Unfortunate dark side of WoW Classic

In principle both ways can be fair. The difference is the practical application of it. By treating BoE items as bags of gold you prevent all attempts to scam or ninja them. By treating them the same as BoP items you open yourself up to abuse.

They do say it is bliss

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Great logic! so i can need on cloth set bop because i NEED IT for my town (appearance) clothes. Needs are different, as you said :laughing:


Yes but people will call you ninja as your need is clearly not equal to their need. With PoB items the gold value of the item is literally equal with the item itself. Actually gold is superior because it can be used anyway you want, including buying that item.

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You’re using the word “need” as if it inherently implies wearing the item. It doesn’t. Need is a need, start taking the words for what they actually mean and you’ll have a much easier time communicating.

I find it interesting that you call it a mistake. It’s not, it’s simply a different mindset.

If I look at it rationally instead of instinctively, it seems even more silly. You have a random group going into a random dungeon where a random epic may drop. Only one walks out with an epic in either scenario. There’s nothing objectively unfair, or even very different, about these two scenarios. One person wins an epic.


For me making someone make gold to buy their epic, instead of just being able to need it because they’ll actually wear it and the rest greeding who won’t wear it, is just a crazy manner of making people jump through more hoops than necessary.

From a rational point of view I find your reasoning as strange as from a more emotional point of view.

And a :heart: for you Squeedle!


Well, why don’t you read the OP again and tell me how that worked out. If dealing with that isn’t “jumping through more hoops” to you, then I don’t know what to say. It wouldn’t have happened if everyone rolled need, plain and simple.

That’s not what I originally responded to tho. I’d never say I don’t get it when running with a pug, and I’ve been in that situation myself and it sucked a bit. Funnily enough those (extremely few) moments don’t bother me, while the very happy moments of others getting an epic for their class and spec still stand out to me. I know what I prefer, and if that is a risk at times, so be it.

And we have pretty much always been clear, BoE and PuG, without previously agreed rules for BoE.

Oh, you’re implying I’m ignorant?


I have to edit as you didnt reply so I’ll do it here. You’re a different person than me Tabs but thats ok - you do you and whilst your suspicion and paranoia eats you alive, I’m just going to carry on without all your stress :slight_smile:


This situation was common in Vanilla, the solution on the server I was on was “need or pass on BOE epics”

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Just create a macro that explains your loot rules upon group formation… As far as I’m concerned “ALL NEED FOR GOLD” isn’t legitimate, and the normal NEED>GREED, MS>OS, EQUIP BoE rules should still apply, even if it’s epic…

I’d feel like a right tool if we pugged DM and a tank lost out on the Quel’Serrar book just because everyone saw purples and thought that entitled them to some gold.

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I totally agree. The problem is however, that players tend to lose their mind when they see purple. A pug is not going to agree to master loot, so then “all need” seems the most practical solution. You can trade it to that poor warrior if you win. If some goldhungry a-hole wins then that is just too bad…

In Vanilla most players solved this by not grinding dungeons for drops they needed in pugs. They would go with friends or at least players who agree on looting before you started.

Ress from me will coost you 20 g a piece if we ever run a dungeon

Yeah yeah, I got it, I’m such a greedy and terrible person for having an opinion different from yours, good point.

lol, how many days are you on this topic? :smiley:

I’m in this thread 24/7, it makes me feel super smart in comparison.

If everything that is for the common good should be counted in Gold, why not resses, water, flasks, summons etc?

Indeed, why not? What are you arguing with?
People do sell water, flasks and summons for gold. Not resses I suppose, because nobody cares.

Not in dungeon groups though, do I really have to explain why?

Yes. If BoE items in Dungeons = gold, then flasks etc also equals gold. All of these make the chance of the group clearing a dungeon better than they would be without these items.