Trust Level 3 + Flag Abuse ACC bound 🧐 (update)

A notification would be nice, but otherwise going to your profile (not armory) and adding .json can show what trust level you’re at.

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I wish there was a way to track these requirements. I know I’ve lost my TL3 because I’ve failed one of them, or several, but I don’t know which one.

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I think we need this as soon as possible to be honest…


I know that in US they can moderate and do things from home. I have heard them doing it so on Bethesda forums, some of the team used that time for more personal chats and less for moderating and official stuff though. :face_with_monocle:


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Thank you Punyelf, I will try that :slight_smile:

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Trust level system is the biggest garbage I’ve ever seen. Old forums didn’t have this and they were just fine.

Imagine having to be a good boy and be constantly active without any breaks or bans in order to be able to post direct links and gifs. Pathetic…

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To be fair on the old forum we couldn’t post anything like gifs and we were far more limited. It was mostly text.

I think some people see it as a chore to gain trust levels and maintain them where I think they are only really intended to be a passive thing. It is not easy to see what trust level you are or what you need to do to ‘level’ up. I think they could improve those areas and your trust level itself should show on your profile.

I do think people get reported far more due to the way the tools work now as well.

If it was supposed to be a passive thing, then it wouldn’t be removed if you don’t meet the quota or get temporarily banned. This is ridiculous.

Trust level system shouldn’t exist. It shouldn’t be improved. It should be thrown into trash can where it belongs.

I guess we have different views on passive, just because you lose things just because you aren’t active enough doesn’t mean it’s not passive.

But we definitely have people who go out of their way to actively obtain it and it’s no surprise if you aren’t naturally that active that you struggle to maintain it.

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So if I take a break for a while, I should lose my trust level 3? Shall we also remove MVP from half the posters who didn’t post actively for years?

I’ve earned it. I shouldn’t have to re-earn it again if I don’t happen to fulfill all the quota.


I guess that the things are different for an MVP. :roll_eyes:

I feel like you need a hug?!?!


No, I don’t need a useless hug.

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Can I have one? :hugs:

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What about a cookie?


I need my trust level back. Which I probably will never get because I got banned few months ago…

oh… I didn’t know that… My condolences, be brave young Tauren!




Hey can I have one aswel?.Hugs are so nice and warm :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.