of shaman , warrior and hunter is all Tauren seem to live for. While they can be druids, priests, paladins and monks, and even good druids, it’s nothing like a culture that is shaman/warrior and hunter to its core (Tauren only also recently picked up druidsm again after the era of the Yaungol).

Highmountain, only saw visible Warrior greatness amongst them, and perhaps hunting, we saw nothing else.

Gnome: I was even loathe to mage there, but we are told they make exceptional mages, but their real forte is engineering, in particular machinery and technology. While they can be a few more classes like hunter/priest/warriors etc, can’t take that serious. Their light and small disposition make them excellent rogues, and we do know a few famous ones if you are into gnomes

Goblins: Love blowing things up, the explosive side of alchmey is their forte, while they are also excellent engineers - with gnomes heavily into machinery, goblins compensate with other inventions but notrious for blowing things up and alchemy
 while Forsaken alchemy is in your face in-game more than Goblin alchemy, if you go by lore, goblins are the front runners in this field, and the forsaken alchemy has really only been focused on due to the task to create new forms of blight and plague. Never forget that in lore the goblins are #1 in Alchemy, having spawned the hobgoblins from taht expertise.

Pandarens: Another jack of all trades, master only of the monk. Yeh, they can do lots of other things, but the one thing they beat all at is at being monks.

Worgen: Well, nothing hunts quite like a wolf huh, and their human side with worgen curse makes them exceptional warriors and rogues too. However mages/priests/druids aren’t things they are notorious for in their culture.


I am curious how many notable Orc Death Knights there are in the world.

I remember the original DKs were all orcish, and seem to keep popping up. So as the race that spawned the class, i couldn’t help but include them. Besides isn’t Teron Gorefiend the most famous Death knight after Arthas, and the first ever? The Lich King, Ner’zhul was also Orcish.

They used human bodies. I mean actual Death Knights. So far only Nazgrim is around.

Was it just the 3? I vaguely remember a lot more, and ofc, orcs being raisable as DKs. However just because another prominent one hasn’t been shown in-game, doesn’t mean the race’s capacity for great DKs isn’t there, as evidenced by the effectiveness of the first generation.

It is within reason to assume, new orcs would make exceptional DKs. Some races just have a talent for things, and though they may not have been iin that field for a while or even millennia, if the lore reveals they have knaak for something, I’ve put it there even if the game doesn’t highlight much in that respect.

kalibas, babe, i love you but your passion for writing reminds me of the horrors of essays.

As for the topic at hand

I’ll stick to non-allied races, I suppose. Someone already said before that it’s hard to pin-point it to just 3.

Human Paladin - Definitely the OG template here. I simply loved Uther in WC3 and how their animations in general felt so fun to play around in the blues.

Blood Elf/High Elf Mage - Simply the staple that is typical and fitting. It just works.

Tauren Hunter - Race formerly built around a nomadic lifestyle to tame a harsh land as Kalimdor. Easy sell for me!


This like 90% of forum members dont even know what means LOREWISE . . .

Any Warlock.
Any DK.

Why? Because the classes are lorewise the strongest.

Draenei Priest
Draenei Paladin
Broken Shaman


Funny you should say
 I use to hate essays at schools
cos we had to write, and I am left handed, so it was always a pain with smudging or bending the wrists in awkward position to see what you write. Hated it - so went into science and engineering.

It was only then I learnt how to touch type, and I could actually write nearly as fast as I was thinking, and boom, I’ve been writing tons since.

Demon Hunters are stronger still.

Oh yeah
strongest Class Discussion

Shadowpriest, Arcane Mage, Warlock, Dk, DH, Druid, Shaman

Can I add the top 3 races of each class:

You can tell races that are prolific in a class based on their history and lore, and also whether they have a natural talent for a class and /or have full on factions or orders within their race or even sub-races/groups dedicated to this.

Once you factor this in you’d be hard pressed to beat this order here.

Death Knight: Human, Orc, Blood elf

Human is obvious, Orc should be too, Blood/High elf have been shown to several times to have been Arthas’ most elite undead units (blood queen/San’lyan, Kolitra etc)

I would say the order is correct from 1st to 3rd place

Demon Hunter: Night & Blood Elf

Only 2 classes possible. The night elf obviously first, not only are most of the blood elf ones killed in TBC, but it was clear the night elves were the trainers.

Also all the demon hunters we meet outside the Black Temple up to before Legion are night elves, and we know night elves have been demon hunters over the last 10,000 years, Illyana Ravencrest was one of the first ones after Illidan.

Druid: Night elf, Tauren, Worgen

Sorry, but troll (both kinds), Worgen and Kul’tirans don’t seem to be anywhere near yet. Was debating whether to even put Tauren. The Loa teaching trolls druidsm is a fairly new thing to them, but no one beats Cenarius or the night elves here racially. Worgen pipe the trolls because they are natural shapeshifters as a race because of the worgen curse, and the story of their cure i think makes them ore naturally attuned. But feel free to debate this

  1. Night elf
  2. Tauren
  3. Worgen
Hunter: Elves, Worgen, Tauren

This was a really tough one: ALL the elf races make excellent hunters, Trolls & Orcs and Dwarves came close, but Tauren and Trolls ahead of both, because Hunting is more culturally present in those cultures than it is dwarves or orcs - although they come a very close 4th and 5th. Worgen again are high up because of their racial disposition: Their claws, their wolf sense, and nature connection with shapeshift make them adept hunters. Tauren just have a strong hunting culture, same as Mag’har orcs, more so than normal orcs

