Trust Level 3 + Flag Abuse ACC bound 🧐 (update)

No I don’t think that’s how it works because I the moderators know if it’s alt flagging and I spoke to a GM who indirectly indicated that they were aware but still held up the ban, if they saw it as unfair they would have removed it surely?

I think it works on a reset basis, you get a ban you have to start earning TL3 from scratch but because it’s harder to monitor the post and like count or people get silenced in game it’s hitting roadblocks. It could even be that people are getting 5 flags but no bans and that is stopping TL3 but because we don’t get told which posts are flagged unless one post gets enough to be hidden :woman_shrugging: we are at sea

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Like my last one I still had to serve a week out of the 3 month one I got .

I had to serve the whole thing

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Now that is unfair :unamused: because the hassle you got went on far to long and was unjust I remember that day that person was foul.

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I think inappropriate depends on interpretation in some cases. Obviously, there are some post that clarity fall into that category, but maybe moderators can find something inappropriate even if it doesn’t seem to be.

It sound like harassment, doesn’t it? If same people keep flagging your posts no matter the reason, in my opinion means more than just disagreement.

The alt-flagging was unfair, but perhaps the ‘trolling’ flag wasn’t? Could be a reason why they keep the ban.

That’s enlightening. Could be.
If Trust level reset from any action against you then yes, there’s high possibility people can’t earn Trust level 3 because others keep flagging their posts.

As much as I like the new forums, the move to character specific profiles was a step backwards in my humble opinion, so I look forward to these changes.


In my view they should remove the whole system and employ more mods ,far to many people are getting flag for wrong reasons just because the other person/people don’t like there tone or being stood against .

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Agreed, the system can be easily abused, limiting the chances of getting bonuses (Trust level) just because someone dislike a poster in a personal level. It’s too subjective.

What would you suggest? Any idea?

We need active moderation, if moderators took on a visible presence on the boards and stepped in to calm situations down, give out a small “hey guys your starting to step over the line here” I bet 80% of flags wouldn’t happen.

If we actually saw them we would be more careful in our own behaviours including flagging as a form of harassment.

Even if they gave MVP powers of moderation or added a player moderation team it would be better than a secret team of ghost moderators imo.


Sadly that would be illegal in the EU as we are not paid. Besides, we get enough flak without getting more for modding :slight_smile:

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A lot more people seem to get punished since we moved here, for things that never seemed to even register on the old forums.

You would have the ban hammer though!!

I’ve moderated chat rooms for free, didn’t know they were supposed to pay me?!?!

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I didn’t know that either and I presume that is only in the context of official forums. I have no idea, many of us have been moderators/administrators of our own private forums.

I don’t know if it is France in particular or EU as a whole, but I know a few CM’s that were told to go home when they wanted to work late as they are not allowed to do any free overtime due to labour laws.

WoW is like Star Citizen: Things take Aegis.

They have very different funding models, though. :smirk:

I guess only allowing other people to flag another person once across all your alts (the acc bound part) that would at least be a step forward.


I am curious, a little off topic but not too much I hope, does the trust level (or lack of it) apply all through the forums? I mean if you made say a recruitment thread for a guild or community and put in links, would the links expire or not work if you did not have the correct trust level?

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Never seen you as salty poster.

Anyway I didn’t know I was trust lvl 3 - there should be some kind of notification about it, also possible to track the progress of trust lvl.

I don’t care about trust lvl but I would like post gifs and images sometimes.

4 Likes (an idea🤣)

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Worst case scenario you could go back and edit any links, highlight them and use the </> button. You can do that at any trust level.