Tww is already boring

do you remember when the horde entrance in AV was in the old spot? i won 200 av in a row. but it was pre achie. so nothin recorded.

It was unbalanced and no alliance with a gram of salt tried it. sometimes it was 40 vs 6. (not so) good old times.

I think the issue isn’t the game necessarily but the fact that you suffer from untreated chronic nostalgia in your life.

Hah! No. I just made the point that WoW wasn’t always like it is today in terms of its gameplay loop and its structural design. It was very different in the past.

The fact that I have great memories of the old days of WoW is not the same as wanting that moment in time back. I am not really a fan of Blizzard re-hashing old stuff or trying to milk players’ nostalgia. I want Blizzard to make new game experiences that are amazing in their own way.
But what they’ve produced in The War Within is really just a copy/paste of Dragonflight with little in terms of vision or ambition.

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War Within is in my top 3 expansions. If things go well, it can most definitely be my favourite expansion.

It is very subjective to each individual.

Then find yourself a game that doesn’t bore you.

For a second there I thought I was in the US forums instead of EU…

They added a whole new end game mode. Opinions on delves May be divided, but you can’t argue they aren’t new/additional content.

This is very true. The only meaningful changes are warband and delves.

TWW is pretty much DF 2.0


But that’s not out of the ordinary. Shadowlands added Torghast. Battle for Azeroth added Warfronts and Island Expeditions. Mists of Pandaria added Scenarios.

Most expansions add a form of new gameplay content, because players tend to expect something new in an expansion, and not just the same old. There has to be something new that makes players curious and excited. That’s Delves. And it was Torghast. And Scenarios. And Warfronts. And so on.

So the addition of Delves doesn’t make The War Within bigger in terms of content, compared to many other expansions.

And since everything else in The War Within is fairly cut to the bone, so to speak, then the addition of Delves doesn’t really change the volume of content a whole lot.


You’re comparing island expeditions and warfronts to delves?
Lol, okay.

In terms of being content additions, yeah.

They all count for 1. They are roughly the same in size and scope.


No, because there is no data - and that is why I called you out on trying to quantify something that hasnt been quantified - and is merely your opinion.

And no it’s not common sense to me that :

Because Story is gameplay. You’re trying to seperate one major element of gameplay to suit the agenda you’re trying to drive.

You people…

This has to be the one expansion where you got so many options and things to do and you are weeping already.

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Besides Delves, what more is there to do than in Dragonflight?
And what more was there to do in Dragonflight than in Shadowlands?

And even though Fishing is an option and a thing to do, does that make it a good thing by default?

Personally, if I look at the options and the things to do, there isn’t that much to be honest. And if I look at which of that is worthwhile and enjoyable to do, then it’s a lot less.

But there’s still something, sure.

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There’s more than there was. That’s not something to complain about. Yeah, you can do delves. You can level alts easier. You can go run every damned raid for mogs. Or save that rock guy from the waves or bots.

So you rushed through everything and now there’s nothing to do? :slight_smile:

In the end, M+ and raids is the end game content, if you don’ t like that, what can I say. I’m still leveling characters to 80, season start is slow, but I don’ t rush.

There’s people doing +10s first week, for some reason they want to feel/show like they’re good at it, and that is fine, I always take it slow first season and no regrets. But then they get their achievements in 2 weeks and then what? " There’s nothing to do" ?

P.S. There are also other games in the world! :slight_smile:

I just said that there wasn’t more to do besides Delves, and I do think that’s something to complain about – because that’s not a lot.
We’re a month into the expansion and I’m basically relying on the replay value already.

Besides Delves, those are some very poor and very weak examples. And I think you know that. Ergo my point. There really isn’t a lot besides the bare minimum. If there was a plethora of new things to do, you wouldn’t be suggesting that I should level alts or farm mogs. Those are things you usually do when you’ve exhausted the content for value. That should not be where we are a month into a new expansion. But alas.

I wouldn’t say it was ‘boring’. The systems weren’t good or interesting, but there was plenty to do overal. BfA lacked ‘fun’ and it was especially noticeable after the fun that Legion provided.

Okay, so what do you think they should do? Lay out some ideas of your own.

I would’ve liked to see bigger and better outdoor events.
DF went overboard with them and forced everyone into them when they added new ones, but at least they felt ‘interesting to do’ for a while.

Giving us a choice whether or not we want to do these events has a downside. I now do the theater, because it’s basically a free bag with a key, just for standing around scratching my butt. And I do the Spreading the Light event, because lighting 4 of those little lights is super easy and fast once you’ve farmed a bit of the materials you need.

I ignore the machine thing. I did it twice, just to experience it, but I don’t want some boring ‘trial’ type thing for X rounds! Way too much hassle and time compared to the ones I named.

The Azj-Kahet one is weird… It’s also pretty easy, just doing some WQs, rares and whatnot and you’ll be done, but the thing is… I don’t want to be in that zone. I actively dislike it there.

As far as non-regular endgame content goes, Jito is right: TWW doesn’t really have much of anything besides Delves.
And as a world content player, I’m happy to have more to do than I did before TWW, but if this is to be it for the rest of the expansion… That’s not going to cut it. I’m having fun at the moment, but I’m going to need a change to this rotation sooner rather than later.

I hope they deliver with their major content patches.