Two New WoW Classic Realms Now Open In This Region

One day out of literally hundreds lost, oh no :open_mouth:


How would that be fair on anyone rolling a fresh character? At least give the server 2 weeks before allowing transfers to it.

Otherwise the meta for that server will be to transfer :stuck_out_tongue: would be pointless actually starting fresh on a new server

Please give people on full populated realms a free transfer to lower populated servers. :slight_smile:


Spanish server When?


Give us free realm transfersā€¦ Iā€™m on a server that has 17k in queue and most of us donā€™t want to leave since we have invested massive amounts of time in the server itselfā€¦

If we have free realm transfers most of us would move to the free servers.


All the post launch servers getting sick cool namesā€¦ the OG servers have crappy names then you come out with Judgement and Bloodfang! good way to get people to try and switch ehā€¦ i see what you done.


I bet paladin will be the most played class on Judgement lol

massive ??? with a q 17k , i really wonder what lvl you got.

its not hard to lvl a char up to 15 you know


People already in my guild have lvl25+ charsā€¦ We would love to jump onto a new server but we need a free transfer! Thereā€™s just too much time investment in Firemaw on our side already. Some ultimately refuse starting it all over and so onā€¦ itā€™s not that easy. Bring free server transfer and I imagine quite a few people are jumping and the servers will balance out.

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Level 20-30 isnt much time spent considering there is literal hundreds of days worth investment :slight_smile:


Iā€™m soon to be 24.
And yes it is hard to get to level 15 when you compete for mobs with half the server.

Thereā€™s a simple fact, that because I have invested so much on this character just to get it to this point Iā€™d not want to rerol on another server just because itā€™s easyā€¦

Probably because the PvE servers arenā€™t both marked as full and arenā€™t very popular in comparison.

No that would be unfair on people starting fresh on these servers

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free char migration please! So ppl actually consider to moveā€¦


Two??? You need to add at least ten more and offer free transfers so the population will balance out.


To everyone here who is saying they donā€™t want to move to (potential) new servers because they have got their characters so far:
You donā€™t have to.

No one is forced to move to the new servers against their will. There is however a lot of people who havenā€™t been able to progress their characters very far, because they are stuck in queues. And for those people we need new servers. No one should queue 5-9 hours just to play, for people who work it is practically impossible too.


Great news for new players! This is obviously not relevant for players with higher level characters who are using scripts to stay online as they donĀ“t struggle with queues.

Itā€™s been 3 days.

Any word on another PVE realm ?