My point is not denying that RP doesn’t occur in RP-PvP servers. For most purposes, you can call them RP servers, in the end it is just a technicality, but it should still be noted that they have different dynamics especially when it comes to player-based interactions and this makes them vastly different from one another.
The comparison between griefing in AD and griefing in DB is too different to use the latter to predict the same outcome in the former.
If you quoted even the whole phrase, right?
I mean, I could select a few random quotations and make it look like you’re contradicting yourself aswell, it wouldn’t be true however. Just read?
I think you mean, for all purposes, they can be considered RP servers. Labelling them as something else is probably the mindset those griefers had in the first place. Blocked out the RP part and focused on the PVP part.
It could be, it could also be an RP-PvP server.
In the end, debating the label is just nitpicky. It’s fine if you want to call it an RP server, there is a sense in which it is correct, but if you think that this means the player interaction is the same, then it is incorrect.
That’s cuz he’s talking about wierd stuff now. I still believe we shouldnt boot out ALL oocers for the actions of the few. But saying that servers labelled RP are different because griefers grief is
It’s not because of griefers, but because the dynamics are different.
If you have a different gameplay, a different ruleset, then you have a different gaming experience.
It doesn’t make the roleplayers that come from RP-PvP servers less roleplayers, and it doesn’t detract any value from any role-playing that occurred on those servers, it just means there were interactions, in that server, that won’t occur on AD, and they won’t because AD isn’t an RP-PvP server, the keyword being “PvP”.
Except the gameplay is entirely the same. The rules are the same. The game is entirely the same. I doubt there is much is done differently between how people do their RP on Argent Dawn compared to how it was on DB. Help me out here DB veterans of the Great War.
Or did everyone on DB RP as if they were Aristotle and Socrates where as we Argent Dawners are persian peasant 1 and 2?
Potentially or potentially not: depending on the number of people that would attack those cities and the number of rivalries that had been created through world PvP, which was likely a huge catalyst for negative feelings.
In the end, a small mechanic such as the PvP tag can go a long way.
They’re not although. Otherwise it wouldn’t be a PvP realm.
For all people pretend the servers had these unique cultures outside of sometimes having things like “all the gnomes are inexplicably scouse here” they really didn’t