Tww is already boring

I would challenge this notion.

I’m going to get across as an old man by saying back in my days, but…back in my days a lot of the day by day activities would revolve around player-driven interests like attacking The Crossroads, or farming gold at Tyr’s Hand, or helping a guildie with getting their Quel’Serrar drop, or joining a raid to defend Astranaar, or checking if any of the world bosses are up, or flying to Silithus to watch another guild summon Thunderaan, or just sitting in Ironforge and chatting in guild chat and being available if anyone needed a healer for a dungeon or something.

It was way more driven by a group-minded motivation.

I think in Cataclysm I farmed herbs late at night on my Druid to help our guild be able to craft flasks that we could distribute to everyone for raiding. And others would help with the fishing so we had food for everyone, and so forth. It was more of a shared effort.

You were less driven by your own goals and objectives and more focused on succeeding as a guild and helping others.

So it’s not like it’s always been this way. It’s way more singleplayer-driven now. Way more.


One huge factor i find problematic in modern WoW is that not only the content design is dull and repetitive but that gearing is practically pointless.
I simply do not see a reason to invest time gearing up when it just gets replaced in days, weeks, a month or next patch…grinding from scratch over and over like a hamster wheel.

Vertical progression system sucks by default, i think a horizontal one used by some other games would be better, but being as it is…at least having items that you work on but last for an entire expansion…or most of it, periodically upgrading and what not would be far superior to this crap.
I just can’t be bothered getting gear only to vendor it later.

Story is somewhat decent at least, compared to the cringe-fest friendship and adventure that was Dragonflight, though TWW still lacks war, warmongering…i just don’t care about Anduin’s PTSD or Alleria’s family issues, i want to war, bloodshed, horde vs alli, the good old stuff.

definitely. Back in time we were forced to do group content even for open world (i remember 3\5 man in northrend that were REALLY 3\5 man). Now the 2nd day i can solo most group content or boss in open world.
The fact delves were for solo player and group shows wow is more single player oriented.

But i can see why. Market and customer changed. Now many veterans (i hate using this word) have lesser time spared so cant play on regular schedule with guilds so instead forcing themselves to find some free time, they have the choice to play solo content (even challenging).

Probably, seein the success of a limited events like mage tower (i cant say that for torghast but a lot of ppl played it) they decided to follow this path.

I wanna add a personal pov about raids. For many exp since cata i avoided raiding (even low difficulties ones) cuz it was too complicated undesratnding some mechanics (i think about BFA expecially). This last raid was really simple in LFR so its finally a faceroll like the raid heroes alway told. It could be the way to convince ppl (not me) to try a more challenging level and convince them to play group content not automatically formed.

I hope i was able to explain myself.

This is some kind of comment I will never understand.
I can just advise you then to stop playing wow, atleast at it’s current state, and try again later in the expansion or when the next expansion launches.

And why?
When you make a statement like this then please explain also why you think that it is trash.

M+ same as PvP was and will never be balanced, no idea why people still expect this.
A mess?
Because of pugging and youre unlucky with the groups? (because I read some frustration in the way you describe it)
I play M+ since it came out in Legion, in most seasons only to get to KSM and since it exists KSH, but the dungeons in comparison to the old ones in the last expansions dont feel any worse.
It’s in my opinion even a good idea to put some older dungeons in the pool now, so we don’t have to play for 2, 3 or maybe 4 seasons the same dungeons…this would be boring tbh.

Maybe make a suggestion to blizzard over the suggestion function, what they could do better in your opinion.

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It is definitely not boring, you brought this on urself like every other “gogogogogo” mentality player. I’m sorry but it’s because of players like you that Dragonflight was D.E.A.D in the last couple of months.
Me personally I’m having super fun doing delves, Nerub-ar Palace, Mythic+ dungeons, world quests, gathering materials for creating potions or selling materials on the auction house.
And when I feel like I’m done with all that, I log my other druid and PVP for the elite season 1 set.

