Trust Level 3 + Flag Abuse ACC bound šŸ§ (update)

Just donā€™t lose your trust level 3, you will never get it back.

Iā€™ve lost mine twice and got it back so


How long did it take? I donā€™t have mine back and I have a ticket saying Iā€™ll never get it back.

Now this it necessarily wouldnā€™t. Since i.e. most my accounts are not connected. If I log into forums on alternate account for Blizzard it would be fully different account. I have also live-world-example of this. When I lost my T3 1st time, I made a ticket, but was logged into different account management (forum and account management are different log-ins here!) and so ticket I made under Az on forums was sent them as ā€˜someone elseā€™ and so had to re-do whole process.

Itā€™s still a lot less abuse than the current system.



Plus mods donā€™t always seem to be completely impartial imo.

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I just wish they merge ā€œpersonalitiesā€ to : one account, one voice.


I donā€™t think weā€™ll ever see it go to bnet so youā€™re pretty safe on that front.

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Had it 3 times.

I no longer have the right to post gifsā€¦ send help to get me through these difficult times! :crying_cat_face:


First time took about 50 days after the ban lifted and the second time was about 60 days but that was after a break when it had degraded so I had to read all posts etc again and had a blip in the middle with game time which may have affected it

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My ban started on 11/12/19 so it ended on 14/12, more than 50 days ago, so Iā€™ll wait and see what happens.


The counter resets too I think so you need to do the read posts and likes requirements again too

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I wonder how you tell what is lacking for the requirements?

Edit: I just checked and I canā€™t post links.

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I agree with this same person and multi accounts can and has led to it being abused.

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You start all over from 0 so everything again all the visits and post read and likes . I will just never get it not one day goes by with a post being flagged even if not banned or silenced all still counts.
And if you have a person and there clique reporting you and they play within the rules your stuffed.


That is a function that is sadly missing, we can see a total but not one for the last 50/100 days which would be more helpful for TL3

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Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve had enough since the ban, the counters did not reset so it may be hidden. Oh, and the ban before in March that did not remove my level 3.

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Well i wish you good luck i wount get it until certurn other poster/posters leave pass caring though they can have there fun they sure as hell will not break me as im better and stronger than them in every sense .


The only thing I really miss is the ability to use links, if that was level 2 I wouldnā€™t care.

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If you are been harassed report them via a ticket! That blue post says they will look into peopleā€™s flag histories for alt flagging etc x

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