Trust Level 3 + Flag Abuse ACC bound 🧐 (update)

I wonder if this bit is the stumbling block for some people then? Are they getting in game silenced during the 50 days without realising it affects TL3 :thinking:


That might be a possible cause, yes.

I welcome this change if it goes through… then it can shut poeple up who think I mass flag because I have more than one account on my


Interesting. May I ask the reasons why you receive a ban?

Sorry for mentioning, @Halicos why did you receive a ban?

I’m curious :no_mouth:. Could depend on the reason of the ban.

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First I was baited and said something I shouldn’t have and second for making a joke that was apparently “trolling” :rofl: both highly unfair!!


So they were flag as trolling, not spam nor inappropriate?

According to this:

Anyone who has receive an inappropriate or spam flag (five of those) should not be able to get it anytime soon.


That’s where the flag abuse comes is, someone flagging on 5 alts :confused:

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Indeed. From what I understand, it seems people who have receive one of those two specific flags would be unable to get Trust level 3.

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The first one was an alt flagger, he flagged me on about 7 alts (maybe more) and got me the ban and himself banned then followed me around the forum for a while harassing me and flagging me, using his alts to like himself and reply to himself. Was very weird :rofl: he even popped back up a few months later to start again.

I think he flagged me for inappropriate but I don’t really know.

It does state that the 5 flags is for the last 100 days though so everyone should be able to gain TL3 even after a ban it just resets the counter.

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From what we understand any action against you seems to reset your progress towards trust levels.

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I think me and you figured out it was 16 times .

I cant mention the persons name but the do have TL3 after what you described .

No as I know 3 users who don’t have TL3 but all the requirements but never silenced ingame .

You can get it but you must do the whole thing all over again been close as you know to getting it only 2 fail at the last moment .

If you did do it you would get a min of 14 days ban and ive never seen you quiet for more than 10 hours :wink:

Do they play any other blizzard games that they’ve have an action on? It does specify any blizzard games which sucks a fair bit!

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Nope like me pure WoW

I have had a few lasting 3 days.

Yes that’s what I said, it resets your progress :stuck_out_tongue:

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Weird indeed.

I think your case is a bit specific since your flag wasn’t a justify flag, aka not an alt flag.

Let say:
If 10 different people with different accounts flag your post as spam you’ll be justifiably suspended. Therefor when your suspension will end you will return to the forums unable to get Trust level 3.

If 10 different alts flag your post as spam you’ll be suspended for an unjustifiable reason. So, in theory, you’ll be able to earn Trust level 3.

I think this too.

After being ban for spam or inappropriate? If so then my theory falls apart.

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Imm have to express my displeasure at the suggestion which says that battlenet account name is visible.

I suppose I could whine about privacy, or account theft protection but really, I’m just embarrassed. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I need more coffee :coffee:

I am on my first :coffee:

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I have asked about this myself as I have served a few vacations(19) and you can earn it .

No no there are people who have 10 different accounts which are not connected that can still mass flag you ,although recently after a blue post I think Blizzard have now caught onto that .

I have never sworn or anything along those lines just I have been told by blizzard I am to blunt and come across as sarcastic in my posts that and I have a fan group that no matter what I get flagged for which is a shame as I have had 2 bans recently squashed and takes up there time .

I make you another later

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