erm no. while I agree now 385 isnt worth as much anymore increasing the level would be wrong as you cant give away a heroic peice of loot from this that the other side cant get.
Just do Heroic or mythic then you have the best raiding guilds.
exactly. and I think those people doing heroics and mythics will not be happy if you gave away the thing they worked for weekly to just one faction for camping a flight point.
they are already not to pleased with a roughtly monthly warfront its world boss (think they are ok with the mythic dungeon event). but weekly? nah they would be foaming at the mouth.
And we’re not happy for you having the good guilds we needs to ballance it and not just have horde favored.
thats not a alliance and horde problem though, if alliance are really that whiny that a problem THEY CREATED with war mode that they need to go, OOOH we need 400 item level loot every week for camping flight points becouse horde have people that like to play horde. then you just confirmed how crap alliance players actualy are.
give alliance and insentive to play warmode, ofcourse why not a constant 30% buff but no AOO, but no appartly you think the welfare faction needs even more freebies?
You know what a 400 item would cause, more alliance would turn off warmode. you would have a week or two when every pve ing zerger camps every flight point for free heroic raiding gear then they would all turn it off the moment it actualy gets to the so called even numbers they CLAIM they want becouse they wont get their freebies. How do we know this is will happen? becouse thats what they do now with AOO. its not rewarding people to play warmode its rewarding the alliance for turning it off.
No horde’s being salty’s the issue here.
you mean a expansion where were forced to play the bad guys so pro alliance writers can praise golden boy mary sue and alliance are rewarded for turning off warmode and now you want more free stuff the other side dosnt have? damn right were pissed I think anyone would be, wouldnt you if it was on the other foot?
Noone’s forcing you to play horde. And blizzard needs to increase the item level of it else soon people will stop doing it.
GOOD AOO is a blight on warmode. ESPECIALY that first week when it was at 400 and alliance gank raids made dazar alor impossible to access to the point they had to make more guards and buff them up.
If alliance dont want to do warmode without getting large benifits that the other side dont get, then they dont deserve those benifits. reward people for playing warmode not for turning it off.
The sheer level of entitlement alliance are demanding these days is baffleing.
We do but the horde out number us so it’s not really fair so blizzard’s giving the faction there’s outnumbered the buff.
yes and im all for that, make it more rewarding if they actualy outnumber you. But you know what happens on shards when AOO is up. why massive raid sized alliance groups show up. Kind of dumb when you being rewarded for being outnumbered when you outnumber the horde on that shard. And becouse it only up when a certain level is outnumbered when the numbers are even the alliance all run off becouse no freebies.
The problems have been sharding and blizzard have apparently not fixed that.
Then maybe tell your friends to change to Alliance to make it more even?
or maybe tell your friends to play warmode normaly and not demand bonus’s the alliance demand for bonuses is whats causing the problem now. Alliance has bonus they wreck warmode, alliance dont have bonus they leave warmode.
whats easier, a payed service or not being a entitled coward?
There’s not that many there listens to me but blizzard like how i tell them when the horde’s massing and camping us.
cause the writters are pro alliance, this expansions blatant alliance biase sickens me.
No your horde mode’s a plague.
you mean like the pluage of pvers who rush in form gank raids get rewarded for it then run off? the plauge so sevear that they had to buff guards?
jeze the entitlement of alliance players you really are a bunch of welfair fools.
No the horde does it you think you’re so good and honorable yet i bet you’ve not even paid atention to stormsong’s vally raid.
have you ever thought that maybe all the gank raiding the alliance does during AOO times is the reason horde do that?
Ah…my favourite 9 year old paladin at it again.