You shall be granted the title “the Explorer”
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Battle for Azeroth Explorer
Explore Tiragarde Sound
/way Tiragarde Sound 41.14 26.80 Anglepoint Wharf
/way Tiragarde Sound 71.90 17.51 Fernwood Ridge
/way Tiragarde Sound 52.59 28.67 Norwington Estate
/way Tiragarde Sound 63.96 62.15 Abandoned Junkheap
/way Tiragarde Sound 87.12 76.77 The Wailing Tideway
/way Tiragarde Sound 41.1 21.8 way up to Waning Glacier
/way Tiragarde Sound 42.08 16.53 Waning Glacier
/way Tiragarde Sound 67.15 30.1 Boralus
/way Tiragarde Sound 76.97 82.44 Freehold
/way Tiragarde Sound 35.50 28.98 Krakenbane Cove
/way Tiragarde Sound 76.40 63.49 Kennings Lodge
/way Tiragarde Sound 56.01 60.46 Vigil Hill
Explore Drustvar
/way Drustvar 36.76 48.89 Arom’s Stand
/way Drustvar 64.94 31.58 Carver’s Harbor
/way Drustvar 25.51 54.10 Crimson Forest
/way Drustvar 67.46 67.31 Fletcher’s Hollow
/way Drustvar 44.76 37.44 Highroad Pass
/way Drustvar 50.41 73.13 Iceveil Glacier
/way Drustvar 61.19 44.73 Barrowknoll Cemetery
/way Drustvar 28.48 27.42 Corlain
/way Drustvar 56.97 33.90 Fallhaven
/way Drustvar 58.99 66.66 Gol Koval
/way Drustvar 19.36 8.83 Western Watch
/way Drustvar 33.78 13.26 Waycrest Manor
Explore Stormsong Valley
/way Stormsong Valley 56.79 69.34 Brennadam
/way Stormsong Valley 63.70 64.27 Mariner’s Strand
/way Stormsong Valley 44.39 52.36 Deadwash
/way Stormsong Valley 62.76 40.96 Sagehold
/way Stormsong Valley 29.74 64.23 Millstone Hamlet
/way Stormsong Valley 47.46 72.46 Briarback Kraul
/way Stormsong Valley 49.53 35.10 Warfang Hold
/way Stormsong Valley 36.29 50.52 Fort Daelin
/way Stormsong Valley 78.20 26.67 Shrine of the Storm
Explore Zuldazar
/way Zuldazar 43.69 39.10 Atal’Dazar
/way Zuldazar 59.25 18.77 Blood Gate
/way Zuldazar 72.35 66.27 Dreadpearl Shallows
/way Zuldazar 69.30 31.63 Savagelands
/way Zuldazar 59.38 77.95 Tusk Isle
/way Zuldazar 45.26 70.65 Xibala
/way Zuldazar 78.70 38.72 Atal’Gral
/way Zuldazar 59.21 41.63 Dazar’alor
/way Zuldazar 49.72 26.55 Garden of the Loa
/way Zuldazar 61.11 26.88 The Sliver
/way Zuldazar 77.62 49.91 Talanji’s Rebuke
/way Zuldazar 74.07 20.68 Zeb’ahari
Explore Nazmir
/way Nazmir 37.00 73.39 Primal Wetlands
/way Nazmir 42.82 83.27 The Rivermarsh
/way Nazmir 30.92 46.30 Zalamar
/way Nazmir 65.14 40.21 Nazwatha
/way Nazmir 71.92 49.90 The Frogmarsh
/way Nazmir 51.61 59.68 Heart of Darkness
/way Nazmir 39.53 33.52 The Necropolis
/way Nazmir 61.66 29.99 Torga’s Rest
/way Nazmir 63.60 61.21 Zal’amak
Explore Vol’dun
/way Vol’dun 44.92 58.99 Atul’Aman
/way Vol’dun 33.03 76.82 Port of Zem’lan
/way Vol’dun 39.15 34.28 Shatterstone Harbor
/way Vol’dun 53.19 89.49 Temple of Akunda
/way Vol’dun 43.44 49.80 The Bone Pit
/way Vol’dun 24.04 66.45 The Cracked Coast
/way Vol’dun 42.88 61.42 Whistlebloom Oasis
/way Vol’dun 62.84 26.79 Darkwood Shoal
/way Vol’dun 43.57 87.94 Redrock Harbor
/way Vol’dun 51.94 33.05 Slithering Gulch
/way Vol’dun 29.20 51.24 Terrace of the Devoted
/way Vol’dun 57.13 41.45 The Brine Basin
/way Vol’dun 61.63 21.33 Tortaka Refuge
Broken Isles Explorer
Explore Highmountain
/way Highmountain 43.0 33.5 Bloodhunt Highlands
/way Highmountain 47.9 68.9 Highmountain Summit (Path start)
/way Highmountain 56.9 90.0 Highmountain Summit
/way Highmountain 27.3 54.6 Nightwatcher’s Perch
/way Highmountain 38.9 67.8 Riverbend
/way Highmountain 43.7 8.7 Shipwreck Cove
/way Highmountain 58.7 64.7 Stonehoof Watch
/way Highmountain 46.2 61.4 Thunder Totem
/way Highmountain 29.3 33.4 Blind Marshlands
/way Highmountain 47.9 68.9 Ironhorn Enclave (Path start)
/way Highmountain 55.6 83.9 Ironhorn Enclave
/way Highmountain 43.1 51.7 Pinerock Basin
/way Highmountain 56.4 21.8 Rockaway Shallows
/way Highmountain 52.6 44.8 Skyhorn
/way Highmountain 35.6 63.6 Sylvan Falls
/way Highmountain 35.2 45.7 Trueshot Lodge
Explore Stormheim
/way Stormheim 47.2 44.8 Aggramar’s Vault
/way Stormheim 55.6 73.6 Dreadwake’s Landing
/way Stormheim 72.0 60.0 Greywatch
/way Stormheim 73.4 39.7 Haustvald
/way Stormheim 38.8 20.4 Maw/Cove of Nashal
/way Stormheim 44.9 37.0 Nastrondir
/way Stormheim 71.5 50.1 The Runewood
/way Stormheim 65.7 62.6 Skold-Ashil
/way Stormheim 51.4 57.0 Talonrest
/way Stormheim 60.4, 51.1 Valdisdall
/way Stormheim 33.9 34.7 Blackbeak Overlook
/way Stormheim 75.2 54.8 Dreyrgrot
/way Stormheim 65.5 62.2 Gates of Valor
/way Stormheim 44.3 64,5 Hrydshal
/way Stormheim 80.1 59.2 Morheim
/way Stormheim 69.9 22.0 Watchman’s Rock
/way Stormheim 77.8 6.7 Shield’s Rest
/way Stormheim 59.1 31.2 Storm’s Reach
/way Stormheim 58.0 44.4 Tideskorn Harbor
/way Stormheim 34.5 51.3 Weeping Bluffs
Explore Suramar
/way Suramar 30.4 42.3 Ambervale
/way Suramar 19.5 45.2 Falanaar
/way Suramar 47.3 50.4 The Grand Pomenade
/way Suramar 38.1 22.9 Moon Guard Stronghold
/way Suramar 90.9 62.6 Ruins of Elun’eth
/way Suramar 42.2 35.5 Tel’anor
/way Suramar 64.0 42.0 Crimson Thicket
/way Suramar 34.3 74.8 Felsoul Hold
/way Suramar 71.5 51.1 Jandvik
/way Suramar 34.9 31.0 Moonwhisper Gulch
/way Suramar 46.1 59.8 Suramar City
Explore Azsuna
/way Azsuna 48.0 13.6 Lost Orchard
/way Azsuna 52.7 16.8 Ley-Ruins of Zarkhenar
/way Azsuna 46.8 73.1 Isle of the Watchers
/way Azsuna 41.4 39.0 Llothien Highlands
/way Azsuna 57.1 64.8 Temple of Lights
/way Azsuna 53.8 58.9 Oceanus Cove
/way Azsuna 39.6 50.2 Faronaar
/way Azsuna 65.6 49.0 Ruined Sanctum
/way Azsuna 60.6 34.9 The Greenway
/way Azsuna 55.7 41.4 Nar’thalas
/way Azsuna 65.8 27.9 Felblaze Ingress
Explore Val’sharah
/way Val’sharah 67.6 56.4 Andutalah
/way Val’sharah 42.4 58.6 Bradensbrook
/way Val’sharah 25.5 66.5 Gloaming Reef
/way Val’sharah 54.6 73.0 Lorlathil
/way Val’sharah 61.2 73.1 Moonclaw Vale
/way Val’sharah 47.3 85.1 Smolderhide Thicket
/way Val’sharah 47.9 69.6 Thas’talah
/way Val’sharah 38.8 51.8 Black Rook Hold
/way Val’sharah 44.2 30.4 The Dreamgrove
/way Val’sharah 51.9 64.0 Grove of Cenarius
/way Val’sharah 71.6 39.1 Mistvale
/way Val’sharah 61.1 31.1 Shala’nir
/way Val’sharah 54.1 55.4 Temple of Elune
Draenor Explorer
Explore Frostfire Ridge
/way Frostfire Ridge 23.4 54.1 Wor’gol
/way Frostfire Ridge 30 41 Bladespire Citadel
/way Frostfire Ridge 31.2 23.5 Frostwind Crag
/way Frostfire Ridge 41.7 19.8 Bloodmaul Stronghold
/way Frostfire Ridge 44.6 31.2 Daggermaw Ravine
/way Frostfire Ridge 46.4 52.2 Stonefang Outpost
/way Frostfire Ridge 48.7 46.8 The Boneslag
/way Frostfire Ridge 52.2 45.5 The Cracking Plains
/way Frostfire Ridge 58.3 31.4 Colossal’s Fall
/way Frostfire Ridge 59.9 58.5 Grom’gar
/way Frostfire Ridge 65.4 47.3 Grimfrost Hill
/way Frostfire Ridge 68 32 Magnarok
/way Frostfire Ridge 74.7 61.2 Iron Waystation
/way Frostfire Ridge 82 57.4 Iron Siegeworks
/way Frostfire Ridge 82.5 60.4 Bones of Agurak
Explore Gorgrond
/way Gorgrond 41.4 74 Deadgrin
/way Gorgrond 43 66.5 Stonemaul Arena
/way Gorgrond 43.4 20.7 The Iron Approach
/way Gorgrond 44.8 76.8 Evermorn Springs
/way Gorgrond 45.4 70.8 Beaswatch
/way Gorgrond 47.4 38.3 The Pit
