Unfortunate dark side of WoW Classic

It doesn’t really matter what you do with it once you win, I don’t see how that’s relevant.
Its about distributing the reward in a fair way, not about monitoring it to make sure the winner uses his reward in the most efficient way.

And your example can apply to gear just as well - what if the winner deletes or vendors his BoE by mistake, or flat out never plays again and therefore wastes the value that could be used by other group members? Its possible, but once again, irrelevant.

And yeah, MS>OS doesn’t apply to BoEs in my opinion, as you can guess by me suggesting that everyone should “Need” on it.

This is arbitrary. Regardless, my own position is fairly flexible. I just hold off on rolling until I see what people are doing and then do tit for tat.

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Not really. A bag with 1000g drops, how are you going to distribute it based on specs and classes? You’re not, everyone’s just going to roll on it.
And a BoE is the same as a bag with gold, so the same principle applies.

I’ll turn your own logic against you. You say that if we weren’t meant to roll differently on BoE, there would be no reason for it to exist.

If we were meant to treat it identically to a big pot of money, there would still be no reason for it to exist. We’d just have literal gold drop.


I don’t get it. I’m not sure I said something like that, and not sure what you mean either. Could you elaborate?

Why do you need to push this idealism if you know that the large chunk of the community will behave otherwise? Just subdue to “all need on boes” mentality and make your life easier…

this. There is a reason a need is called need and greed is called greed. Been this way all vanilla and all tbc, so I just love every 2nd post saying “everyone always needs/needed”. Just because its nowadays retail mentality, it doesnt mean that EVERYONE ALWAYS did and does that.


Dwarven Hand Cannon dropped in Scholo for us and I asked if I could need on it because it’s a big upgrade.

Which resulted in them saying: NO ALL NEED I NEED GOLD, BOE = GOLD

Wtf is that stupid mentality? Why are people so obsessed with gold they can’t even let a party member roll need on something they actually need?

At least I met a nice priest later on that let me have the Blue Dragon Sinew when it dropped while we were clearing the cave in Winterspring.

I really don’t get the mentality for hoarding gold to such an extend, people need on BOE stuff others in the party might actually need.

Even on Dark Runes, they were like this, while those are very good for healers. Got told off when I told the healer should get them “OMG U DON’T UNDERSTAND” and then tried to make the argument that “If Edgemaster’s Handguards dropped you would need as well!”


Because we are in 2019 and people are insanely greedy and selfish, they don’t care about others, they only care about them. And they all play with auction addon that tell them the price of an item, so if they see the item sell for high gold they instantly need to resell it, and they wait you to press “Greed” so they can ninja it easily.

For example today, just after DM release, on DM:E first boss we dropped a recipe for cooking with intellect +10. I play Mage and I press greed because frankly I was not thinking anyone will put a need on a green recipe that is not valuable, and cooking recipe seem really the last thing you will sell for high price. Some guy press greed to, and instantly the Warrior press need when he saw 4 people press greed. Does Warrior need intellect now ?

Same for DM:E Rich Vein Thorium. Once the last boss is dead, you can see people using Swiftness potion / sprint to RUSH the Rich Vein Thorium and go mining instantly to get 1 or 2 mine and just don’t care about each others. Someone complain in the group, about at least rolling the Rich Vein Thorium for miner, and we decide to make a 2nd run to try to drop gear with same players. Same thing at the end, they just don’t care, Healer left the group instantly and we disband.

And just after that, i check the World Chat, and I saw multiple people who create group and yell : “LF 2 DPS for DM:E (no miner)”

This is just disgusting to play with players like that, and it’s 95% of the player base. I guess the only response is just stop any PUG, and go in guild group only for the rest of Classic. This is sad, because I enjoy to play with new guys, but frankly the experience is terrible in 2019.

It’s not Vanilla, it’s Retail revamped as a 15 years old game. Same community.


This sums it up pretty well yes…

People are greedy a-holes to the point of ruining other people’s experience.

I blame retailers for their absurd amounts of greed


And why are you so obsessed with gold as well? This weapon costs 250g on the AH, you could’ve just bought it. And other party members could sell it to buy upgrades for themselves.

What makes you think your 250g worth upgrade is more important than someone else’s 250g worth upgrade? Who is being greedy and selfish here? I think its you, mate.

it’s 130g on my server, and not everyone has 100’s of gold laying around.

Yea they are selfish af, what happened to need before greed?

It’s just retarded the logic you use


Well once again, why do you think a 130g worth upgrade is more important to you than 130g to someone else? How is that not entitled and selfish behaviour?

Because I actually need it as an upgrade? What don’t you understand about that? Is it so hard to comprehend that if you NEED something you NEED on it and if you’re a GREEDY about gold you GREED on it, you know the actual intention of the greed option?

I swear the community has completely lost it’s marbles and the logic they try to use is elementary school levels of sadness


Pretty ironic.

So you’re saying that an item worth 130 gold is worth more than 130g to you? Nice logic.

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That’s not that point…

I don’t give a crap about the gold value of it, it’s an upgrade so the person that can actually use it as an upgrade should roll NEED for it. Everyone else should GREED.

If you can’t understand that, you might want to check the definition of GREED and NEED


Ok. But you do understand we’re talking about BoE items? And the thing about BoE items is that they can be bought and sold on the AH.
So by selling this gun for 130g someone could buy an equally worthy upgrade for themselves.
Hence my initial question - what makes you think your 130g upgrade is more important than someone else’s?

I mean if none has set any rules for run then it would be only logical that one who actually has it as upgrade rolls need, everyone else greed, it would be stupid to defend someone putting need on someones upgrade just because idk what, your reddit way of playing, or what is that.


Gold is an upgrade too, because you can buy gear with it, you know?

this logic makes no sense at all. In that case I might as well need everything that drops because I can sell and vendor for gold which is an upgrade.