Trust Level 3 + Flag Abuse ACC bound šŸ§ (update)

Hahā€¦ Whateverā€¦ I wasted 50$ already :rofl:
Too late Blizzard :sob:

You can still use the </> option, not perfect but a work around easier for people to copy paste your link


Yeah I know about that but I canā€™t post any gif or anything like that.

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Nice TL3ers will post your gifs for you until you get TL3 back

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The person in question plays within the rules just about as i have had long chats with GMs . I recently had a 3 month ban resended once they investigated more . I still had to serve a week out of the 3 months by the time all tickets were sorted but it cost me my chance of rank 3 for first time i shouldnt have falling for there bait. You know me i will not back down and i will not let them have last word.

You need to be more like me and laugh at the pixels x my evil eye glint is brilliant on these forums then I go argue on Twitter with my stalker on her 20 accounts to let off steam :rofl:


Well i have you,Puny,Sinaaki,Radium and Korrina that either tells me to cool down on here or on tag or disc and its helping . But my red head takes over when people are sarcastic and obtuse.


That would be the way Discord works by default.

I think it was very considerate of the responsible team not just to throw it on like that.

Itā€™s good to have a choice of which of your characters you want to post on, which face you want to show, which voice you want to use. Yes, the art team destroyed our characters and their faces, but there is enough left to pretend at least to be distant-cousin echoes of the originals.

On a very practical note, itā€™s also good to see the character when someone new posts asking for help - to be able to see what quests they have done, what gear they have equipped without further questioning, which can be a bit painful in an async communication.

I realise some prefer the character posting, I just see options to abuse. Itā€™s not like they are actually considering changing it to bnet though so itā€™s nothing to worry about. Just my personal preference.

Just make liking account wide and cause every character to link towards an overall profile without the ability to hide the profile

How it is abuse, when they would remove ability to character based reporting ? What would you gain knowing me I am ā€œsomethingsillyrelatedtocompoutersā€ or ā€˜Azā€™ as you know now.

Use of bnet would actually mean Iā€™d stop posting hereā€¦ Although some would greet that news !

Feels odd that people that is nicer than me got banned and I never got a ban after posting after over a decade.

Pretty sure I was close before I realized how the MVPā€™s posted and I learned how to express myself.

They had good influence on me!

That is wonderful. I lost my Level 3 because someone mass spamming a post that I made. I hope I can appeal and get that joker suspended.

You can appeal and they look into the flags and anyone caught multi flagging is banned .
They really do need to sort something about people with multi none connected accounts though as they can spam the system.

I see lots of posts also about people losing trust level and I truly didnā€™t understand the levels as I have only recently become active in the forums but now, knowing a little more, I personally think this is what causes a lot of the problems. It is open to abuse and this is because some people can and letā€™s face it, will go out of their way to do this, to ensure that someone loses this level. Is it jealousy because they donā€™t have this level/abilities? I donā€™t know absolutely, but I think it may be a part of it.

Not everyone will agree with this but itā€™s just my personal view :slight_smile: The current system is carrot and stick, if you post x amount of times, if you like x amount of times, if you read a certain amount of posts and so on you gain the coveted level 3 and can post links, memes. Why not remove this completely? Give everyone the Trust Level 3 to begin with and then turn it around and make the system so that you lose a level if you misbehave, carry on misbehaving and causing problems/friction and you face further restrictions or a ban. Anyone can meet the current criteria for gaining the Trust Level 3 it just takes time, I believe fewer people would want to lose the privileges that come with the level 3. I am not saying this is the whole answer because in ways it would still be open to abuse, but most systems are, itā€™s hard to make anything so robust that nobody can abuse it.


I can make the perfect post and it will still get flagged . Couple posters in this thread have admitted in other threads they go out of there way to wind up others for fun for forum PvP and they and there little cliques will flag you.


I understand that hun and I agree, but what do you lose? You lose the ability to post (if a ban) or you lose the trust level privilege. I was trying to think of ways where flagging someone for no reason would not be so appealing :slight_smile: Itā€™s not the best idea, but I am just saying if you take away the reasons people have to do this (making people lose trust level) it might result in fewer flags, especially those that flag for the wrong reasons.


Someone tried that with me :rofl: I turned it round and ended up having a laugh with them when they realised I wasnā€™t going to bite. Kill them with kindness :smiling_imp:


To be honest if it wasnt for you and some others i would walk away and let them think they had the last word. But after years of abuse and other things this lady will not give them that joy just yet :kissing_heart:

I am talking about the current system and the abuse theyā€™ve left themselves open with from day one by NOT going for a single character restriction or battle net.