Unfortunate dark side of WoW Classic

The actual code is that u discus it before with your party, but its usualy NEED on all BoEs from my experience

We had a boe epic drop in zf in a pug yesterday. Everybody paused, I typed ā€œall needā€, we all needed and the winner took it (not me).

It saved any disputes. Everybody needs epic boe for gear or gold.


In all the groups ive been in. regardless of blue boe or epic boe. We have always talked about it when the drop occurred. Always ended up with everyone needing to prevent any ninja.

Imho: Why should someone who needs a boe item to equip, get prio over the other 80% (if its a 5 man dung) who might need gold for their own upgrades?

Never had an issue with everyone needing blue or epic boes.


I agree with you!

Please donā€™t speak in my name or others with which iā€™ve played and didnā€™t NEED on EPIC BoE.

Greed if you donā€™t need, NEED if you really need it. And no, this idea of Need because ā€¦you need gold is pathetic. I hope I donā€™t meet any of you who needs on items because ā€œā€¦hey! i need gold!!!ā€.


If its a BoE, roll ā€œNeedā€ unless you dont care about the item at all. If someone greeds it by mistake, you can always let them reroll. Pretty simple.

Always needā€¦ this is a dog eat dog world and if you donā€™t accept it, youā€™re going to get eaten - by your own faction at that. You might have a cozy picture of the game and its community if youā€™re coming from some small server, but this is how people behave more often than not, regardless of the expansion weā€™re rolling.

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So are you saying you donā€™t need gold in vanilla? Can I have yours then?


Unless your level 60 with epic mount, skills trained, bank slots, bags, professions ect, you need gold as much as anybody else.

Would it suprise you that I would do the same even if it was bis for me and no-one else could equip it?

Everyone needs it and the best roll wins, no ninjas, no crying, you get lucky or you donā€™t.


ā€œall needā€

I hate how in Classic there are some people who think its BM to need on blue or epic BoEā€¦ it causes drama like this.

Everyone in the group needs the gold just as much as whoever might need the stats on the item that all five of you just happened to stumble upon.

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Pugs usually need on loot because they do not wanna loose the gold (AH) to other pugs in the group.

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Agree. Only need if you need AND equip is how Iā€™ve always played, and still try to do. Of course I need money as much as the next one, but I can wait just a few hours more if another player can be better equipped - It might even save my a** (and repair bill) if the Healer heals a bit better in a coming encounter :wink:


Decent players roll GREED even on BoE, because there is no difference between All Greed and All Need, unless you are scared that someone else will Ninja the item if you roll Greed. In which case, if one is rolling Need after 1-2-3 rolled Greed, then thatā€™s a lovely Ninja who will get into my black list.

Idiotic comment that is.

Again, whatā€™s the difference between All Need and All Greed ?! The only difference is people like you are scared that if you Greed, someone will Ninja Need. So thatā€™s yours and others only excuse for your Need.

Listen, I need gold as much as any other of you, but common sense is above your greedy gold mentality. IF a player can equip the BoE and he really needs it , but you still Need because ā€œgoldā€, you are as bad as a Ninja.


So if itā€™s bis for me and I still want to roll for it and be happy for the winner I am a ninja?

I would say if you think you have any more right to something so valuable that you wouldnā€™t have got without the group it is you is who is more selfish.

Are we speaking the same language? I know my english is not that good, but ā€¦ cā€™mon.

IF is BIS for you then roll Need because you really need it. If not, donā€™t roll Need because you need gold, if there is someone in the party where is BiS for him.

Makes sense now?!


So you prefer to risk having an item ninjaed so you could blacklist someone, rather than preventing the situation from happening in the first place by rolling need? Thats some 50 iq logic right there.

Its only idiotic because I was following your logic, which Iā€™ll admit doesnt make sense indeed.
People need 100 gold just as much as they need an item worth of 100 gold.


Believe it or not, with my ā€¦ mentality , I only had around 3 or 4 Ninjaā€™s and nothing on serious items. And yes, I prefer to lose some gold and know whoā€™s a decent player then to be a greedy as-s like you. This isnā€™t Retail. Your actions have consequences.

Listen, do whatever and play however you want. Be my guess. But if meet people with a mentality like yours, I instantly kick them from my party, and I did it few times, no worries. Yes, few times, because again, the players iā€™ve been party-ing with, were very decent and nice players.


What makes you think Iā€™m greedy and not decent? I just think people should roll need on BoEs. If a BoE epic gun drops, I let everyone roll on it instead of demanding it for myself as a hunter. What exactly is greedy about it?


With high value BoE items everyone should always need. If someone actually needs it they can buy it off the auction house. Asking that other people in the group sponsor the gold for you is extremely selfish.


The difference is that i will gladly pass it to you if you are a Hunter and you really Need it, whereas you, if I am a Rogue and it drops an epic BoE dagger and I really need it, you will roll Need ā€¦ for gold that is.