Society if Hong Kong was free*h-APTad7tOVS0Qe6gO0lCA.jpeg
Society if Hong Kong was free*h-APTad7tOVS0Qe6gO0lCA.jpeg
We really are. Disgusting.
In no particular order…
If you commit a crime in broad daylight, expect to be punished. If cause injury, be alright with being injured yourself.
People whose characters are like this precious little creation they have to protect. That’s very much meta in my book.
So basically, attributing traits to your character that you can’t OOCly deliver on.
For example, writing that your character is sassy in your TRP, but failing to actually make them humourous, or call them charming when they’re pretty socially awkward when you interact with them.
My favourite was when I was playing a character who had a missing right arm, and a guy kept emoting how perspective and observing their character is… while they failed to even look at my currently, making the oh so observant character not notice an entire arm missing and try philosophizing out why they “refused” a handshake.
That was great.
It’s an unwritten rule that way too many people just very subtley break without realizing it. The extreme that’s easily detectable us actually fairly rare.
People who aren’t willing to learn.
“I’m not into addons, I won’t download TRP3.”
“I think a half night elf half human teenager is just fine from a lore perspective.”
“Stop flaming and let me just have fun.”
Noob RPers are just fine, I’m happy to help even, because I adore talking about RP. I could probably chat about it for hours.
But people who’re just go “nah, this is fine” and ignore your advice or correction, can go lick a potatoe
People who want to just RP with you. Okay, I appreciate folks wanting to do RP, but when I see them only logging on when I log on, and their character’s interaction is pretty much with just mine, now that is just… lame. And unnerving. And makes me feel guilty, for some reason. I hate it.
I just want to dual wield in hunter. ;_;
People who accuse others of meta-gaming for no reason.
While true some characters are a walking WoWpedia, it’s perfectly plausible for a character to be reasonably world aware.
I find characters who know every little detail irritating, but broad events of the world can easily be known by someone who wants to be informed of things. Sadly the two get lumped together at times, as though if your character dares know about Mechagon merely existing then they’re automatically a walking WoWpedia to some. Among other examples.
“Also people who swear constantly, especially if it’s a race that makes no sense for them to swear are the lowest common denominator of RPer.”
THIS! So much this! This especially peeves me off when its something like a Draenei or a Nelf…Its like for christ sake man, you’re likely a being who’s age is, at the least in the triple digits, why the hell are you swearing like a 12 year old who’s just discovered his/her first swear word?
Or a Pandaren. Nothing says inner peace like throwing three Fs and a C into a sentence in caps.
I know right? Truth be told though, even young races like Humans, I still roll my eyes every time I see one swearing as though they’re out on a saturday night in the town, hell don’t get me wrong, a few swear words here and there, I can accept, but when you can’t go one sentence without adding an F-bomb or a C bomb in there…I’m sorry, then I refuse to take you seriously. xD
the F and C bombs are low-brow regardless of their frequency. It’s an enormous fantasy setting with an endless variation of things to turn into curses, just using modern slang is
Maybe, but what I’m saying is when you can barely go a few paragraphs without all sorts of modern swear-words, and I apologize if I sound callous, but to me it just screams “I lack any wit or creativity so must resort to modern swear words to sound cool”
Absolutely. People like that are hardly even making an effort to RP, they’re just living out a weird second life persona
Glad we agree on this much ^^
The F-bomb’s been around in its ‘modern’ parlance since at least 1310, and the c-bomb as a mutation of ‘queynte’ reputedly since 1230 (although using it in that sense wasn’t considered an insult until much later, merely an anatomical descriptor). This notion that our ancestors didn’t swear just as much as we do is very strange.
It’s low-brow, certainly, but not anachronistically so.
People who don’t use swear words either come off as pompous Shakespeare wannabees or just stuck up prudes.
Swearing is a thing that normal people do. It’s something people do even more depending on situation, social status, etc. If your character doesn’t swear, they should have a good reason for it.
I feel like trying to do “Fantasy swears” is more jarring though.
Swearing can be used to draw attention to what’s being said, and if you use a made-up fantasy swear, the thing you’re drawing attention to will inherently feel sillier because the brief recognition of “hehe, fake swears because fantasy world” kinda pulls you out of the immersion when you read them.
For example: “They’re coming out of the godd**n ground!” vs. “They’re coming out of the Gul’damned ground!”
Big difference, I think.
For me, it’s less about swearing being anachronistic, more about how well it suits the setting and themes of World of Warcraft. When playing a character, I try to stick to what that sort of character behaves like according to Blizzard. Goblins can use a lot of modern parlance while still feeling thematic, while other races can sound downright archaic.
What’s key is that profanity is very limited, outside of a few specific instances. There’s not even any ‘fantasy profanity’ to replace it, so using ‘fel’ a lot strikes me as bizarre. We’re playing the roles of characters in World of Warcraft, so why don’t we just type our characters’ dialogue as though they’re World of Warcraft characters?
We’re probably playing Classic tbh.
Maybe they were just raised to be better than that. Maybe they hold themselves to a higher standard by default.
You are roleplaying a character in the Warcraft universe. Not a normal person.