Tyrande was mean to me!

I did that quest on the horde, seen the dialogue and all,

might point Duraln, is that there is no evidence that the sin’dorei did more help than darnassians after 7.2, you say “very likely” … I say its possible… But without any indication of it, I won’t assume that.

7.3 only indicates Silgryn has gone to visit Silvermoon - and is impressed with the blood elves, an indciation taht they’ve been welcoming, not that they’ve been helping them out.

Being welcoming or nice, is not extra help.

That’s what I mean.

Keeping up contact alone and Diplomatic relations means they’ve done more mate.
You cannot deny this.

Or it could mean that Thaylssra went to the side that offered honeyed words


It is possible, and when Tyrande makes a decision, you don’t know which is hers and which is the Goddess’ because she is her High priestess.

Tyrande would have been the one most intimate with the nightborne anyway, the Darnassians would know their kin, because most Darnassians came from Suramar too. So if Tyrande isn’t approaching, it is worth speculating that she might not want to.

However, I feel taht Tyrande has so much to think about… the events of legion, the revealtions of their goals, their real target , their defeat, it redfines so many beliefs the night elves held since the first invasion… it changes everything… not to mention Illidan’s sacrifice, and how the truth now shows and proves he never betrayed his people by restoring the Well and had been agains tthe Legion all this time.

Then there is the killing of YSera by her hands, the restoration of the Cathedral of ETernal Night, the most important temple of Elune, the trapping and freeing of her predecessor Drlenya, not to mention the return to her city which she though lost, the heartache of the betrayal she would have felt by Elisande who seemed resulte agianst the legion 10k years ago despite refusing to march against Azshara, now dispaying cowardice by letting them in rather than risk losing her comforts.

Even Thalyssra whe was cautious about, though having proved herself by the shal’dorei going all the way this time, unlike the first time, then the implicaitons of the magical well, and the curing of addiction…

This is A LOT if you think about it a lot, so many defining things of the Long vigil group from the sundering onwards would be changed due to these activities.

I’m fankly not suprrised that Tyrande isn’t thinking of allies, or is ab it slow to volunteer… the Legion’s end is momentous, it’been her life for the last 10k years… all focused on stopping this group…and then Illidan’s message…

GIve a girl a break. But a break that may have cost an ally.

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Yes, that I cannot deny, and I would agree that hte lroe shows the blood elves have done more or rather made more effort. Not helped more, just made more effort. They’ve showed more freindship, which matters when you make decisions like who you’re going to join.

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the side that offered you words you mean :wink:

That is speculation

I think the whole charming sweet talker is an image that fits the blood elves well, they are suposed to be the pretty people, fair looking etc, to see that actually lpay a role and have avlue i think is fitting… rather than always grrr…rarrr.

And we know pre-sundering and highborne night elves are quite vain, i mean, this is where the Thalassians get it from anyway. But the thalssians are quite smart too. Using their wit and charm – reminds me of the British during the last century and a half - or at least some portrayals.

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that is canon my friend.

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What is your basis for the claim that the night elves cut off all relations with the nightborne after Tyrande’s critical remarks, since I know of no dialogue that suggests that.
Tyrande not suggesting to Anduin doesn’t point towards the night elves being the ones who cut off relations first.

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Speculation you say?

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And what does that exactly mean?

You know what how about you prove there was an relation then?

Thalyssra is speculating based upon an uncertain response she got from Tyrande. There’s nothing more to it, Durlan. It was a railroaded plot and Thalyssra had to be shown to have even the mildest of excuses to move away from the Kaldorei. That was it.


Good speculation.

You are speculating. A goblet is just a goblet, and there’s nothing more to read from this incident. In lore anyway.


I don’t know of any dialogue that points towards any relations still remaining. However, that dialogue still does not say who closed it first. Was it Tyrande because she did not trust Thalyssra? Or was it Thalyssra who closed it first because she was making no progress?


It is cut paper thin what happened…

the Claim of the opposite with nothing even close to evidence.
is a speculation guess working to deny what actual happened.

Tyrande’s actions since her words also speak Volumes.
Anduin asked for allies to help -DEFEND-
the world and Tyrande did not even as much as make the gesture of it.

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And I still disagree with your interpretation of the events.


Never really understanded why that was necesarry… I mean she knew the Nightborne are addicted to it, and the Arcan’dor was still “young” - but to be honest I doubt she knew that Tree - meaning, destroying a Well would have been a death sentence to the Shal’Dorei, except without the mercy of death, just devolving in to Nightfallen, then to Withered, and from the Withered state, there is no comeback
Not to mention, the goal was to stop Gul’dan, not to make the Nightborne suffer… (aside the fact it was under Elisande’s controll, the Nightwell could have been a great boon for the Armies of Legionfall and Azeroth against the Legion)