So this happened on Gandling earlier today. Some dude rolled need on an Epic claiming he needed it, but then never actually equipped it and left the group shortly after.
Whatever, it happens.
But - with this in mind - what is the actual code of conduct when it comes to random BoE epics? Because I’ve always been a firm believer that you should roll GREED (unless you intend to use it yourself, in which case it is ok to NEED).
What followed was a discussion in trade where people thought that we all should’ve rolled NEED, regardless of the item. I kind of disagree, but it does eliminate this ‘issue’.
I remember having this issue 14 years ago more than a few times, but for the 4 BoE epics that I’ve seen so far this is the only time that there’s been an issue. And one of the items were the Edgemaster’s Handguards.
It was up on AH like 2 minutes later, and he kept spamming trade to sell it. He has no intention of using it himself.
But that’s beside the point. What is the proper way to deal with a BoE Epic in a PuG? Do you always NEED? What do you do if the 1-4 other people select GREED then?
Another suggestion, never click first. Wait for the rest of the group to do their choice. Eventually remind them to “ALL NEED” when it drops, before they even click.
Well today i was in a full melee group and devout boots dropped (i have better) and i asked if i could take them since im trying to collect the 0.5 set for the day you can improve it. and since no one actually would use it and didnt say anything i pressed need.
Got called idiot because i already had better and when i explained i needed the boots for collection of the set i got told it was stupid and that i should have greeded since they are worth 1g40 silver ~.
Then i asked them to roll and i would trade the guy the gold the boots was worth but the only thing i got was “never mind”.
Need to equip, greed to sell. Name and shame ninjaes in game, forums and discords. Simple as that. Stalk him, let his guild know that he is a ninja, make him quit the game.
In a perfect world you’d all greed. But there’s going to be someone who thinks 50g is a lot of money, so you may as well all need. Sucks for anyone who’d actually equip it, but hey ho.
Ye in general anything thats worth alot be it BoE epic or flask recipe etc. I always tell people to need regardless whether they actually need and will use it or not.
Again simply cause enough times people will claim to need it and later resell, had a hunter claiming krol blade is his BiS but called his bs and the whole group ended up needing it.
There’s actually less drama involved imo if every1 does that…
In Vanilla - at least on my server - all greeded on any item. If it was an upgrade for you, you asked “Can I need on this, please?” and if you did and did not equip immediately, you were hung out, framed ect. as a ninja.
But I see the times they are a-changing. So today I’d go for all need on all BoE item in a pug run.