Tyrande was mean to me!

Yeah that quest describes their addiction to arcane magic and bottling it up might lead to Wretched state.

Look up Magistrix Elosai, a mage who tried to find a cure for magical addiction but created a tonic which simply accelerated the process of becoming wretched once it begins. She consumed it herself and was thus exiled for being Wretched. And her work was destroyed.

It is also one of the driving forces behind the Reliquary:

You see, there are ancient, powerful relics found throughout this world that I plan to use to free my people from their addiction and unify them again as the proud, indomitable race we once were. - Tae’Thelan Bloodwatchers chatter text.

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I see fair points there.

Thus the phrase that fully grown Blood Elf is capable to overcome the addiction, its hard but possible makes me think that after all their addiction is not lethal as Aethil stated. Not essential.

Wonder if the ones who manage to overcome it via resisting the hunger, will be able to give birth to new generation of elves free from the addiction.

My quest continues, I will do my research!

I quite liked the Arcan’dor.

Imagine having your own lifesaving Bonsai’dor. In your living room.

By the way where did all this Tyrande and Anduin dispute evaporated all of a sudden?

Seeing her standing with Anduin in Kul’tiran Questline just punches me in guts.

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Because the “Internal disputes” card is living in the Horde’s deck.

It’s a card I draw out all the time.

Lord knows why I don’t just mulligan it.

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I had a debate on this point once. Sin’dorei are ex-junkies, while there is no addiction while the sunwell is up, as the light infusion counters that, it’s more a cover on the problem rather than a solution.

However, none of us know if long term exposure to a light source like that would indeed cure the addiction. We know via the night elves there is a nature based cure to addiction.

In many respect, the nightborne were chronically dependent, which isn’t really addicted…closed off form nature, Elune gone off to the war, all they had left was the arcane and had to use it.

It’s not really the same as the blood elves. The nightborne are the night elf version of the addiction issue.

The only similarity is that they have an arcane addiction, but the type is quite different, it’s like their similarity is that they’re elves, but the type of elf is very different. One is dark, the other light, one night, the other day…etc

So that means that all that was done for Darkshore Warfront, to create the theme of Night Elves vs Horde…

Really hope they touch that subject again.

Counters? Look at them they are soaked in Light and their eyes glow golden now.

Pretty sure long term disconnection and their addiction kicks in.

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Well if they wanted that, I don’t believe they exactly passed that with flying colours.

It’s mainly just Night Elves vs Forsaken and Goblins; both of which are later Horde arrivals.
Personally, I’d have preferred the Darkshore Warfront to have been Night Elves vs Orcs, Trolls and Tauren.

Night elves AND GILNEAS vs Forsaken and Goblins. Credit where its due!

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Later Alliance arrivals vs later Horde arrivals.

Meh - the concept it ok, but Night Elves vs Orcs just feels more engaging than Night Elves vs Forsaken.

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Well, to be honest, night elves and Gilneans have a chemistry. I do not know why they pushed in the goblins alongside the Forsaken, though. Probably because no other Horde race would fit.

Maybe it’s because they wanted the primary focus to be a Kaldorei vs Forsaken vibe, with the extra part being the Worgen vs Goblin.

Either way, it’s not very engaging, nor does it truly feel like a Warcraft 3 day.
It would have been better with Night Elves and Worgen vs Orcs and Troll (Shatterspear Trolls specifically.)

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True that. And Forsaken would make more sense in Arathi. But I guess they wanted the iconic Human vs Orc vibes, which are kinda old.

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It kind of is and the whole concept has ran it’s course.

The time when we truly see the Orcs fight is when they are against the Kaldorei and likewise, when we first see the Kaldorei fight, they are against the Orcs.

The memorable conflict we see is just that, memorable. Whereas, something I’ve said for a long time, something we only read about (or see in a very, very old game with horrible graphics) will never stand against something that can be seen and can be seen, clearly.

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TBH, Ashenvale is a good questing zone with orcs and tauren vs kaldorei.
And I read somewhere that night elves vs forsaken has symbolism with life (night elves) vs death(forsaken).
Thought I agree, orcs vs kaldorei is IMO the main root of conflict in Kalimdor

Well that might work if we saw more in the way of Kaldorei Druids from the lore, who were involved, rather than just a few comments from Malfurion and Thailsee Crow.

I mean we saw plenty of “Blight here, blight there, blight every bloody where” from the Forsaken, but from the Night Elf standard, we have Maiev who is a very angry Elf at the best of the times, who doesn’t promote the ideology of “life”, when it comes to the Night Elves.

Malfurion is one of the commanders I believe in the warfront, but you have a good point

Notice the Commanders don’t rotate. I was looking forward to more quotes.