/way Gorgrond 48.2 42.7 Gronn Canyon
/way Gorgrond 50.5 77.8 Bastion Rise
/way Gorgrond 52.3 59.7 Highpass
/way Gorgrond 54.5 44.7 Everbloom Wilds
/way Gorgrond 54.9 63.5 Crimson Fen
/way Gorgrond 55.6 33.5 Grimrail Depot
/way Gorgrond 57.8 65.5 Tangleheart
/way Gorgrond 61.3 51.2 Iyun Weald
Explore Nagrand
/way Nagrand:Draenor 25.8 19.6 Highmaul Harbor
/way Nagrand:Draenor 38.0 50.1 Ancestral Grounds
/way Nagrand:Draenor 41.6 69.4 Ironfist Harbor
/way Nagrand:Draenor 42.2 27.3 Broken Precipice
/way Nagrand:Draenor 42.7 41.4 Mok’gol Watchpost
/way Nagrand:Draenor 47 60.8 Oshu’gun
/way Nagrand:Draenor 51.9 47.7 Lok-rath
/way Nagrand:Draenor 55.9 15.2 The Ring of Blood
/way Nagrand:Draenor 69.2 64.2 Telaar
/way Nagrand:Draenor 73.0 20.6 Throne of the Elements
/way Nagrand:Draenor 76.2 68.4 Gates of Grommashar
/way Nagrand:Draenor 80.4 67.3 Mar’gok’s Overwatch
/way Nagrand:Draenor 80.7 52.3 Ring of Trials
/way Nagrand:Draenor 84.7 60.4 Hallvalor
/way Nagrand:Draenor 85.4 26.5 Zangar Shore
Explore Shadowmoon Valley
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 22.7 29.5 Gul’var
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 36.8 27.8 Gloomshade Grove
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 38.8 42.7 Anguish Fortress
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 41.1 80.2 Isle of Shadows
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 41.4 58.0 Shaz’gul
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 46.8 69.9 Socrethar’s Rise
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 47.2 41.4 Embaari Village
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 58 59.9 The Shimmer Moor
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 58.4 79 Darktide Roost
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 58.5 28.2 Elodor
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 71.4 46.8 Karabor
Explore Spires of Arak
/way Spires of Arak 30.9 29.1 Bladefist Hold
/way Spires of Arak 36.5 44.4 The Writhing Mire
/way Spires of Arak 39.9 49.6 Admiral Taylor’s Garrison
/way Spires of Arak 41.3 45.9 Axefall
/way Spires of Arak 41.6 58.8 Southport
/way Spires of Arak 44.8 24.1 Veil Akraz
/way Spires of Arak 47.4 52.6 Windswept Terrace
/way Spires of Arak 49 55.6 Bloodmane Valley
/way Spires of Arak 50.5 46.9 Terrace of Dawn
/way Spires of Arak 50.9 12.6 Skettis
/way Spires of Arak 53.8 51.3 Ravenskar
/way Spires of Arak 56.5 86.4 Pinchwhistle Point
/way Spires of Arak 57.9 55.2 Veil Zekk
/way Spires of Arak 60.8 45.1 Sethekk Hollow
/way Spires of Arak 61 70.3 Pinchwhistle Gearworks
/way Spires of Arak 61.6 24.6 Howling Crag
/way Spires of Arak 72.2 40.3 Lost Veil Anzu
Explore Talador
/way Talador 35.7 70.1 Gul’rok
/way Talador 42.2 58.1 Court of Souls
/way Talador 46.5 89 Telmor
/way Talador 49.7 35.1 Shattrath City
/way Talador 49.7 60.6 Auchindoun
/way Talador 51.4 26.2 Orunai Coast
/way Talador 58.6 39.5 Tuurem
/way Talador 58.6 65.1 Tomb of Lights
/way Talador 62.1 50.2 Duskfall Island
/way Talador 66.5 10.3 The Path of Glory
/way Talador 67.9 68.6 Gordal Fortress
/way Talador 68.7 22.3 Fort Wrynn
/way Talador 75.4 43.2 Aruuna
/way Talador 77.7 55.5 Anchorite’s Sojourn
/way Talador 78.6 27.9 Zangarra
Pandaria Explorer
Explore Jade Forest
/way The Jade Forest 41 21 Tian Monastery
/way The Jade Forest 52 91 Dreamer’s Pavillion
/way The Jade Forest 58 80 Pearl Lake
/way The Jade Forest 46 29 Greenstone Quarry
/way The Jade Forest 25 37 Camp Nooka Nooka
/way The Jade Forest 47 60 Serpent’s Heart
/way The Jade Forest 57 57 Temple of the Jade Serpent
/way The Jade Forest 46 90 Garrosh’ar Point
/way The Jade Forest 29 13 Honeydew Village
/way The Jade Forest 48 45 Dawn’s Blossom
/way The Jade Forest 50 26 Emperor’s Omen
/way The Jade Forest 25 48 Grookin Hill
/way The Jade Forest 40 73 Nectarbreeze Orchard
/way The Jade Forest 40 13 Terrace of Ten Thunders
/way The Jade Forest 52 82 Slingtail Pits
/way The Jade Forest 57 44 The Arboretum
/way The Jade Forest 65 30 Windward Isle
Explore Krasarang Wilds
/way Krasarang Wilds 67 44 Anglers Wharf
/way Krasarang Wilds 33 70 Cradle of Chi-ji
/way Krasarang Wilds 64 31 Dojani River
/way Krasarang Wilds 29 38 Fallsong Village
/way Krasarang Wilds 82 26 Krasarang Cove
/way Krasarang Wilds 70 22 The Krasari Ruins
/way Krasarang Wilds 41 75 Nayeli Lagoon
/way Krasarang Wilds 40 33 Crane Wing Refuge
/way Krasarang Wilds 55 34 Ruins of Dojan
/way Krasarang Wilds 24 45 Ruins of Korja
/way Krasarang Wilds 40 55 Temple of the Red Crane
/way Krasarang Wilds 46 38 The Deepwild
/way Krasarang Wilds 21 35 The Forbidden Jungle
/way Krasarang Wilds 16 56 The South Isles
/way Krasarang Wilds 47 90 Unga Ingoo
/way Krasarang Wilds 77 10 Zhu’s Watch
Explore Townlong Steppes
/way Townlong Steppes 76 82 Gao-Ran Battlefront
/way Townlong Steppes 56 56 Kri’vess
/way Townlong Steppes 54 78 Rensai’s Watchpost
/way Townlong Steppes 41 63 Niuzao Temple
/way Townlong Steppes 67 47 Fire Camp Osul
/way Townlong Steppes 84 72 Hatred’s Vice
/way Townlong Steppes 48 70 Shado-Pan Garrison
/way Townlong Steppes 29 27 Shan’ze Dao
/way Townlong Steppes 22 52 Sra’vess
/way Townlong Steppes 45 86 Sik’vess
/way Townlong Steppes 66 65 The Sumprushes
Explore Vale of Eternal Blossoms
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 29 37 Ruins of Guo-Lai
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 38 73 Mistfall Village
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 80 34 Mogu’shan Palace
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 21 71 Setting Sun Garrison
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 46 16 The Golden Stair
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 86 65 Shrine of Seven Stars
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 62 20 Shrine of Two Moons
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 56 43 The Golden Pagoda
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 47 72 Tu Shen Burial Ground
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 41 46 Whitepetal Lake
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 17 45 The Five Sisters
Explore Valley of the Four Winds
/way Valley of the Four Winds 13 76 Dustback Gorge
/way Valley of the Four Winds 56 36 Gilded Fan
/way Valley of the Four Winds 54 46 Halfhill
/way Valley of the Four Winds 39 39 The Heartland
/way Valley of the Four Winds 50.7 63.7 The Imperial Granary
/way Valley of the Four Winds 30.1 35.7 Kunzen Village
/way Valley of the Four Winds 68 43 Mudmug’s Place
/way Valley of the Four Winds 18 81 Nesingwary Safari
/way Valley of the Four Winds 16 35 Paoquan Hollow
/way Valley of the Four Winds 60 27 Pools of Purity
/way Valley of the Four Winds 74.18 63.75 Rumbling Terrace
/way Valley of the Four Winds 63 57 Silken Fields
/way Valley of the Four Winds 25 43 Singing Marshes
/way Valley of the Four Winds 18 55 Stoneplow
/way Valley of the Four Winds 34 70 Stormstout Brewery
/way Valley of the Four Winds 75 25 Thunderfoot Ranch
