I’d say just remove the rewards for both factions, that way the players who really want to pvp can pvp as much as they want and who does’t want to is also not given an incentive to turn WM on to do something and afterwards turning it off again
Just make the incentives PvP based rather than PvE-rewards with the “risk of a whiff of PvP” involved.
I could easly live with nether side getting any insentives. Playing with the feeling of anything happening and pvp talents makes the world feel so much more alive. Keep the airdrops though, have pvp events happen but without the % buff or quests.
Ah see, I’d still say that’s an incentive. A PvP incentive, and while it might have a reward around it (airdrops) it still has an “Objective Event” incentive. That would be cool! PvP World events.
Have you ever seen my pestering posts about Capturable Towers?
Capturable towers will soon be here!
I get what blizz were trying to do with wm, a rich wpvp environment, that anyone can take part in, any time they feel like it. But the pve’ers are an issue. They feel bound to wm on, yet don’t wpvp, and take up a wpvp’ers slot on the shard. They are the excess Horde, and reason for outnumbering bonus system.
Every potential solution has cons as well as pros. Dropping the bonus makes sense at first. But the bonus has been turned into a mechanism to rebalance wm region faction balance. That is a goal blizz really want to achieve. Their shard system optimally is gonna want a relatively close faction balance eu, to avoid needing overflow shards. Whether you think Alliance should get incentive or not, it’s part of a system to rebalance, and rebalance is needed.
Sure, get rid of the bonus and things could naturally rebalance on their own. Perfect. Blizz might have considered that. But, they would lose the ability to encourage rebalance if it’s really needed, it would be left to ebb and flow.
They must have gone through lots of options. The outnumbering reward system could work out, and be there to naturally rebalance when needed. Plus, bitterness is good for promoting conflict in game
not really ,the outnumbering reward then draws in the alliance pve,ers so you end up bringing in the very people you dont want. Also the notion they take up space is false, since iv been on servers filled with horde pvpers all hunting alliance but couldnt find any alliance as they were all on a different shard gank raiding people.
a better solution would be to try and fix the sharding issues properly so you dont get an insaine abundance of one faction on one shard over the other.
i think the problem really is that you can:
turn on wm
do the quest
turn off wm
So that is what mostly happens, so the balance is still off. Mostly there is more horde than alliance, even was like that when it was at 15%.
Anyways op is whining about RAIDS which have absolutely zero to do with the quest, as it cannot be completed in a raid.
You can relax and enjoy your buff and welfare gear. Stop trying so hard to justify it to yourself and others.
The issues with WM tells Blizzard WM has failed in this expansion’s gamedesign. If the majority of one faction don’t want to enable WM by will without having a carrot on a stick you ask for problems.
The alliance faction attracts one kind of players and horde attracts another. And the differences between those are bigger than Blizzard can handle with WM as there is a discrepansy how two different groups of players approaches the game. That is a fact. And this is why it failed from the beginning.
Lets go back to 1 ( alliance ) vs 100 ( hordes ).
It was more fun … for horde players when they see a lonely alliance player and charge at him with 100 more horde mongrols all /yelling “fir di hurde” .
When the Horde pve’ers are reduced and we get to 15%, the Alliance pve’ers switch off too. 15% lasted a few weeks, Horde pve’ers came back. This will repeat until Horde pve’ers perma turn off, if it happens.
If a Horde pve’er has wm on… they are on a wm shard. If they are on that a shard, a wpvper is not. Therefore, they are taking up a slot.
Never! Come Horde! Toggle on your WM. Let the Alliance forever be known as the welfare faction!
Then how come you get shards with tones of alliance and few horde, and ones with tones of horde and few alliance? both contain the majority of people that want to kill the other.
Perhaps the issue isnt the pvers who are primarly alliance not horde but that sharding is the issue.
Still dosnt change the fact the quest is dumb as it draws in the pvers rather than the pvpers who usualy stick around quest or no quest. But seems there are far more pvpers than alliance, and they really shouldnt be punished for that becouse thats what the quest does, it punishes pvpers. Horde have to deal with gank raids, and the alliance has to deal with being associated with such behaviour.
And then ofcourse theres the RP shards which are primarily alliance yet they still get the buff.
Part of it must be lfg, and the distribution of players in zone, and your luck on the shard you end up on.
If the shards themselves are more or less balanced, but lfg upsets the balance, lfg is also the solution. It shouldn’t matter if rp or normal wm shard, they should both be balancable, with overflow shards if necessary. I suspect the lfg effect is just more noticeable on the smaller pool of rp wm shards.
Region wide faction imbalance needs fixed, it would make shard balancing easier if equal pool of wmers in eu. The faction not getting something extra won’t like it, but it could eventually work out. And conflict is increased, regardless of reason. There must be conflict in wm. PvP servers had flashpoints, but no ongoing conflict.
This all started because of a blizz error with wm shard phasing at start of bfa. Alliance were noticibly outnumbered on wm shards due to error. After it was fixed, damage was done, Alliance perceived outnumbered on a shard, even tho issue was fixed. Spiral of Alliance wm off, and Horde PvE’rs wm on. The aoo quest is a self correcting mechanism. It worked to get Alliance pop closer to Horde, wpvp was good with no aoo quest, then Horde pve’ers gradually turned wm back on. Repeat process till 10%, it can happen. If not, more time at 15% with no aoo is possible.
Nonsense. It started back in vanilla. It’s about two different approaches to the game. It has nothing to do with wm. It’s about wpvp in general.
Poor, poor hordies… they cannot gank lonely alliance players anymore… alliance fights back! wtf blizzzard
do something!
git gud hordie
Don’t “git gud” the faction that didn’t need extra free stuff to enter Warmode and fight.
Faction balance in wm was apparently about even right at start of bfa, then that extra horde phasing error happened.
WM should never have any rewards (other than pvp specific rewards). It should be turned on simply because people want to be in danger (or be the danger). When you were playing a pvp server you didn’t get anything, so why should people get things in wm?
I like weekly quests(but there is not enough of them), and I would add honor for completing quests, but more gold/azerite(10-30%) and item (no matter if 370 or 400) is something really not well thought out.
Vaeyn - what horde phasing error you are talking about? I cannot find anything about it and I am quite curious.
It wasn’t an error. Horde slightly outnumbered Alliance in Warmode at the start of BFA, some Alliance left, and it snowballed from there.
Not an error, a player choice. But, a possible player choice Blizzard should have predicted, and found a good solution for. But they didn’t, or simply didn’t care, and how we’re stuck with what we have; a forced cycle instead of natural wpvp.