Unfortunate dark side of WoW Classic

^^ This has to be the nicest thing I’ve read in a long time.

You’ve just restored my faith in humanity :smiley:

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Well, you’re making the same mistake a lot of other people do. You somehow value the joy of a guy who saved 500g more than the joy of another guy who can make 500g.
Bottom line is, a BoE drop is the same as if a bag with gold dropped. You either give everyone a fair chance to get it with full transparency or you reserve it for a single person by some arbitrary rules, which creates all sorts of problems including the rink of ninjaing.

People find joy in a lot of things. Generosity of spirit is a very human condition even though a lot of people try and deny it or even hide it. But being derisive towards someone who feels that way is pretty bloody spiteful.

I think people’s ‘stock-market’ approach to things in this game is so much like hard work and I agree with @Silene - being happy for someone seems to feel better than 500g

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I respect generosity and I’m not being derisive towards it.
I’m merely pointing out that with your approach you’re being generous to 1 person out of 5, while depriving the other 4 of their chance for an upgrade. Doesn’t seem very generous to me, more like biased.

Or perhaps your approach, whilst is ok for you, seems quite off for others. I have always seen the NEED roll to mean exactly that - they need that item to use now to replace a lower item and the greed roll to be used when no-one can use it and is no upgrade. That, to me, seems to be the most generous way and fair of looking at it.

But everyone is different

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And its fine, but as you can see, your approach opens up a window for a whole bunch of potential problems:

  • people waiting for others to greed and then pressing need.
  • people pretending they’re rolling for an upgrade when in fact they’re not

There will always be a*sholes - nothing will ever change that. Its a question of sifting through the dregs and finding decency

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I always suggest everyone greeds unless someone is actually going to equip it. I had Fiery War Axe drop in Uldaman and we all greeded except for the warrior who did equip it straight away.

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Why do they need it? Why didn’t they just buy it off the auction house before even doing the dungeon?

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I would say this is it in a nutshell.

I remember in Vanilla there was a suggestion that any item won on a need roll would automatically become soulbound. Great suggestion I think, but it was never picked up by Blizzard.

Maybe it wasnt there or they didnt have enough gold or they simply wanted to have the chance for it to drop?

But if they had the gold they could have bought it, at least on bigger servers where that stuff is always available to buy. So then how is it not equally about gold for the person who wants to equip the item?

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Ok, I’m going to say it as simply as I can :slight_smile:

For me, NEED means they NEED it. Not to flog in the AH but to wear, right there at that moment.
GREED is for selling/disenchanting etc.
Cant say much more simply than that :slight_smile:


Their need is about gold just as the need of everyone else in the group. It’s just a question of who gets the gold and the fair way to decide that is for everyone to roll on equal terms.


Then its about word-play and nothing more :slight_smile:

Remember boe

What you are doing is word play by saying that the item can be worth more than its gold value on the auction house. It’s like saying that winning a car is better than winning the money to buy that car.

Well it really isnt - its about seeing the word for what it really means. Now you can twist it to suit your purpose but that would be word-play

Need just means that you need it. It doesn’t in any way specify what you need the item for. You are arbitrarily making that distinction to always be about wearing the thing.

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Perhaps thats the fairest way :slight_smile:

I’m a pretty fair human being and I’ll probably always think that way. We can go round and round in circles and beat around a lot of bushes but I doubt that I will ever see it the same way that you do.