/way Valley of the Four Winds 51 77 Wind’s Edge
/way Valley of the Four Winds 81.53 47.91 Zhu’s Descent
Explore Kun-Lai Summit
/way Kun-Lai Summit 72 91 Binan Village
/way Kun-Lai Summit 44 86 Firebough Nook
/way Kun-Lai Summit 55 91 Gate of the August Celestials
/way Kun-Lai Summit 75 13 Isle of Reckoning
/way Kun-Lai Summit 35 65 Kota Peak
/way Kun-Lai Summit 59 72 Mogujia
/way Kun-Lai Summit 45 51 Mount Neverest
/way Kun-Lai Summit 68 73 Muskpaw Ranch
/way Kun-Lai Summit 49 40 Peak of Serenity
/way Kun-Lai Summit 34 47 Shado-Pan Monastery
/way Kun-Lai Summit 68 48 Temple of the White Tiger
/way Kun-Lai Summit 47 67 The Burlap Trail
/way Kun-Lai Summit 57 47 Valley of Emperors
/way Kun-Lai Summit 62 29 Zouchin Village
Explore Dread Wastes
/way Dread Wastes 40 34 Heart of Fear
/way Dread Wastes 55 35 Klaxxi’vess
/way Dread Wastes 57 17 Kypari Vor
/way Dread Wastes 59 57 Kypari Zar
/way Dread Wastes 35 19 Rikkitum Village
/way Dread Wastes 56 70 Soggy’s Gambrle
/way Dread Wastes 70 25 Terrace of Gurthan
/way Dread Wastes 39 65 The Briny Muck
/way Dread Wastes 47 35 The Clutches of Shek’zeer
/way Dread Wastes 50 11 The Sunset Brewgarden
/way Dread Wastes 66 44 Writhingwood
/way Dread Wastes 30 75 Zan’vess
Cataclysm Explorer
Explore Hyjal
/way Hyjal 62 25 Nordrassil
/way Hyjal 53 28 The Verdant Thicket
/way Hyjal 43 28 The Circle of Cinders
/way Hyjal 39 29 Lake Edunel
/way Hyjal 33 32 The Wolf’s Run
/way Hyjal 29 28 Shrine of Goldrin
/way Hyjal 28 34 Gar’gol’s Hovel
/way Hyjal 22 37 Rim of the World
/way Hyjal 20 37 Grove of Aessina
/way Hyjal 18 45 The Inferno
/way Hyjal 19 48 Ashen Lake
/way Hyjal 27 61 Santuary of Malorne
/way Hyjal 31 61 The Flamewake
/way Hyjal 44 75 Sulfuron Spire
/way Hyjal 57 87 Ascendant’s Rise
/way Hyjal 67 75 Gates of Sothann
/way Hyjal 76 65 Darkwhisper Gorge
/way Hyjal 76 51 Seat of the Chosen
/way Hyjal 92 52 Doom’s Vigil
/way Hyjal 33 75 Sethria’s Roost
Explore Deepholm
/way Deepholm 62 59 Deathwing’s Fall
/way Deepholm 26 33 Needlerock Chasm
/way Deepholm 22 48 Needlerock Slag
/way Deepholm 26 70 Stonehearth
/way Deepholm 56 76 Storm’s Fury Wreckage
/way Deepholm 49 49 Temple of Earth
/way Deepholm 41 18 The Pale Roost
/way Deepholm 56 13 Therazane’s Throne
/way Deepholm 35 82 The Quaking Fields
/way Deepholm 68 78 Twilight Overlook
/way Deepholm 39 69 Masters’ Gate
/way Deepholm 72 41 Crimson Expanse
/way Deepholm 55 25 The Scoured Reach
Explore Twilight Highlands
/way Twilight Highlands 29 73 The Twilight Citadel
/way Twilight Highlands 38 89 Elementium Depths
/way Twilight Highlands 44 87 Alter of Twilight
/way Twilight Highlands 47 77 Crushblow
/way Twilight Highlands 57 81 Obsidian Forest
/way Twilight Highlands 71 71 Twilight Shore
/way Twilight Highlands 78 75 Highbank
/way Twilight Highlands 75 57 Dragonmaw Port
/way Twilight Highlands 63 55 The Devouring Breach
/way Twilight Highlands 54 63 Highland Forest
/way Twilight Highlands 47 67 Dunwald Holdout
/way Twilight Highlands 45 69 The Twilight Gate
/way Twilight Highlands 46 69 Dunwald Ruins
/way Twilight Highlands 43 58 Victor’s Point
/way Twilight Highlands 47 55 Dunwald Hovel
/way Twilight Highlands 51 55 The Boneyard
/way Twilight Highlands 51 56 The Nosebleeds
/way Twilight Highlands 61 56 Firebeard’s Patrol
/way Twilight Highlands 62 49 Gorshak War Camp
/way Twilight Highlands 56 42 Bloodgulch
/way Twilight Highlands 57 40 Verrall RIver
/way Twilight Highlands 64 40 Verrall Delta
/way Twilight Highlands 70 41 Slithering Cove
/way Twilight Highlands 59 30 The Black Breach
/way Twilight Highlands 57 18 Kirthaven
/way Twilight Highlands 51 11 The Maw of Madness
/way Twilight Highlands 44 14 Ruins of Drakgor
/way Twilight Highlands 39 21 Humboldt C
/way Twilight Highlands 47 28 Thundermar
/way Twilight Highlands 47 32 Thundermar Ruins
/way Twilight Highlands 40 46 The Twighlight Breach
/way Twilight Highlands 37 39 The Gullet
/way Twilight Highlands 36 35 Glopgut’s Hollow
/way Twilight Highlands 34 33 Vermillion Redoubt
/way Twilight Highlands 25 37 Dragonmaw Pass
/way Twilight Highlands 29 48 Wyrms’ Bend
/way Twilight Highlands 24 56 Grim Batol
/way Twilight Highlands 75 16 The Krazzworks
Explore Vashj’ir
/way Abyssal Depths 47 24 The Scalding Chasm
/way Abyssal Depths 43 26 Deepfin Ridge
/way Abyssal Depths 57 33 Seabrush
/way Abyssal Depths 43 50 Underlight Canyon
/way Abyssal Depths 35 52 L’Ghorek
/way Abyssal Depths 33 73 Abandoned Reef
/way Abyssal Depths 70 30 Abyssal Breach
/way Abyssal Depths 55 67 Korthun’s End
/way Shimmering Expanse 50.5 76.4 Beth’more Ridge
/way Shimmering Expanse 49 22 Shimmering Grotto
/way Shimmering Expanse 50 41.2 Silver Tide Hollow
/way Shimmering Expanse 48 47 Glimmeringdeep Gorge
/way Shimmering Expanse 51 48 Nespirah
/way Shimmering Expanse 66 45 Ruins of Thelserai
/way Shimmering Expanse 35 78 Ruins of Vashj’ir
/way Kelp’thar Forest 40 30 Legion’s Fate
/way Kelp’thar Forest 51 28 Seafarer’s Tomb
/way Kelp’thar Forest 52 51 Gurboggle’s Ledge
/way Kelp’thar Forest 60 46 Skeletal Reef
/way Kelp’thar Forest 60 58 Gnaws’ Boneyard
/way Kelp’thar Forest 58 78 The Clutch
Explore Uldum
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 63 20 Khartut’s Tomb
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 62 22 The Gate of Unending Cycles
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 28 23 Vir’naai Oasis
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 54 23 Sahket Wastes
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 46 15 Ruins of Ahmtul
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 42 12 Maker’s Ascent
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 37 11 Oasis of Vir’sar
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 30 16 Obelisk of the Moon
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 37 41 Orsis
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 32 33 Temple of Uldum
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 25 53 Schnott’s Landing
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 28 65 Ruins of Ammon
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 40 68 Cradle of the Ancients
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 45 58 Obelisk of the Sun
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 49 70 Neferset City Outskirts
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 50 78 Neferset City
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 57 76 Vir’naal River Delta
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 63 72 Lost City of Tol’nir
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 60 60 Gate of Hamatep
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 53 52 Akhenet Fields
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 49 39 Mar’at
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 52 39 Vir’naai Lake
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 54 32 Ramkahen
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 55 42 Vir’naai Dam
