Nah last two weeks or so It’s been a steady rise of the PvE hordes. Once the bonus dropped down to 15% many alliance kept warmode on, but the hunt for hordes stopped. WM turned alot safer once the quest didn’t show up, so last week there were a massive influx of hordes into WM after being so one sided for 3-4 weeks(at least on RP realms).
Because the objective is to rebalance wm faction balance in the region via incentive for outnumbered. Blizz aim to reduce excess Horde that have wm on that don’t wpvp.
Sure it’s gonna be debated if that’s fair, or working. But to affect the wm pop balance, in a significant way, one side gets something, the other side doesn’t. One side is motivated to be more aggressive on the other, which in theory reduces Horde non wpvpers.
Is it working? We are in a pop fluctuation right now, if it keeps fluctuating it becomes a loop. I actually think the loop might be a good thing, a stagnation reducer. But time will tell if it balance will happen eventually.
you mean the rp servers were the alliance massively out number the horde and so the horde players have been rightfully complaining about the alliance getting that buff?
Exactly however i whould not say they were too badly outnumbered. 9/10 shards while i play my goblin were pretty much void of alliance. But once you ended up in a alliance dominated shard it was really… well soulcrushing.
Why would an rp shard have different faction balance from a normal shard? It’s my understanding that excess of a faction are on overflow shards. What you are experiencing could be lfg groups. Usually not all the groups members are from your shard. They could be from rp or normal shards. Solution = lfg.
Or, just player distribution within zones. I’ve played on both rp and normal shards, both can have sometimes no enemies visible, or some, or evenish, or outnumbered, or outnumberer. Luck of the draw. Doesn’t matter. If outnumbered, always choices.
RP realms are sharded seperately. However Normal realms can end up in our shards trought the LFG tool. Since we had quite alot of alliance activity, horde HK/PvP quest groups where very frequent during the Hordemode era.
RP shards though having seperate shards, still have the same universal buffs as all shards, so while alliance massivly outnumber horde on rp shards, the alliance still gets the bonus from being “outnumbered” on average. Im not on RP shards but I can understand completely why they are rightfully pissed.
But they are not really outnumbered you see. Since anyone can join a RP shard trought the LFG tool. Most alliance swarming around during the infamous quest era were from other realms. It were the same on horde side, being alliance on a RP shard meant that every horde hunting alliance simply tried their best to end up on RP shards since alliance were more common.
I felt way safer on my goblin while in warmode then any of my alliance chars, since alliance were barely existant unless it was a overcrowded mass party/raid shard. Since my goblin are on the same realm… well you see the deal even if the horde claim “were outnumbered”, horde from none RP servers still crowded our realms and may i tell you, it gets crowded fast.
On RP servers/shards for war mode, Horde has been outnumbered all along. Nicelty handled giving Alliance a boost, that leads to PvE players doing raids and groups to gank smaller groups and solo players. When they are done with the quest, they turn it off.
Tell me again, how this contributes to WPvP. Blizzard should be ashamed of them selves for this terrible “fix”. Players who do this should be ashamed of themselves, and if they need this unfair and high of an incentive to do war mode, I don’t think they should be doing war mode.
Blizzard, please remove the boosts Alliance has, and stop listening to Alliance whiners.
Yes it is broken. Because a two second stun means that you can get rid of talenting into a stun and using it means two seconds where I’m unable to make use of my abilities.
I activate them, I get stunned for two seconds and that’s a straight 2 second decrease of their efficiency. If it’s something that lasts 10 seconds using War Stomp has just decreased it’s duration by 20% and that is a huge benefit.
One of the reason Alliance turned off WM was because given the same everything they had no chance against certain Horde based on their choice of Race alone.
If one has 3 activated advantages and the other have 4 then the later will mathematically win every time 1v1 if everything else is the same.
That was quite predictable for anyone who knows anything about human psychology. I have a feeling that you know les than you think and have decided that the reason is the wrong thing.
Night elf complaining about racials in 1v1 pvp? You have basically free vanish on every class. Using it to avoid a chaos bolt or greater pyro can be game changing. Maybe it would be good to look at all the racials from various perspectives before judging, not just at one or two.
