Tyrande was mean to me!

Why is that fair for the Alliance, do you really want to play tit-for-tat.

The Horde lost Vol’jin to a demon’s spear because Blizzard wanted a heroic death for Varian, and undercity because of “parity” (wasn’t enough for some whining Alliance players, so Blizzard said Dazar’alor was revenge for Teldrassil)

Everytime the Alliance loses something, the Horde loses some equal thing, but there’s never the Alliance equivalent for Horde cities raided and Horde Heroes lost.
If Blizzard was fair, the Alliance had lost some hero to a stupid accident when Cairne died, one of their most powerful heroes would have retired in cataclysm and lost his powers in WoD and so on.

The “losses” over the years were extremely one sided in WoW and the Horde has not many character of any “value” left, only new faces… while the Alliance has lost noone except Varian.

That is speculation regarding Voljin’s death

Why is it a good idea to make the stories fair in the first place, so why should the Alliance lose heroes because the Horde lost them. To make things artificially “fair” is IMO bad storytelling

Alliance heroes should die if it can tell a better story, not for fairness for fairness’s sake.

Edit; and to add that, they should start making new horde heroes, like they did for Nazgrim from WotLK to MoP

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Including PC.


This is solid. But I agree with Aethil that these kind of things happen in WoW stories, because game is appeasing the exciting playerbase imo. Look at the whole Legion expansion - Demon hunters (check), Turalion and Alleria (check), Illidan (check), temporary class identity (check), Sargeras (check). Which makes me sick truth be told. Because playerbase will always be biased an demand equality or favor of their faction.
Game used to be told and presented to players as devs saw fit and it catered new players now the ideology has changed not only storywise.

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Ah, the heady days when Devs wanted to consult and write a story they wanted to tell, instead of looking at statistics to make incoherent and inconsistent decisions.


So alliance bias is real. Thanks for confirmation.

ALLIANCE BIAS! bangs drums

I thought you hated it when people twisted your words?

So why do you take pleasure in twisting others? Hypocrite.

If that were the case Jaina would have died in Battle for Dazar’alor.

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Indeed. Girl was lucky Baine protected her during the cutscene. I felt betrayed from Baine like this after trying to kill her just 5 minutes ago in the raid.

Revenge for Rastakhan’s death should have been Talanji’s decision.

I just completed the Zandalari opening questline and it’s great that she tells the undead waste of unlife that she is a Queen and she will bow to nobody. #Thatsmygirl


Reported to Nathanos for treason. Jail bars incoming soon :wink:

You can’t report for being loyal to a Horde loyal character.

As our dear Lor’themar told Garrosh, you maybe the Warchief of the Horde, but you aren’t the Horde.


Those are just words, the Warchief rules in a dictatorship untill he is challenged or dies. This is why Doomhammer and Cairne used Mok’gora to challenge leaders they didn’t approve of.

So If Lor’themar had challegend Garrosh to Mok’gora and won he would be undisputed leader of the Horde…unless he was challenged.

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Reported for making useless claims and wasting Horde security’s time. Jail bars incoming soon.


Watch me :slight_smile:

She has just entered the scene, I don’t think she knows the Arcan’dor is available yet. Remember she has just come from gruelling battle at the Val’sharah temple, had to slay Ysera and abandon her husband for her duties.

It is clear this is the first time she’s been to Suramar since arriving, I would imagine when she makes that statemtn, she is doing so based on the effects of the nightwell on her people and the fact that the leigon is in control of a power close to the Well of Eternity and can wrack havoc. She likely at this point still thinks the Legion is here for the magical well, she would not know Azeroth is a titan, and Illidan is not back yet to vindicate his kind and reveal the true purpose of the legion - … all htis happens later.

Thalyssra anyway agrees with her and drains the ngihtwell. To Tyrande, and any nightborne who sees the night elves, they look like sickly versions of their kin, anorexic skinny, gaunt, and addicted. She would see the withering also, and see the full extent of arcane addiction.

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While the dialog is cringy and forced.
It is true that both blood and nightborne share alot in common.
There both ex junkie’s, they both look down at other race’s(lets be fair here the night elves are the least arrogant elves of the bunch) they both have a well of power and those both dress fabuless.
And then there is the entire culture baised around status, class and magic prowness.
Honestly the blood elves and nightborne are a match made in heaven.
After all why go to war yourself when you have countless of undead, tauren, trolls and ork to fight and die for you.
Ow sure send a small group of mage’s to pretend to help but mostly just let the lesser race’s fight it out while they drink mana thee and eat mana berries.

In comparision night elves contribute 40% of the alliance force’s.
That or the game spawns alot of night elves alliance soldiers whenever i am around.

Sindorei are Junkies, Shal’dorei are not.

Im surprised no Blood Elf or Nightborne jumped on your throat yet. And its 14h gone. Miracle! :grin:

Oh updated statistics.

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You saw the Withered right?

That suprises me too.

Sorry but what do you mean with this.
In my experiance the most common alliance npc we encounter are human, worgens and night elves.
Gnomes and dwarves stand out as very rare.
Void elves i seen meaby 3 off and i have yet to meet a lightforge npc in bfa.

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