It’s an old term used for dark-skinned humans by a sub-section of roleplayers, been around for years.
Yeah, okay, that’s actually worse than when people call Draenei “xenos” IC.
I hate Stormwind so much.
I could not agree more with your words sir. Right now, correct me if i’m wrong, there is exemples of racism in SW, so the persecution is totally lorebreaking like demons walking in stormwind and death knights getting married. That is why I always tend to ignore racist guilds. But fortunately the last one disbanded
coalskin = dark iron dwarf
Xeno scum.
It should be, but isn’t.
Have you heard of the high elves?
I assume you meant no examples.
Human racism is certainly not a part of this universe in the slightest - the suspicion and fear toward void elves, or someone holding a stereotype that night elves are stuffy and standoffish (to give two easy examples) might be around somewhat but certainly not to a large or overt extent.
Yes, they all died at Teldrassil.
Yeah, no exemple. I apologize
No apology needed! Just took a couple of reads to make sure - missing words happens to the best of us
It’s been a thing for as long as I can remember, it had a bit of an uptick in recent years due to certain real world events and political issues (Not that they’ll ever admit that). But fortunately the majority of people know it’s dumb as hell and dismiss people doing it on the spot.
The hatred towards races people don’t like OOC, like VElves or Pandaren, sadly don’t get that same approach and end up drawing in more people for that very reason. Like they’re happy that there’s already a prejudice against that race on the server, so they have an excuse to follow along. So it ends up in a snowball effect. Fortunately that seems to have puttered out but it’s something I still see pop up now and then.
1: Guard Rpers
2: Myself
3: Growth pot users
4: Myself
5: Most of what everyone else has written in this thread.
Yeah I cant see the justification behind racism in a setting where 90% of the conflicts between factions are due to race and history
isn’t that article about things like a rogue robbing the entire party in a D&D campaign, stuff like that? Not about characters having flaws in general.
Weird comparison
elves are responsible for almost every world-ending threat so far
All racism against them is canonically justified : )
It is written with a tabletop setting in mind but WoW roleplay is basically an extended tabletop session without a DM. The point of the article is that justifying something that hurts roleplay or cooperation - or is otherwise harmful to others - because ‘its what my character would do’ is not helpful.
You decide what your character would do.
Talking about this one?
Looks like the one, yes.
Separate your character’s thoughts from your own thoughts, but don’t forget who is in control of both personalities. The division between your personality and that of your character only goes so far as it helps the game; once it begins becoming a disruption, a player has a responsibility to alter his or her character’s decisions in the interest of the group. In the end, your relationships with the people you are sitting in someone’s living room with are more important than your character’s internal consistency.
o, ye, then I agree in full. But in Race War: The MMORPG (AKA WoW) I don’t really see RPing a racist character as anything particularly harmful. Unless of course it’s done with all the grace of a brick and the character gets magically shielded from any consequence, but that’s a different can of worms.
I do choose my words carefully, Tehya :v
I said it’s a problem if it stifles roleplay or begins to evoke real-world prejudice - ie, when it stops being an IC thing and starts affecting people OOC too.