You are seriously saying that the Alliance loses because of racials alone? Give me a break. Racials don’t make players good in PvP battles. Heck, not even gear does.
The PvP leaderboards support this, looks pretty 50-50 h/a in the top.
Plenty simply don’t care about a healthy warmode environment, just about what they get for having it on.
“This one thing is good if one specific thing happens so it’s exactly the same as this thing which is good against all things.”
There is no equivalency. Yes Shadowmeld can be used against one attack as long as it’s a cast and it can be used to negate melee attacks as long as the following happens: You make no attacks and the oppenent makes no AoE attacks or is stupid.
Things that affects the opponent provides a situational benefit as they’re only good against some. Things that affect you provides a universal benefit as they’re good against everyone. It’s an even greater benefit when you can decide when it happens and align it with other things, thus making them better.
As for groups and 1v1 those are different things. Racials means less in BGs and the reason Alliance often lose there is because a lot of the Alliance players have a hero mentality that carries over. They see themselves as MCs and are uninterested in working together with the rest as they see them as NPCs there to support their awesomeness. They refuse to be cogs and do what’s needed and it’s annoying.
I’m sure that Horde has the same problem with some male Orc Shamans that sees themselves as Thrall. You have my sympathies on that.
I’m talking 1v1 where Racials do make a large difference. Up untill WM, 1v1 was a thing Blizzard could easily dismiss. With the introduction on WM though, Blizzard now has to balance around 1v1 or they end up in this situation.
Having WM being a choice now implies that it matters and if something matters no one wants to be 100% sure of losing if the other side has the same competence as them and that’s too big a risk.
There are loads of things that only gives an advantage 1v1 that has no effect in BGs. One thing is the Fire Mage combo of Poly+Greater Fireblast. 1v1 it’s almost an autoloss for whoever is affected. MvM however, and it has almost no effect.
you are aware warstomp isnt instant right? it has a cast timer, its handy for mythic+ but its not all that handy in pvp espicaly war mode. you seem really hung up on racials the only one that was actualy broken in pvp was the human one and blizzard rightfuly nerfed that.
Yes and? In PvP it’s worth it. If the opponent has activated abilities that align to great burst and you can shave some of the uptime down, then you’ve “mitigated” a great amount of damage.
As for “no great benefit in WM,” I’ve lost several fights because of that two second stun. That alone made all the difference as my opponents have walked away with 1-2% life. Damage which I could have inflicted on them and was unable to since I was stunned.
and in the time it took to activate, you probably got hit by as much damage as you were going to miss when they were stunned, and thats only the melee.
Race dosnt effect pvp, classes do and class imbalance is vastly VASTLY more effecting on pvp than race.
I have cooldowns on my abilites you know? You look beyond that, You seem to think that another Warrior is only limited by Rage in spamming their abilities, so that’s quite a stretchy argument you make there.
If it happens to be cast while I can only autoattack then no. The opportunity cost is significantly lower than my output.
I have a feeling that your understanding of effect, opportunity cost and value is a lot lower than what you think they are and greatly affected by your emotion rather than rational thought.
Oh god your impossible. The amount of wrong shows how little you actually understand the racials you have and the ones the horde have. Your a grass is always greener and use that to justify an imbalanced system that rewards people for not wanting to do warmode rather than those that do. You ever ignored the whole point that classes imbalance make a massive difference while race does not.
your just one of those people that have been angry when the only truly broken racial which belonged to the alliance got nerfed after way to long it being up.
Okay, what was the obviously non psychological reason Alliance never turned on WM in the first place then? ¨
According to you it had to be a diabolical master plan where they wanted bigger incentives and thus made a coordinated effort where they all never enabled WM untill they got it.
The amount of magical thinking you show astound me.
Changing one broken thing exposes the next layer and if those are better than the alternative as well they’re broken to.
If the activated Racials that gives universal benefits are the same as the Alliance ones, then there’s no reason to stop them from being proc chances. What’s your argument for them being activated at will instead of them being proc chances?
I mean if they give little benefit then what’s the harm? And if you think they should go to proc chance what’s your arguments for that?