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 56 47 Vir’naai River
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 59 45 Rekahen Legion Outpost
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 64 30 Obelisk of the Stars
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 67 41 Nahom
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 72 47 Tombs of the Precursors
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 78 46 Keset Pass
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 82 47 The Cursed Landing
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 81 53 The Steps of Fate
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 80 57 The Trail of Devastation
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 79 63 Tomb of the Sun King
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 60 38 Tahret Grounds
Northrend Explorer
Explore Borean Tundra
/way borean 85.42 25.24 Temple City of En’kilah
/way borean 49.15 25.16 Steeljaw’s Caravan
/way borean 46.05 78.79 Riplash Strand
/way borean 65.8 46.87 Kaskala
/way borean 31.92 52.74 Garrosh’s Landing
/way borean 82.37 46.69 Death’s Stand
/way borean 32.66 28.26 Coldarra
/way borean 49.7 10.10 Bor’gorok Outpost
/way borean 45.26 34.25 Amber Ledge
/way borean 41.42 53.62 Warsong Hold
/way borean 58.78 68.55 Valiance Keep
/way borean 67.08 32.19 The Geyser Fields
/way borean 75.58 17.05 The Dens of the Dying
Explore Dragonblight
/way Dragonblight 55.6 34.1 Galakrond Rest
/way Dragonblight 40.0 67.4 Lake Indule
/way Dragonblight 47.5 48.7 Ruby Dragonshrine
/way Dragonblight 40.7 31.9 Obsidian Dragonshrine
/way Dragonblight 71.0 74.2 New Hearthglen
/way Dragonblight 87.3 47.8 Naxxramas
/way Dragonblight 84.0 26.1 Lights Trust
/way Dragonblight 25.1 43.2 Icemist Village
/way Dragonblight 63.6 73.6 Emerald Dragonshrine
/way Dragonblight 55.0 20.0 Coldwind Heights
/way Dragonblight 37.7 17.4 Angrathar the Wrath Gate
/way Dragonblight 36.7 46.8 AgmarsHammer
/way Dragonblight 59.8 54.2 WyrmrestTemple
/way Dragonblight 14.1 47.4 Westwind Refugee Camp
/way Dragonblight 78.0 63.0 Venomspit
/way Dragonblight 82.4 68.4 The Forgotten Shore
/way Dragonblight 60.5 20.2 The Crystal Vice
/way Dragonblight 72.5 26.0 ScarletPoint
Explore Zul’Drak
/way Zul’drak 82.1 20.7 Gundrak
/way Zul’drak 51.8 75.3 Drak’Sotra Fields
/way Zul’drak 49.4 56.1 Ampitheater of Anguish
/way Zul’drak 40.6 38.6 Altar of Sseratus
/way Zul’drak 53.6 36.8 Altar of Rhunok
/way Zul’drak 77.0 59.2 Altar of Quetz’lun
/way Zul’drak 76.1 43.3 Altar of Mam’toth
/way Zul’drak 63.9 71.0 Altar of Har’koa
/way Zul’drak 59.7 57.6 Zim’Torga
/way Zul’drak 21.5 76.5 Zeramas
/way Zul’drak 28.3 46.6 Voltarus
/way Zul’drak 17.2 58.6 Thrym’s End
/way Zul’drak 32.0 75.6 Light’s Breach
/way Zul’drak 62.0 77.6 Kolramas
Explore Crystalsong Forest
/way Crystalsong Forest 23 57 The Azure Front
/way Crystalsong Forest 18 15 The Decrepit Flow
/way Crystalsong Forest 78.5 50.2 Sunreaver’s Command
/way Crystalsong Forest 47 44 Forlorn Woods
/way Crystalsong Forest 74 80 Windrunner’s Overlook
/way Crystalsong Forest 14 34 The Great Tree
/way Crystalsong Forest 15 42 Violet Stand
/way Crystalsong Forest 60 61 the unbound thicket
Explore Icecrown
/way Icecrown 70 37 Sindragosas_Fall
/way Icecrown 42 25 Shadow_Vault
/way Icecrown 32 35 Jotunheim
/way Icecrown 33 29 Valhalas
/way Icecrown 11 50 Onslaught_Harbor
/way Icecrown 30 63 Fleshwerks
/way Icecrown 41 68 Corprethar_Horror_Gate
/way Icecrown 44 64 Conflagration
/way Icecrown 51 59 Ymirheim
/way Icecrown 52 47 Aldurthar_Desolation_Gate
/way Icecrown 78 59 Scourgeholm
/way Icecrown 62 40 Bombardment
/way Icecrown 53 89 Icecrown_Citadel
/way Icecrown 68 65 The_Broken_Front
/way Icecrown 83 73 Valley_of_Echoes
Explore Howling Fjord
/way Howling Fjord 25 57 Kamagua
/way Howling Fjord 57 36 Cauldros Isle
/way Howling Fjord 48 10 Camp Winterhoof
/way Howling Fjord 27 24 Apothecary Camp
/way Howling Fjord 78 30 Vengeance Landing
/way Howling Fjord 30 26 Steel Gate
/way Howling Fjord 34 78 Scalawag Point
/way Howling Fjord 68 54 Nifflevar
/way Howling Fjord 36 10 Gjalerbron
/way Howling Fjord 39 50 Ember Clutch
/way Howling Fjord 68 27 Giant’s Run
/way Howling Fjord 60 15 Fort Wildervar
/way Howling Fjord 78 46 Ivald’s Ruin
/way Howling Fjord 50 53 Halgrind
/way Howling Fjord 52 67 New Agamand
/way Howling Fjord 45 35 Skorn
/way Howling Fjord 51 27 The Vibrant Glade
/way Howling Fjord 58 46 Utgarde Keep
/way Howling Fjord 30 43 Westguard Keep
/way Howling Fjord 72 71 Baelgun’s Excavation Site
/way Howling Fjord 66 39 Baleheim
Explore Grizzly Hills
/way Grizzly Hills 21 65 Conquest_Hold
/way Grizzly Hills 18 28 DrakTharon_Keep
/way Grizzly Hills 72 26 DrakilJin_Ruins
/way Grizzly Hills 78 59 Dun_Argol
/way Grizzly Hills 16 49 Granite_Springs
/way Grizzly Hills 49 44 Grizzlemaw
/way Grizzly Hills 50 58 Rage_Fang_Shrine
/way Grizzly Hills 67 17 Thor_Modan
/way Grizzly Hills 15 80 Venture_Bay
/way Grizzly Hills 29 75 Voldrunem
/way Grizzly Hills 32 59 Amberpine_Lodge
/way Grizzly Hills 37 37 Blue_Sky_Logging_Grounds
/way Grizzly Hills 65 47 Camp_Oneqwah
/way Grizzly Hills 57 30 Westfall_Brigade_Encampment
Explore Sholazar Basin
/way Sholazar Basin 48 63 River_s_Heart
/way Sholazar Basin 29 38 Makers_Perch
/way Sholazar Basin 53 55 Rainspeaker_Canopy
/way Sholazar Basin 73 36 The_Avalanche
/way Sholazar Basin 25 81 Kartak_s_Hold
/way Sholazar Basin 46 25 The_Savage_Thicket
/way Sholazar Basin 36 75 The_Mosslight_Pillar
/way Sholazar Basin 79 55 Makers_Overlook
/way Sholazar Basin 33 52 The_Suntouched_Pillar
/way Sholazar Basin 65 59 The_Lifeblood_Pillar
/way Sholazar Basin 49 38 The_Glimmering_Pillar
/way Sholazar Basin 26 35 The_Stormwright_s_Shelf
/way Sholazar Basin 40 83 WayGate
Explore Storm Peaks
/way Storm Peaks 27.5 67 Bor’s Breath
/way Storm Peaks 28 72 Frosthold
/way Storm Peaks 36 85 Sparksocket Minefield
/way Storm Peaks 43 82 Garm’s Bane
/way Storm Peaks 48 69 Brunnhildar Village
/way Storm Peaks 62 60 Dun Niffelem
/way Storm Peaks 64.8 47.4 Temple of Life
/way Storm Peaks 70 49 Thunderfall
/way Storm Peaks 58 44 Terrace of the Makers
/way Storm Peaks 41 56 Engine of the Makers
/way Storm Peaks 34 56 Temple of Storms
/way Storm Peaks 25 57 Valkyrion
/way Storm Peaks 25 51 Nidavelir
/way Storm Peaks 29 44 Narvir’s Cradle
/way Storm Peaks 27 45 Snowdrift Plains
/way Storm Peaks 40 24 Ulduar
Outland Explorer
Explore Hellfire Peninsula
/WAY hellfire pen 69 71 Zeth’Gor
/WAY hellfire pen 27 61 Falcon Watch
/WAY hellfire pen 55 63 Honor Hold
/WAY hellfire pen 42 31 Pools of Aggonar
/WAY hellfire pen 22 40 Temple of Telhamat
/WAY hellfire pen 56 37 Thrallmar
/WAY hellfire pen 14 42 Fallen Sky Ridge
/WAY hellfire pen 54 83 Expedition Armory
/WAY hellfire pen 49 50 Hellfire Citadel
/WAY hellfire pen 32 28 Mag’har Post
/WAY hellfire pen 15 60 Ruins of Sha’naar
/WAY hellfire pen 69 53 The Legion Front
/WAY hellfire pen 63 18 Throne of Kil’jaeden
/WAY hellfire pen 29 74 Den of Haal’esh
