Top 5 Worst Types of People to RP with?

Depends on what you class as living entities.

Do you think having two moons is the problem with that? It’s not. Earth having two moons wouldn’t wipe us all out.

Everything ranging from people that post on draenei, bugs all the way to mammals.

We must test this to be sure.

since we’re counting Draenei posters Then yes, Microbiology

this is genuinely and rather interesting.

You know what’s used very sparingly? LGBT relationships and characters. There were none for over 6 years in WoW. Can we say those don’t exist?

It’s almost like this is a PG12 game and Blizzard is making sure not to insult soccer moms. Does torture not exist, because the game doesn’t really show it? What about Garona, how was she made? I bet it wasn’t the Shadow Council charming Draenei women with their party tricks. What about the Darkshire pregnancies that all result in stillbirths ? What about Keristrasza, who got REDACTED by Malygos into insanity?

Just because WoW doesn’t hit you in the face with those things doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

If you want to keep the chat clean and kid friendly power to you but don’t give me that BS about swearing not existing, it’s just pants on head stupid.

Blizzard retconned that to something more innocent. Gul’dans dark magic I believe instead of the original insinuation. So yeah Blizzard is aware of keeping things relatively clean.


Mate. Is the circus in town again? :clown_face: Because “used sparingly” doesn’t equal “it doesn’t exist”. Don’t quote someone else’s words and then literally claim them to be different. Weak move, mate, weak move. I’m not even going to bother debunking your post because I can tell you’re just grasping at straws here.


Unless there’s something more recent than chronicles 2 that touches on it, she was explicitly the child of a draenei prisoner (Maraad’s sister) and a Bladewind orc warrior. Chronicles doesn’t explicitly use the term “rape” but the implication is pretty clear.

We also have the movie version of Garona if that fancies someone. In which Medivh was a interplanar traveller years before becoming both the Guardian and the Dark Portal’s creation, and fell in love with an orc and had Garona before going back to Azeroth, making her half-human rather than half-Draenei.

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Especially weird when you know that in the MU Garona x Medivh was a couple and now she’s his daughter.



Just all kinds of nope.

Well you posted, so I guess so.

They wanted Garona the half-orc but didn’t want to mention draenei in the film intended for people not familiar with the source material. It’s not canon.

Well you posted, so I guess so.

why does everyone think ‘n-no you’ is a good comeback


Because you don’t need a comeback against a clown.

n-no you



Just give up lmao


I know that’s the reason, but it’s still very bizarre since they show Draenei throughout the opening being kept in cages and used to fuel the Dark Portal.

Also the entire Medivh interplanar traveller background makes zero sense whatsoever.


How did we all rate the Warcraft movie?

I gave it a 7/10 and my father gave it a 6/10 when we went to go see it.

It should have been 100% animated as the entire human half of the film looks terrible and is written terribly