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raids - trash
m+ - trash
delves - trash
pvp - trash
class balance - probably worst than ever

until they kick out Ion Hazzicostas and hire proper developers instead of pajeets this game is beyond saving


wow. your statements are so well reasoned. thanks

Same advise for you, don’t play it and your problems are solved! :roll_eyes:

I won’t. I didn’t play since shadowlands and was foolishly baited to buy this expansion like many other people. Once one month of a sub runs out most people will quit again, so don’t worry.

we’ll see. i saw this statement probably in early TBC.

Wow will die for sure cause is old. but not now.

It’s hard to see what Blizzard intends to be the motivating factor to keep players around beyond the initial excitement.

I mean, I think the realization is dawning that the endgame loop in The War Within is a continuation of Dragonflight – with Delves added to the mix.

So if players were kind of exhausted by the end of Dragonflight, then it’s easy to imagine that the exhaustion will set in quickly in The War Within, because it is just more of the same.

And I didn’t get the sentiment that the community was excited about the prospect of more of the same by the end of Dragonflight.

Blizzard of course has the 20th anniversary patch coming out in a month or so, which will cause some excitement for a while. But can that patch hold players until after New Year? I don’t know about that.

Do keep in mind that this gameplay loop we’re in now, which is Season 1, is likely going to continue until February or March.
Are players up for that?

I think the drop-off over the holidays will be immense.

Then you should make a suggestion how the content could become better in your opinion and not just write everything is trash.
No reason to play a game which you think is only bad designed, or?

Why should I worry abt this?
I just don’t like this nonsense comments without an explanation, that’s why I answer.

The current upgrade system is a better version of it

mmm i would say january. but the change of season in theory change just a bit the situation.
Im tryin to remember how it was in ancient times but i just remember to find a lot of quests around and doin dungeons.
This is the problem: with a model like the one i remember i dont think wow will resist for long time.

Blizz instroduced a lot of different activities (ok we can argue about the quality of em but is not what i wanna talk about it right now) to try to maintain ppl hooked till the end of the season.

peronally i find TWW a lot more enjoable than BFA, Horrible SL and DF.

You gotta keep posting mate cus you are so amusing to read. You couldn’t be more wrong, but hey, have a nice day.

I already went back to farming old instances with my alts for mogs. I find nothing interesting in the ww story.

No u were not baited at all u made the choice!

I mean, no one’s forcing you to do content you don’t want to do. Season 1 just started, and if you don’t enjoy the endgame, maybe come back in a later patch?

Sorry but I prefer it how it is now than how it was.

I simply do not have time or energy to involve myself in maintaining a guild/maintaining social relationships in a video game.

Solo gameplay/looking for group systems are what keeps me playing. If I couldn’t play mostly by myself, I would simply quit.

I am very happy with how the game is now. Especially Delves and rated PVP.

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I don’t.

I’ve just been queueing for some Epic Battlegrounds. Queue, complete, rinse and repeat.
It’s a pretty monotome and lonely game experience, even though I’m playing in a large multiplayer setting.

It’s a far cry from the days of old. I remember on my server you’d sit around in Ironforge and some players would just start yelling: “The Horde are winning! The Horde are winning!”
That was the cue that The Horde had pushed The Alliance all the way back to the bridge. And that was like an immediate call to arms that basically just activated all the top players from the top guilds on The Alliance. I remember we had a Marshall team for the serious PvPers that I led for a while myself. Everyone who was anything on Alliance just mobilized for Alterac Valley in an instant. I remember one time a guy in my guild called another guy on his phone because he had to come help in Alterac Valley. It was nuts.
And then you got in there with this dream team – the best of the best of the best. And you pushed the Horde back to The Field of Strife. It could take hours and hours. And then you’d leave knowing that things were under control again. The Horde weren’t going to win this day.
And other days it would be the opposite and The Alliance would have pushed all the way down to Frostwolf Keep and the top Horde players would turn up to defend. And that’s how a single game of Alterac Valley could last for days and days. Usually one side would win early in the morning on a week day when it wasn’t possible for either side to call in the top players.

You got none of that today. It’s just not an MMORPG. I play WoW today like I play Diablo IV.

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