/WAY hellfire pen 76 63 Void Ridge
/WAY hellfire pen 64 31 Forge Camp Mageddon
/WAY hellfire pen 45 83 Warp Fields
/WAY hellfire pen 76 71 Void Ridge
Explore Terokkar Forest
/way terokkar 41 22 Cenarion Thicket
/way terokkar 38 35 Grangol’var Village
/way terokkar 51 29 Tuurem
/way terokkar 60 40 Raastok Glade
/way terokkar 54 20 Razorthorn Shelf
/way terokkar 33 69 Auchenai Grounds
/way terokkar 34 52 Refugee Caravan
/way terokkar 31 53 Shadow Tomb
/way terokkar 24 59 Veil Rhaze
/way terokkar 66 71 Skettis
/way terokkar 55 54 Allerian Stronghold
/way terokkar 68 36 Firewing Point
/way terokkar 50 48 Stonebreaker Hold
/way terokkar 35 30 Shattrath City
/way terokkar 29 12 The Barrier Hills
/way terokkar 64 52 Bonechewer Ruins
/way terokkar 42 52 Carrion Hill
/way terokkar 36 63 Ring of Observance
/way terokkar 43 76 Derelict Caravan
/way terokkar 50 66 Writhing Mound
/way terokkar 20 63 Bleeding Hollow Ruins
Explore Blade’s Edge Mountains
/way Blade’s edge 52 12 Bash’ir Landing
/way Blade’s edge 40 53 Bladespire Hold
/way Blade’s edge 46 77 Bloodmaul Outpost
/way Blade’s edge 53 43 Circle of Blood
/way Blade’s edge 73 41 Forge Camp: Anger
/way Blade’s edge 40 40 Forge Camp: Wrath
/way Blade’s edge 65 24 Gruul’s Lair
/way Blade’s edge 76.4 65.9 Mok’Nathal Village
/way Blade’s edge 65 53 Razor Ridge
/way Blade’s edge 72 23 Skald
/way Blade’s edge 64 14 Crystal Spine
/way Blade’s edge 35 76 Veil Lashh
/way Blade’s edge 71 61 Vekhaar Stand
/way Blade’s edge 70 42 Bladed Gulch
/way Blade’s edge 55 27 Bloodmaul Camp
/way Blade’s edge 77 24 Broken Wilds
/way Blade’s edge 64 67 Death’s Door
/way Blade’s edge 28 81 Forge Camp: Terror
/way Blade’s edge 39 20 Grishnath
/way Blade’s edge 49 70 Jagged Ridge
/way Blade’s edge 31 28 Raven’s Wood
/way Blade’s edge 62 34 Ruuan Weald
/way Blade’s edge 37 64 Sylvanaar
/way Blade’s edge 52 56 Thunderlord Stronghold
/way Blade’s edge 64 31 Veil Ruuan
/way Blade’s edge 30 64 Vortex Pinnacle
/way Blade’s edge 61.6 39.6 Evergrove FP
Explore Shadowmoon Valley
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 45.5 28.3 Coilskar Point
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 46.1 68.9 Eclipse Point
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 23.3 38.2 Legion Hold
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 70.5 85.4 Netherwing Ledge
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 29.2 28.7 Shadowmoon Village
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 73 43.8 The Black Temple
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 40.4 39.2 The Deathforge
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 50 40.5 The Hand of Gul’dan
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 60.1 48.7 Warden’s Cage
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 35.8 58 Wildhammer Stronghold
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 61.7 29.1 Altar of Sha’tar
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 29.5 55.3 Illidari Point
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 64.2 57.6 Netherwing Fields
Explore Zangarmarsh
/way Zangarmarsh 83 82 Umbrafen Village
/way Zangarmarsh 81 38 The Dead Mire
/way Zangarmarsh 79 64 Cenarion Refuge
/way Zangarmarsh 70 80 Darkcrest Shore
/way Zangarmarsh 68 48 Telredor
/way Zangarmarsh 61 41 Bloodscale Grounds
/way Zangarmarsh 58 62 The Lagoon
/way Zangarmarsh 47 53 Twin Spire Ruins
/way Zangarmarsh 46 63 Feralfen Village
/way Zangarmarsh 42 30 Orebor Harborage
/way Zangarmarsh 31 50 Zabra’jin
/way Zangarmarsh 29 61 Quagg Ridge
/way Zangarmarsh 29 33 Hewn Bog
/way Zangarmarsh 22 40 Marshlight Lake
/way Zangarmarsh 18 50 Sporeggar
/way Zangarmarsh 18 7 Ango’rosh Stronghold
/way Zangarmarsh 17 23 Ango’rosh Grounds
/way Zangarmarsh 14 62 The Spawning Glen
/way Zangarmarsh 84.7 55.1 Swamprat Post FP
Explore Nagrand
/way Nagrand:outland 19.1 51.5 Forge Camp: Fear
/way Nagrand:outland 56 36.3 Garadar
/way Nagrand:outland 42.7 44 Halaa
/way Nagrand:outland 70 81.5 Kil’sorrow Fortress
/way Nagrand:outland 46.7 19.4 Laughing Skull Ruins
/way Nagrand:outland 36 71.4 Spirit Fields
/way Nagrand:outland 31.6 43.1 Sunspring Post
/way Nagrand:outland 53.7 70.6 Telaar
/way Nagrand:outland 65.9 56.1 The Ring of Trials
/way Nagrand:outland 60.2 23.1 Throne of the Elements
/way Nagrand:outland 27 21.1 Warmaul Hill
/way Nagrand:outland 74.4 66.9 Burning Blade Ruins
/way Nagrand:outland 62 63.8 Clan Watch
/way Nagrand:outland 24.6 35.9 Forge Camp: Hate
/way Nagrand:outland 49.4 55.5 Southwind Cleft
/way Nagrand:outland 8.6 43.1 The Twilight Ridge
/way Nagrand:outland 72.6 36.6 Windyreed Pass
/way Nagrand:outland 72.7 52.6 Windyreed Village
/way Nagrand:outland 33.4 15.6 Zangar Ridge Kenshyneus
Explore Netherstorm
/way netherstorm 33 65 Area 52
/way netherstorm 22 70 Manaforge B’naar
/way netherstorm 48 84 Manaforge Coruu
/way netherstorm 59 67 Manaforge Duro
/way netherstorm 26 38 Manaforge Ara
/way netherstorm 62 39 Manaforge Ultris
/way netherstorm 54 25 Ruins of Farahlon
/way netherstorm 71 65 Tempest Keep
/way netherstorm 31 76 The Heap
/way netherstorm 40 75 Arklon Ruins
/way netherstorm 72 40 Celestial Ridge
/way netherstorm 56 85 Kirin’Var Village
/way netherstorm 32 56 Ruins of Enkaat
/way netherstorm 56 78 Sunfury Hold
/way netherstorm 44 36 The Stormspire
/way netherstorm 22 56 Gyro-Plank Bridge
/way netherstorm 45 13 Eco-Dome Farfield
/way netherstorm 55 42 Ethereum Staging Grounds
/way netherstorm 29 15 Socrethar’s Seat
/way netherstorm 37 25 Forge Base: Oblivion
/way netherstorm 45 54 Eco-Dome Midrealm
/way netherstorm 49 18 Netherstone
Kalimdor Explorer
Explore Durotar
/way 44.17 64.68 Valley of Trials
/way 43.15 42.55 Southfury Watershed
/way 64.14 74.41 Echo Isles
/way 52.83 42.81 Razor Hill
/way 40.90 26.51 Thunder Ridge
/way 54.97 09.96 Skull Rock
/way 49.82 81.50 Northwatch Foothold
/way 55.98 74.36 Sen’jin Village
/way 59.51 58.30 Tiragarde Keep
/way 49.11 48.81 Razormane Grounds
/way 52.60 21.52 Drygulch Ravine
/way 42 8 Orgrimmar
Explore Mulgore
/way 39 82 Red_Cloud_Mesa
/way 34 62 Palemane_Rock
/way 49 58 Bloodhoof_Village
/way 53 66 Winterhoof_Water_Well
/way 61 67 The_Rolling_Plains
/way 62 48 The_Venture_CoMine
/way 53 47 Ravaged_Caravan
/way 49 35 The_Golden_Plains
/way 44 45 Thunderhorn_Water_Well
/way 32 48 BaelDun_Digsite
/way 60 21 Red_Rocks
/way 52 11 Windfury_Ridge
/way 42 14 Wildmane_Water_Well
/way 36 29 Thunder_Bluff
Explore Teldrassil
/way 62 45 Shadowglen
/way 48 53 Ban’ethil Hollow
/way 57 60 Dolanaar
/way 45 76 Gnarlpine Hold
/way 56 70 Lake Al’Ameth
/way 42 67 Pools of Arlithrien
/way 68 59 Starbreeze Village
/way 40 32 The Oracle Glade
/way 44 42 Wellspring Lake
/way 27 57 Darnassus
/way 57 93 Rut’theran Village
/way 51 38 The Cleft
Explore Azuremyst Isle
/way 77 43 AmmenVale
/way 62 54 AmmenFord
/way 49 50 AzureWatch
/way 26 66 Bristlelimb
/way 58 17 Emberglade
/way 42.5 6 Fairbridge
/way 59 68 Geezle
/way 52 42 Moongraze
/way 46 71 Odesyus
/way 37 62 PodCluster
