Trust Level 3 + Flag Abuse ACC bound 🧐 (update)

I see this post and I agree with the single character restriction, but not battle net as I know some prefer to try and keep their anonymity as much as possible.

But then I also read

and I agree with this too :smiley: Is there a system that would please everybody? I would say no. At the core though I think ‘forum pvp’ is a thing and maybe if we take away the ‘perceived’ reward for this i.e. getting others banned or losing trust levels, it might reduce it slightly.

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Good for you I never got mine :rofl: :+1:.

Stop being a bad boy then :rofl:

I wasn’t being a bad boy for 2 and a half months now :rofl: should have gotten it by now but anyway I’m just salty.


You shouldn’t care much about it. You can lose your Trust level just with a single post.
I’m pretty sure I’ve lost mine for giving examples with censurable words.

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Wow really it’s that strict?.

At least I think it is.
I don’t know how to read this numbers, I could be wrong.

If it works like others forums then I should have lost it.

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Well thank you for the information now that I know how the system works I don’t think it’s really worth it that much.

I repeat though, I’m not sure!
If I may ask, are you really active? I remember I got mine after 82 days of activity, less than the usual 100, but I used to use my phone and iPad quite alot for other things and time to time (smoke break) I took a look to the forums.

I don’t think it’s much related to the amount of post you do, for instance having 1k post vs 600 post. Perhaps it’s more about reading time and likes.

I permitted myself you ‘analyze’ our profiles, comparing your statistics with mine there’s a difference.
I have 108 days visited without getting a silence nor a ban (I least I don’t think I have).
You have 286 days visited, including silences (I assume you’ve been silence).
So in theory you’re should count as someone more active, because you’ve visited the forum for a longer time.

You’ve read 68.4k posts.
I’ve read 66.8k posts.
My reading time is 17 days, yours is 16. That means I’m more actively reading the forums than you.

So if the system values reading time more than anything someone like me would get Trust level 3 faster than someone like you.
PS: It’s just an analysis based on an hypothesis that could not be true, I mean no harm nor offense.

Edit 2: overthinking.
What I mean by you shouldn’t care much is: you shouldn’t change the way you think or post in order to please others and have a Trust level.
Sure, you can like the idea of having something such as a Trust 3, but I wouldn’t recommend to get to the point that affects your posting in an impactful way.

When I post something I don’t look for likes or agreements, I don’t look to please posters or Blizzard.
I appreciate those likes, when I noticed someone continues to likes my post for me means that they tend to agree with the post I’ve made that’s it.

If you want to speak your mind you should do it the way you find appropriate.

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To get level 3 you have to visit in the past 2 months some 20.000 forum posts and receive and give some hundreds of likes, also don’t have any posts flagged.

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Oh… I see. Thanks for the clarification.

So, for example, if someone has been ban or silence; they read for two months the forums and don’t receive flag they can get it?


For me the reading 20k posts was the longest, but got it in 52 days atleast.
Edit: didnt mean to reply but here we are :3

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From the post that I’ve read they implied to never have been sanctioned, yet again people say they got banned and then they got it back so I couldn’t tell you.

I think it depends on the severity of these bans though.

Perhaps depends of the severity or frequency of the ban?

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I think you can lose it if you get an account action in game too but not 100% clear on that.

I lost it after a ban on the forums then got it back and lost it again after I let my game time run out and took a break from WoW for a bit so this is the third time I’ve had it.

Two forums bans and one sub break hasn’t stopped me from earning TL3 :woman_shrugging:

Found the link:


Get to trust level 3 by…

  • Must have visited at least 50% of last 100 days
  • Must have replied to at least 10 different topics
  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 500 topics
  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 20,000 posts (both starting posts and replies)
  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.
  • Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
  • Must not have been suspended (including forum suspensions or in-game account actions of any Blizzard game)

I think the fact that some like to chop and change so much is why they allow people to swap characters and it’s definitely of more value to RPers.

Bnet isn’t the full ID though, all the numbers at the end don’t appear, this is how all the other Blizzard forums function. So you still can’t add anyone if you don’t actually know the numbers that go at the end of the Bnet ID. So I only appear as Puny, not Puny#1234 (that isn’t my ID obviously).

The changes they are making are needed but could have been avoided if they’d just not gone this route in the first place.

You do know we have our own pinned FAQ as well in EU :wink:

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That’s the link I had in my browsing history. :stuck_out_tongue:

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