Numbers don’t mean much in this situation because they’re unorganized and spread out because of lack of incentives to group up. The Alliance, while overall a minority in warmode, does have these incentives.
So in practice, Alliance are better represented in Warmode if they actively want to look for wpvp.
Edit: On average an Alliance player is probably still more likely to get killed at “random wquest x” but when it comes to the sheer amount of organized wpvp groups Allliance is king right now.
And it is horde guilt that it has the best guilds? This statement is the most ridiculous one i’ve read in this entire forum…
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What in The Light’s name’s an a guilt must be some vodu voda code.
plus the faction war story is VASTLY pro alliance.
Because we don’t slaughter the innocents while the horde does again and again.
becouse the pro alliance writers made us, we had cool storys of reclaming honour but anduin fan girl head writer wanted golden boy to look good and ignore the shooting of surrendering soldiers in the water.
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The horde never changes though they’re never honorable the only one of them there has any honor’s the taruan leaders.
what about thrall and voljin. The warcraft story began to go downhill when it kept focusing on trying to make the alliance the lead. Varian was cool and velen had some great plot in legion but this stupid pro anduin plot is damaging the alliance imensly. Horde get to see all this potentual future plot line stuff about forshadowing dark powers. Alliance get ooooh slvanas bad anduin good. Man I want to chock that crap character to death for making the alliance suck so much.
Cannot say i blame you i even have to level a horde character to be getting the Wolf mount.
leveling my worgen death knight, admit I like the leveling story in kilturas, alot of good characters. Not as good as hordes one becouse of how much they all come together to the first raids plot so alliances is more disjointed but still good.
But yeah get that neuance in, have the alliance start doing things they question if its right or not. Build on the light bound or the questionable things xera did. Since anduin is so attuned to the light start highlighting the possiblity hes being manipulated. DO SOMETHING!
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If that’s really happening they needs to make a Neutral faction that you can change to.
your looking forward to the non horse arent you?
How do you mean? I’m talking about An Argent crusade faction look at my tabard it’s The Argent Crusade one.
What wolf mount? You mean from War Campaign in 8.1.5? Because it’s the Alliance who will get it lol. Horde will get a horse.
Wait so i don’t need to level a horde character to get the mount. Or the achievement?
the alliance get a wolf mount and horde get a horse (that looks better than the alliance horses) for completing the war campagn on both factions
So i have to complete both of the war campaigns to get the wolf mount?
yes, both you need to clear the alliance and horde war story to get them.
That’s stupid why not just the wolf mount For The Alliance and the horse horde one for the horde?
Yeah, to that agree, it’s weird.