/way 53 61 PodWreck
/way 34 12 Silting
/way 13 80 SilvermystIsle
/way 45 20 StillpineHold
/way 31 40 TheExodar
/way 21 54 ValaarsBerth
/way 32 77 WrathscalePoint
Explore Northern Barrens
/way 66 12 Boulder Lode Mine
/way 58 19 The Sludge Fen
/way 42 15 The Mor’shan Rampart
/way 27 31 The Dry Hills
/way 36 44 The Forgotten Pools
/way 42 38 Dreadmist Peak
/way 53 41 Grol’dom Farm
/way 67 40 Far Watch Post
/way 58 49 Thorn Hill
/way 49 58 The Crossroads
/way 67 72 Ratchet
/way 70 89 The Merchant Coast
/way 55 80 The Stagnant Oasis
/way 40 74 Lushwater Oasis
Explore Southern Barrens
/way 50.20 84.20 Bael Modan
/way 50 49 Forward Command
/way 39.22 14.50 Honor’s Stand
/way 66.30 47.14 Northwatch Hold
/way 45.36 53.21 Ruins of Taurajo
/way 41.1 46.8 Vendetta Point
/way 46.17 68.15 Battlescar
/way 41 79 Frazzlecraz Motherlode
/way 39.81 21.36 Hunter’s Hill
/way 50.9 70.4 RFK - DISCOVERY
/way 41.0 94.0 RFK - ENTRANCE(Actually enter it)
/way 48.34 34.51 The Overgrowth
Explore Winterspring
/way 31.72 49.70 Frostfire Hot Springs
/way 36.92 55.71 Timbermaw Post
/way 49.78 54.10 Lake Kel’Theril
/way 55.95 63.54 Mazthoril
/way 48.80 41.08 Starfall Village
/way 46.11 15.35 Frostsaber Rock
/way 62.76 25.67 The Hidden Grove
/way 66.62 47.73 Winterfall Village
/way 59.73 50.41 Everlook
/way 66.90 54.59 Ice Thistle Hills
/way 63.15 75.14 Owl Wing Thicket
/way 62.13 86.08 Frostwhisper Gorge
Explore Darkshore
/way Darkshore 33.41 83.43 Nazj’vel
/way Darkshore 40,33 41,39 Ruins of Auberdine
/way Darkshore 40,38 83,13 The Master’s Glaive
/way Darkshore 42,23 70,75 Wildbend River
/way Darkshore 43,05 53,97 Eye of the Vortex
/way Darkshore 43,10 56,33 Ameth’aran
/way Darkshore 43,51 39,85 Withering Thicket
/way Darkshore 50,90 18,70 Lor’danel
/way Darkshore 61,21 20,30 Ruins of Mathystra
/way Darkshore 61,72 11,40 Shatterspear War Camp
/way Darkshore 70,09 19,03 Shatterspear Vale
Explore Bloodmyst Isle
/way 63.20 87.76 Kessel’s Crossing
/way 58.06 82.22 The Lost Fold
/way 64.97 78.23 Bristlelimb Enclave
/way 68.85 68.09 Wrathscale Lair
/way 82.56 47.68 Bloodcurse Isle
/way 66.44 47.59 The Crimson Reach
/way 62.70 43.50 Ruins of Loreth’Aran
/way 72.74 20.71 Talon Stand
/way 80.27 26.58 The Bloodcursed Reef
/way 74.70 11.89 Veridian Point
/way 69.47 18.84 Wyrmscar Island
/way 52.97 18.08 The Warp Piston
/way 37.88 23.66 The Bloodwash
/way 34.13 22.99 The Hidden Reef
/way 52.04 32.64 Ragefeather Ridge
/way 45.66 47.10 Bladewood
/way 41.98 30.43 Axxarien
/way 31.67 37.93 The Foul Pool
/way 30.63 46.11 Vindicator’s Rest
/way 25.88 41.18 Tel’athion’s Camp
/way 22.81 37.38 Amberweb Pass
/way 19.29 52.02 The Vector Coil
/way 38.60 61.11 The Cryo-Core
/way 40.47 78.80 Nazzivian
/way 31.59 87.09 Blacksilt Shore
/way 44.11 84.87 Mystwood
/way 51.55 77.07 Middenvale
/way 54.60 56.81 Blood Watch
Explore Ashenvale
/way Ashenvale 15,35 15,53 The Zoram Strand
/way Ashenvale 21,15 39,38 Lake Falathim
/way Ashenvale 21,54 47,41 The Shrine of Aessina
/way Ashenvale 26,43 22,20 Orendil’s Retreat
/way Ashenvale 26,79 36,08 Maestra’s Post
/way Ashenvale 32,01 64,89 The Ruins of Stardust
/way Ashenvale 35,32 53,42 Astranaar
/way Ashenvale 37,25 37,40 Thistlefur Village
/way Ashenvale 45,74 39,53 Thunder Peak
/way Ashenvale 51,48 61,66 Silverwind Refuge
/way Ashenvale 53,68 40,06 The Howling Vale
/way Ashenvale 61,87 51,74 Raynewood Retreat
/way Ashenvale 66,42 81,78 Fallen Sky Lake
/way Ashenvale 73,52 61,50 Splintertree Post
/way Ashenvale 80,55 68,48 Felfire Hill
/way Ashenvale 80,74 49,68 Satyrnaar
/way Ashenvale 86,95 60,00 Warsong Lumber Camp
/way Ashenvale 91,27 38,61 Bough Shadow
Explore Thousand Needles
/way 86 49 Splithoof Heights
/way 58 62 The Twilight Withering
/way 45 50 Freewind Post
/way 33 58 Twilight Bulwark
/way 11 35 Highperch
/way 12 10 Westreach Summit
/way 33 38 Darkcloud Pinnacle
/way 32 23 The Great Lift
/way 69 83 Sunken Dig Site
/way 70 61 The Shimmering Deep
/way 43 27 Razorfen Downs
/way 91 75 Southsea Holdfast
Explore Stonetalon Mountains
/way 64.28 91.62 Boulderslide Ravine
/way 68.48 84.69 Webwinder Path
/way 71.30 90.67 Malaka’jin
/way 73.37 87.91 Greatwood Vale
/way 75.09 77.58 Unearthed Grounds
/way 67.66 63.27 Krom’gar Fortress
/way 61.36 56.00 Windshear Crag
/way 58.52 54.91 Windshear Hold
/way 58.86 72.76 Webwinder Hollow
/way 49.56 72.81 Ruins of Eldre’thar
/way 49.70 62.15 Sun Rock Retreat
/way 51.57 46.36 Mirkfallon Lake
/way 40.91 40.20 Battlescar Valley
/way 44.92 32.30 Cliffwalker Post
/way 40.67 17.02 Stonetalon Peak
/way 39.74 32.00 Thal’darah Overlook
/way 34.74 68.46 The Charred Vale
Explore Desolace
/Way 50 08 TethrisAran
/Way 29 07 RanazjarIsle
/Way 29 31 SlitherbladeShore
/Way 55 28 ThunderAxeFortress
/Way 66 06 NijelsPoint
/Way 76 24 Sargeron
/Way 72 46 MagramTerritory
/Way 65 48 CenarionWildlands
/Way 71 72 ShokThokar
/Way 80 77 ShadowbreakRavine
/Way 51 77 MannorocCoven
/Way 52 58 KodoGraveyard
/Way 37 71 ThargadsCamp
/Way 30 62 ValleyofSpears
/Way 24 70 ShadowpreyVillage
/Way 36 83 GelkisVillage
Explore Dustwallow Marsh
/way 45 16 Blackhoof Village
/way 58 15 Dreadmurk Shore
/way 71 18 Alcaz Island
/way 66 49 Theramore Isle
/way 46 47 Direhorn Post
/way 36 31 Brackenwall Village
/way 29.7 48.3 Shady Rest Inn
/way 41 72 Mudsprocket
/way 52 75 Wyrmbog
Explore Feralas
/way 84 46 Lower Wilds
/way 46 18 The Twin Colossals
/way 45 49 The Forgotten Coast
/way 59 44 Dire Maul
/way 54 56 Feral Scar Vale
/way 65 59 Darkmist Ruins
/way 59 69 Ruins of Isildien
/way 75 61 The Writhing Deep
/way 75 42 Camp Mojache
/way 69 41 Grimtotem Compound
/way 77 31 Gordunni Outpost
/way 31 43 Ruins of Feathermoon
/way 46 46 Feathermoon Stronghold
Explore Tanaris
/way 30.62 64.56 Thistleshrub Valley
/way 34.25 47.71 The Noxious Lair
/way 41.30 56.76 Dunemaul Compound
/way 40.83 72.10 Southmoon Ruins
/way 37.47 78.58 Valley of the Watchers
/way 49.45 84.76 Land’s End Beach
/way 53.88 68.19 The Gaping Chasm
/way 47.28 64.75 Eastmoon Ruins
/way 64.09 60.36 Southbreak Shore
/way 72.23 47.07 Lost Rigger Cove
/way 64.56 50.07 Caverns of Time
/way 52.86 45.72 Broken Pillar
/way 44.86 40.16 Abyssal Sands
/way 51.40 29.28 Gadgetzan
/way 39.27 21.47 Sandsorrow Watch
/way 39.38 20.62 Zul’Far
Explore Azshara
/way 20 57 Gallywix Pleasure Palace
/way 58 50 Bilgewater Harbor
/way 78 28 Tower of Eldara
/way 50 28 Darnassian Base Camp
/way 26 41 Bear’s Head
/way 27 78 Orgrimmar Rear Gate
/way 47 67 Southridge Beach
/way 35 75 Lake Mennar
/way 55 75 Storm Cliffs
/way 42 42 The Shattered Strand
/way 61 26 Bitter Reaches
/way 71 31 Ruins of Arkkoran
/way 44 75 The Secret Lab
/way 33 34 Blackmaw Hold
/way 31 51 Ruins of Eldarath
/way 62 75 Ravencrest Monument
/way 46 82 The Ruined Reaches
Explore Felwood
/way Felwood 39,88 39,26 Shatter Scar Vale
/way Felwood 41,35 56,04 Jaedenar
/way Felwood 41,90 65,59 Ruins of Constellas
/way Felwood 43,42 83,49 Jadefire Glen
/way Felwood 45,00 15,82 Jadefire Run
/way Felwood 42,00 49,00 Bloodvenom Falls