  1. Night elves unseen path/huntresses, Farstriders (blood/void/high) [remember demon hunters are in many respects hunters too]
  2. Worgen
  3. Tauren incl Highmountain: part and parcel
  4. Mag’har Orcs
  5. Trolls: Shadowhunters
  6. Orcs
  7. Dwarves
Mage: Highborne elf, Human (incl Forsaken), Draenei

Highborne includes night elf Highborne, nightborne Highborne, void elf, blood elf - if they are part of or descended from the Highborne night elf they are the best at magic - be careful not to forget the actual night elf who with the nightborne have the original Highborne with them, and while not all of them are Highborne, remember they actually as of Wolfheart have rejoined the Darnassians are once more electing the most talented new night elves to the caste, as well as some original ones who partook in the Long Vigil stopping arcane usage but are now returning to their highborne roots.
Thalassian elves by virtue of being born, having come from night elf highborne sires are ofc also part of this group - this includes all blood elf and void elves. There is no higher concentration of talent with magic than the highborne and their descendants. Now I don’t know if thalassian elves will be more talented than nightborne or highborne (night elves), I don’t think so, i think capacity for talent is the same, but knowledge depth would be higher amongst the shen’dralar night elves and the nightborne arcanists than the others

Gnomes, Dark Irons and Goblins follow, Gnomes was the closest to making top 3, but they are pipped by the Draenei - and whiles blizzard hasn’t shown much of draenei magecraft - if you know your lore, you would know they are exceptionally talented in the arcane even if much of this has not been shown in game.

On raw talent, humans would probably pip draenei in the rankings, but draenei have accomplished more. They won’t beat elves though. Night elf kind has an arcane essence, and the thalassians while being more cautious as high elves, are still full of magic tooo.

  1. Highborne [ Nightborne, Night elf, Void Elf, Blood elf (prob in that order)]
  2. Human & Forsaken
  3. Draenei
  4. Gnome
  5. Goblin
  6. Dark Iron Dwarf
  7. Zandalari
  8. Dwarf
  9. Troll
  10. Pandaren
  11. Orc
Monk: Pandaren

Sorry, no other race comes close, 2nd and third are indeterminate. Everyone is new to being monks, and the lore hasn’t really shown us any truly outstanding non-pandaren monk factions within them. Individuals yet, but the races doesn’t have a faction

Paladin: Draenei (incl esp Lightforged), Human, Blood Elf

This is obvious: While Dwarves and high elves are up there, high elves aren’t playable, dwarves don’t make the cut above those 3. New paladins like Tauren, Night elves, dark irons don’t come close.

Lightforged ofc sit at the top of this, followed by human and blood elf.
In full ranking

  1. Lightforged
  2. Draenei
  3. Human
  4. Blood elf
  5. Dwarven.
  6. Dark Irons
  7. Tauren
Priest: Draenei (incl Lightforged), Night Elf, Zandalari

This one was a tough one. Humans are also way up there, but the Moon Priestesses are a core night elf identity with individuals in a priesthood for nearly 15,000 years still around, and the Zandalari are priest centred culture all through. Humans and Forsaken come in a close 4th as well as void elves in 5th would have to slot behind them. The other priesthoods from Dwarves, goblins, gnomes Tauren, Worgen, Kul’tiran etc are all too far behind.

  1. Draenei
  2. Night elf
  3. Zandalari
    (high elves would have been here)
  4. Human
  5. Forsaken
  6. Void elves
Rogues: Humans (incl forsaken & Worgen), Elves, Orcs

Like Hunters this is a very tough one. All elf races are notorious for being great rogues. orcs have some of the best assassins, and coming straight after them are Gnomes, Goblins, Dwarves

1, Worgen/human/forsaken
2. Elves: Void elves, Night elves, blood elves.
3. Orcs (not Mag’har)
4. Gnomes
5. Dwarves
6. Goblins

Shaman: Orc, Tauren (all), Kul'tiran

Troll immediately after, and not far behind are Dark Irons and Wildhammers, - then the rest really aren’t much to go by, even though they have potential.


  1. Orc
  2. Tauren
  3. Kul’tiran (Tidesage)
  4. Troll incl Zandalari
  5. Wildhammer Dwarf
  6. Dark Iron Dwarf
  7. Dwarf
  8. Draenei
Warlock: Orc, Forsaken, Nightborne

3rd spot was tough. You had Human and Gnome with the Thalassian elf too (void and blood elf). But Nightborne elevated to Felborne - with direct legion knowledge and access as wellas time dilation to catch up. So I would put them ahead. But Human a close 4th. Everyone else is kinda really just an addition.

  1. Orc
    [Void elf?]
  2. Forsaken
  3. Nightborne
  4. Human
  5. Gnome

not sure where to place void elf, could come after nightboren or before forsaken
 really not sure.

Warrior: Orc, Human, Tauren

I thought this would be harder, only dwarves are renowned for these outside those 3, Night elf Sentinels too, everyone else sorta lags behind racially, though warrior is such taht anyone can become. Draenei warriors racially are paladins anyway. Other races really have magical versions.

  1. Orc
  2. Human
  3. Tauren
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That’s a really nice list. But I would suggest you some changes:

I would split Priest in the category Light & Shadow (or Void).

Goblins have such a character there should be tons of rogues under their ranks.

Gnome Warlock.
Gnome Mage.
Gnome Death Knight.

Bonus: night elf monk.

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(X) Doubt Highly