I usually buy cheap low-fantasy transmogs, so I barely have to freeze an item. I just skip mounts and pets. I’d be in for lowering the cost of items but not for adding extra chores. I think this is Blizzard’s intention though: we have had it at least one month when we were allowed to earn more tender. Just another carrot on a stick. So long it is fun and rewarding, fair enough, but if it was just another chore then I would probably just skip it. Not even the Trading Post keeps me subbed when I do not enjoy the game itself.
As some1 who loves tmog the most, everytime a new month comes im more stressed out rather then happy because i never have enough tenders to buy things I LIKE, (i dont hoard stuff…)
There needs to be some upgrade ASAP its the only reason i keep the sub going espescially in times like these where we wait for new patch/expansion.
That flashy scarab that was returned fits my new zekvir mog.
Wastewander looks cool and so does golden mecha.
So expensive month for me
Most months have been really bad recently and i’ve gotten the few things i want from them.
But i also don’t buy the mounts or collect pets.
I think it’s OK, and set about right, BUT I don’t have a great eye for transmogs. Every month I look at stuff and think “man that’s ugly”, and scroll past it. Then later I see someone that’s bought it and mixed and matched it with other stuff and I regret not buying it, because they look great.
Just don’t buy any transmorgs and u can buy all pets toys and mounts every time
If that works for you that’s great. It doesn’t for me. Some players like more than just mounts.
I really hate the shoulder flap cloaks but many seem to love those.
There is already a distinction between active and non active players.
Non active players only get guarenteed 500 Tenders every month as we need to actively do tasks every month to get another 500.
My problem is we are missing out permanently on those additional 500 if we take a break from WoW for whatever reason. Also there where some bundles that offered additonal Tenders for purchase
So I think for a starter they should collect the maximum number of Tenders one could get from doing all the activities and purchases and each month a player could earn via activities additional tenders but only as long as the total limit is not reached. This way it would prevent FOMO because if a player for some reason has no energy or possibility to play WoW they can when they have, earn the missed tenders back.
Then we would just offer Tender Purchase over circumstances. Because similar to recruit a friend, player could just make himself a second license or account to sell himself all those additional Tenders until he has everything. So then instead of getting more tenders with a few activities each month we would pay twice as much for WoW for twice the number of Tenders which would then open the door for asking to just buy Tenders just like you can just buy a character boost.
So no thanks to Tender Trade. Just make the tenders that you missed earnable so that even those additional tenders from Deluxe Add-ons are merely a 2 year headstart on tenders.
I think needing to make a choice is intended.
I think the prices of some things are off though. Battlepets are normally 300? tendies, this month some are at 600. I don’t understand why.
Another save month for me lol
I think I’ve only had one of those and it just allowed me to buy the reserved item for a change.
I also dont understand the logic of how normally mounts are put as 800 tendies and then for few times now Ive also seen some random weapons put as 600 or even 800 tendies, so paying 800 tendies for just one item that can only be used by specific classes that can use such weapon vs mount that can be ridden by every character one has. The pricings just seem random now when Im trying to think the cost and value for them and so on.
The price variations are odd
I agree that we will never be in a position where we can buy everything. We are intended to have to make choices. Just feels like some months I can afford the mount and nothing else. Why do they have to vary in cost so much for the same type of items.
Get the community to complain about the cost ratio to the earnings and then announce that the COMMUNITY asked for it so they have obliged. Either get a monthly pass or purchase them in the store.
Yep, I believe that could be the reason they make it frustrating but adding tenders to the store defeats the whole purpose of the trading post.
The trading post is supposed to be a way to get stuff in game by completing activities. Some of the items in the post are already in the shop so then why buy tenders?
Personally I would advocate to allow players to sell them on the AH
It’s already hard to make gold these days, I don’t know how many of us could afford to buy tenders in the AH as I assume it would be quite pricy.
Would just feel like another way for Blizz to sell tokens if they allowed players to sell their excess tendies.
I agree, I’m restrictive in what I ‘buy’. This month I got the gun transmog and that’s it.
It’s fine to not get all you want.
Would just feel like another way for Blizz to sell tokens if they allowed players to sell their excess tendies.
You’re right, the only acceptable solution for me is to increase the amount of tenders we can get monthly with in game activities.
Monetizing the trading post would sour the whole thing.
I prefer they keep it the way it is now than involve real money transactions.
How do you feel about the trading post? Are you finding things are too expensive and your tender disappears to quickly? Or is it about right? Are you someone who rarely finds something you want to buy, what kind of things would entice you to spend tender?
I usually don’t have issues with the trading post.
Often there will be something I like and want; sometimes there isn’t.
I don’t mind not being able to buy everything I want. Sure, sometimes it can be a bit disappointing, but having to make a choice about what thing you want the most is interesting to me.
Would I like more tender or lower prices? Sure, of course I wouldn’t say no to being able to get more. But I also understand the idea behind the trading post and I’m fine with that.