/way Felwood 48,25 85,41 Deadwood Village
/way Felwood 49,78 16,84 Irontree Woods
/way Felwood 51,75 81,23 Emerald Sanctuary
/way Felwood 53,62 83,86 Morlos’Aran
/way Felwood 63,00 10,00 Felpaw Village
/way Felwood 63,10 21,57 Talonbranch Glade
Explore Un’Goro Crater
/way 30 37 The Screaming Reaches
/way 29 59 Golakka Hot Springs
/way 32 64 Terror Run
/way 43 41 Mossy Pile
/way 50 47 Fire Plume Ridge
/way 53 26 Lakkari Tar Pits
/way 61 17 Fungal Rock
/way 77 30 Ironstone Plateau
/way 68 36 The Roiling Gardens
/way 64 55 The Marshlands
/way 55 62 Marshal’s Stand
/way 50 79 The Slithering Scar
Explore Moonglade
/way Moonglade 36 41 Shrine of Remulos
/way Moonglade 48 39 Nighthaven
/way Moonglade 56 55 Lake Elune’ara
/way Moonglade 68 60 Stormrage Barrow Dens
Explore Silithus
/way 34.56 14.80 The Crystal Vale
/way 49.43 24.08 Hive’Ashi
/way 53.7734.53 Cenarion Hold
/way 32.36 52.30 Hive’Zora
/way 35.91 83.42 The Scarab Wall
/way 59.71 70.85 Hive’Regal
/way 64.62 50.10 Southwind Village
/way 81.13 18.70 Valor’s Rest
Eastern Kingdoms Explorer
Explore Elwynn Forest
/way 42.38 66.20 Goldshire
/way 48.16 42.08 Northshire Valley
/way 54.25 66.22 Crystal Lake
/way 64.88 69.86 Tower of Azora
/way 73.48 58.85 Stone Cairn Lake
/way 81.82 66.54 Eastvale Logging Camp
/way 84.60 79.44 Ridgepoint Tower
/way 69.34 79.30 Brackwell Pumpkin Patch
/way 48.15 87.17 Jerod’s Landing
/way 38.64 82.32 Fargodeep Mine
/way 24.40 74.53 Westbrook Garrison
Explore Badlands
/way Badlands 80 56 Lethlor Ravine
/way Badlands 42 11 Uldaman
/way Badlands 33 59 Scar of the World Breaker
/way Badlands 40 34 Angor Fortress
/way Badlands 52 52 Bloodwatcher Point
/way Badlands 47 56 Agmonds End
/way Badlands 15 63 Camp Cagg
/way Badlands 26 52 The Dustbowl
/way Badlands 60 20 Camp Kosh
/way Badlands 22 42 Kargath
Explore Burning Steppes
/way 65.92 72.56 Blackrock Pass
/way 72.64 66.55 Morgan’s Vigil
/way 77.42 52.32 Terror Wing Path
/way 69.73 43.28 Dreadmaul Rock
/way 58.18 38.04 Ruins of Thaurissan
/way 39.83 55.24 Black Tooth Hovel
/way 18.87 62.99 The Whelping Downs
/way 10.04 29.71 Altar of Storms
/way 21.22 43.38 Blackrock Mountain
/way 32.66 35.10 Blackrock Stronghold
Explore Duskwood
/way 11.17 58.74 The Hushed Bank
/way 22.49 71.33 Addle’s Stead
/way 19.13 56.80 Raven Hill
/way 20.78 44.12 Raven Hill Cemetery
/way 36.69 72.24 Vul’Gol Ogre Mound
/way 46.52 38.03 Twilight Grove
/way 63.30 25.28 Brightwood Grove
/way 65.44 18.02 The Darkened Bank
/way 77.25 35.19 Manor Mistmantle
/way 74.36 47.21 Darkshire
/way 79.54 70.61 Tranquil Gardens Cemetery
/way 64.63 68.77 The Rotting Orchard
/way 49.81 75.79 The Yorgen Farmstead
Explore Loch Modan
/way 37.82 62.62 Grizzlepaw Ridge
/way 34.90 45.68 Thelsamar
/way 19.33 16.97 North Gate Pass
/way 35.52 18.07 Silver Stream Mine
/way 45.01 13.07 Stonewrought Dam
/way 48.40 17.55 The Loch
/way 69.96 23.19 Mo’grosh Stronghold
/way 81.80 61.27 The Farstrider Lodge
/way 69.65 62.55 Ironband’s Excavation Site
/way 30.96 80.28 Stonesplinter Valley
/way 23.49 74.97 Valley of Kings
Explore Tirisfal Glades
/way 35 59 Deathknell
/way 36 50 Solliden Farmstead
/way 48 39 Agamand Mills
/way 48 64 Nightmare Vale
/way 53 57 ColdHearth Manor
/way 59 51 Brill
/way 59 35 Garrens Haunt
/way 68 45 Brightwater Lake
/way 75 61 Balnir Farmstead
/way 78 55 Crusader Outpost
/way 79 29 Scarlet WatchPost
/way 81 32 Whispering Gardens
/way 84 47 Venomweb Vale
/way 81 69 The Bulwark
/way 61 66 Undercity/RuinsOfLordaeron
/way 46 53 CalstonEstate
Explore Searing Gorge
/way 33 43 Firewatch Ridge
/way 49 50 The Cauldron
/way 22 80 Blackchar Cave
/way 48 70 The Sea of Cinders
/way 64.7 73.5 Tanner Camp
/way 62 62.3 Grimesilt Dig Site
/way 72 27 Dustfire Valley
/way 36 21 Thorium Point
/way 37 80 Blackrock Mountain
Explore Ghostlands
/way 48.91 92.60 Thalassian Pass
/way 54.42 50.31 Sanctum of the Sun
/way 64.79 61.60 Zeb’Nowa
/way 68.64 63.15 Amani Pass
/way 72.53 34.08 Farstrider Enclave
/way 78.32 19.83 Dawnstar Spire
/way 62.86 12.80 Suncrown Village
/way 48.39 11.51 Elrendar Crossing
/way 45.37 28.54 Tranquillien
/way 34.34 34.12 Sanctum of the Moon
/way 34.29 47.80 Bleeding Ziggurat
/way 40.38 49.49 Howling Ziggurat
/way 34.57 76.12 Deatholme
/way 13.22 57.39 Windrunner Spire
/way 18.69 43.24 Windrunner Village
/way 25.80 15.04 Goldenmist Village
Explore the Cape of Stranglethorn
/way 47, 20 Gurubashi Arena
/way 45, 70 The Sundering
/way 63, 25 Crystalvein Mine
/way 55, 30 Ruins of Jubuwal
/way 60, 47 Ruins of Aboraz
/way 54, 58 Mistvale Valley
/way 51, 66 Wild Shore
/way 56, 73 Jaguero Isle
/way 44, 72 Booty Bay
/way 42, 52 Nek’mani Wellspring
/way 38, 39 Hardwrench Hideaway
Explore The Hinterlands
/way 59 78 Jintha’Alor
/way 72 66 Overlook Cliffs
/way 72 53 Shaol’watha
/way 63 27 Seradane
/way 57 39 Skulk Rk
/way 46 39 Agol’watha
/way 48 52 Creeping Rn
/way 48 68 Altar of Zul
/way 40 59 Valorwind Lk
/way 33 71 Shadra’Alor
/way 23 58 Zun’watha
/way 31 48 Quel’Danil Lodge
/way 24 42 Plaguemist Ravine
/way 14 47 Aerie Peak
Explore Wetlands
/way Wetlands 10.77 59.53 Menethil Harbor
/way Wetlands 17.26 37.17 Bluegill Marsh
/way Wetlands 31.03 30.19 Sundown Marsh
/way Wetlands 44.27 25.46 Ironbeard’s Tomb
/way Wetlands 44.01 43.36 Angerfang Encampment
/way Wetlands 56.50 40.23 Greenwarden’s Grove
/way Wetlands 60.87 25.46 Direforge Hill
/way Wetlands 57.46 71.70 Slabchisel’s Survey
/way Wetlands 23.66 52.47 Black Channel Marsh
/way Wetlands 33.61 48.36 Whelgar’s Excavation Site
/way Wetlands 31.98 18.22 Saltspray Glen
/way Wetlands 49.90 18.19 Dun Modr
/way Wetlands 53.06 63.55 Thelgen Rock
/way Wetlands 64.44 53.25 Mosshide Fen
/way Wetlands 48.06 74.43 Dun Algaz
/way Wetlands 69.89 38.34 Raptor Ridge
Explore Western Plaguelands
/way 60 73 Darrowmere Lake
/way 51 78 Sorrow Hill
/way 27 57 The Bulwark
/way 46 53 Dalson’s Farm
/way 46 36 Northridge Lumber Camp
/way 48 45 Redpine Dell
/way 68 43 The Weeping Cave
/way 68 66 Caer Darrow
/way 43 69 Andorhal
/way 36 56 Felstone Field
/way 52 66 The Writhing Haunt
/way 44 16 Hearthglen
/way 62 58 Gahrron’s Withering
/way 69 47 Thondroril River
Explore Eastern Plaguelands
/way 08.63 66.20 Thondroril River
/way 22.31 68.15 The Marris Stead
/way 24.24 78.57 The Undercroft
/way 35.05 84.39 Darrowshire
/way 35.75 68.82 Crown Guard Tower
/way 35.52 46.65 The Fungal Vale
/way 13.74 27.79 Terrordale
/way 27.59 21.44 Plaguewood
/way 27.07 11.63 Stratholme
/way 48.27 14.69 Quel’Lithien Lodge
/way 51.77 19.65 Northpass Tower
/way 46.57 43.49 Blackwood Lake
/way 48.90 62.25 The Infectis Scar
/way 54.50 61.84 Corin’s Crossing
/way 56.80 73.64 Lake Mereldar
/way 72.09 70.14 Tyrs Hand
/way 85.59 79.64 Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave
/way 74.95 53.10 Light’s Hope Chapel
/way 69.99 53.76 Pestilent Scar
/way 62.29 42.29 Eastwall Tower
/way 77.10 37.02 The Noxious Glade
/way 65.03 25.67 Northdale
/way 67.39 09.17 Zul’Mashar
Explore Isle of Quel’Danas
You just kinda just have to be there then Bam!!! You will get it.
Explore Deadwind Pass
/way 42 34 Deadman’s Crossing
/way 58 64 The Vice
/way 45 73 Karazhan
Explore Westfall
/way 56.56 19.28 The Jansen Stead
/way 49.57 19.40 Furlbrow’s Pumpkin Farm
/way 44.58 25.38 Jangolode Mine
/way 45.91 38.62 The Molsen Farm
/way 56.09 31.19 Saldean’s Farm
/way 56.85 47.31 Sentinel Hill
/way 60.91 58.69 The Dead Acre
/way 38.49 42.59 The Raging Chasm
/way 36.65 54.23 Alexston Farmstead
/way 43.70 69.47 Moonbrook
/way 34.01 74.31 Demont’s Place
/way 30.22 85.64 Westfall Lighthouse
/way 39.91 80.56 The Dagger Hills
/way 65.55 70.95 The Dust Plains
Explore Swamp of Sorrows
/way 18.01 68.86 Purespring Cavern
/way 21.24 51.61 Splinterspear Junction
/way 18.60 37.94 Misty Valley
/way 28.87 34.45 The Harborage
/way 37.50 46.02 The Shifting Mire
/way 46.47 52.96 Stonard
/way 69.00 76.48 Stagalbog
/way 81.44 87.82 Misty Reed Strand
/way 83.80 52.27 Pool of Tears
/way 84.16 39.70 Sorrowmurk
/way 69.19 37.07 Marshtide Watch
/way 71.90 15.52 Bogpaddle
Explore Northern Stranglethorn
/way 47.37 11.09 Rebel Camp
/way 44.13 23.25 Nesingwary’s Expedition
/way 26.22 22.81 Ruins of Zul’Kunda
/way 19.81 23.98 Zuuldaia Ruins
/way 25.94 42.43 The Vile Reef
/way 34.60 35.78 Bal’lal Ruins
/way 37.79 50.21 Grom’gol Base Camp
/way 45.98 54.08 Mizjah Ruins
/way 42.95 41.82 Kal’ai Ruins
/way 52.35 34.51 Lake Nazferiti
/way 57.75 21.02 Kurzen’s Compound
/way 67.53 32.85 Zul’Gurub
/way 62.95 39.13 Bambala
/way 66.17 48.69 Mosh’Ogg Ogre Mound
/way 60.28 55.50 Balia’mah Ruins
/way 53.00 66.65 Fort Livingston
Explore Silverpine Forest
/way 45.41 82.23 The Battlefront
/way 45.05 67.95 Shadowfang Keep
/way 51.14 67.42 The Forsaken Front
/way 60.03 61.90 Ambermill
/way 56.38 46.15 Deep Elem Mine
/way 46.92 53.94 Olsen’s Farthing
/way 44.97 41.66 The Sepulcher
/way 38.90 33.19 North Tide’s Run
/way 38.56 29.20 North Tide’s Beachhead
/way 35.78 14.19 The Skittering Dark
/way 44.66 21.64 Forsaken Rear Guard
/way 52.56 26.59 Valgan’s Field
/way 56.88 33.53 The Decrepit Fields
/way 65.76 26.21 Fenris Isle
/way 57.75 10.00 Forsaken High Command
Explore Eversong Woods
/way 33.68 86.85 The Scorched Grove
/way 27.20 82.75 Golden Strand
/way 33.72 80.02 Goldenbough Pass
/way 31.52 70.13 Sunsail Anchorage
/way 26.60 62.75 Tranquil Shore
/way 35.12 59.65 West Sanctum
/way 37.85 72.43 Saltheril’s Haven
/way 44.04 68.13 Fairbreeze Village
/way 53.11 70.15 East Sanctum
/way 53.70 76.36 The Living Wood
/way 43.92 85.52 Runestone Falithas
/way 55.29 83.92 Runestone Shan’dor
/way 63.13 78.94 Zeb’Watha
/way 65.61 76.61 Lake Elrendar
/way 69.20 73.63 Tor’Watha
/way 64.91 72.16 Elrendar Falls
/way 61.14 62.54 Farstrider Retreat
/way 69.27 46.54 Duskwither Grounds
/way 72.62 44.37 Azurebreeze Coast
/way 61.60 53.80 Thuron’s Livery
/way 72.34 85.70 Silvermoon City
/way 54.72 55.85 Stillwhisper Pond
/way 44.22 52.39 North Sanctum
/way 45.34 38.91 Ruins of Silvermoon
/way 38.08 30.78 Sunstrider Isle
Explore Redridge Mountains
/way 78.73 63.04 Shalewind Canyon
/way 66.75 70.39 Render’s Valley
/way 42.49 66.07 Lakeridge Highway
/way 52.77 55.50 Camp Everstill
/way 51.03 51.73 Lake Everstill
/way 60.16 50.86 Stonewatch Keep
/way 71.25 54.57 Stonewatch Falls
/way 70.28 34.66 Galardell Valley
/way 47.69 41.01 Alther’s Mill
/way 28.45 43.71 Lakeshire
/way 16.96 64.59 Three Corners
/way 28.61 24.38 Redridge Canyons
/way 34.28 11.17 Render’s Camp
Explore Hillsbrad Foothills
/way 34 72 Azurelode Mine
/way 33 47 Brazie Farmstead
/way 48 48 Corrahn’s Dagger
/way 50 24 Crushridge Hold
/way 67 25 Chillwind Point
/way 30 36 Dalaran Crater
/way 43 12 Dandred’s Fold
/way 48 54 Darrow Hill
/way 63 79 Dun Garok
/way 68 60 Durnholde Keep
/way 50 32 Gallow’s Corner
/way 39 48 Gavin’s Naze
/way 43 38 Growless Cave
/way 35 26 Misty Shore
/way 57 75 Nethander Stead
/way 26 86 Purgation Isle
/way 46 28 Ruins of Alterac
/way 49 72 Ruins of Southshore
/way 49 19 Slaughter Hollow
/way 55 38 Sofera’s Naze
/way 29 64 Southpoint Gate
/way 58 24 Strahnbrad
/way 57 46 Tarren Mill
/way 42 51 The Headland
/way 36 58 The Sludge Fields
/way 40 18 The Uplands
Explore Dun Morogh
/way 84.14 51.49 Helm’s Bed Lake
/way 88.42 41.12 North Gate Outpost
/way 77.81 25.96 Ironforge Airfield
/way 70.84 48.33 Amberstill Ranch
/way 75.84 56.37 Gol’Bolar Quarry
/way 67.48 57.28 The Tundrid Hills
/way 58.34 57.61 Frostmane Front
/way 54.06 50.76 Kharanos
/way 49.27 52.72 The Grizzled Den
/way 42.71 64.22 Coldridge Pass
/way 36.80 70.03 Coldridge Valley
/way 34.50 51.69 Frostmane Hold
/way 33.22 38.73 New Tinkertown
/way 42.95 38.47 Iceflow Lake
/way 48.47 39.33 Shimmer Ridge
/way 60.35 33.43 Gates of Ironforge
Explore Blasted Lands
/way 32.63 80.28 The Tainted Forest
/way 45.52 86.96 Surwich
/way 50.16 78.78 The Red Reaches
/way 50.07 72.99 Sunveil Excursion
/way 54.90 52.99 The Dark Portal
/way 45.06 38.21 Dreadmaul Post
/way 67.52 31.67 Shattershore
/way 61.40 29.41 Serpent’s Coil
/way 60.41 16.94 Nethergarde Keep
/way 52.61 18.63 Nethergarde Supply Camps
/way 45.03 26.57 Rise of the Defiler
/way 41.75 14.25 Dreadmaul Hold
/way 36.95 28.29 Altar of Storms
/way 32.58 44.78 The Tainted Scar
Explore Arathi Highlands
/way 63.04 75.75 Witherbark Village
/way 56.62 60.15 Go’Shek Farm
/way 47.98 78.79 Boulderfist Hall
/way 39.57 96.10 Thandol Span
/way 28.90 82.81 Faldir’s Cove
/way 19.57 66.96 Stromgarde Keep
/way 12.90 34.85 Galen’s Fall
/way 18.97 30.99 Circle of West Binding
/way 25.77 29.58 Northfold Manor
/way 29.09 45.21 Boulder’gor
/way 29.76 59.77 Circle of Inner Binding
/way 40.13 47.87 Refuge Pointe
/way 46.39 52.16 Circle of Outer Binding
/way 49.64 40.59 Dabyrie’s Farmstead
/way 61.62 30.33 Circle of East Binding
/way 69.06 36.18 Hammerfall
I will update this thread as more locations gets added