Universal Explorer Achievement Guide 🌍

Since i'm doing this particular achievement I thought i'd make a thread with all the coordinates for the achievement in one place.

You shall be granted the title “the Explorer”


**Important:** You will need the TomTom Add-on for any of these coordinates to work.

All sites are linked for credit.

To be able to mass copy these coordinates, it would help to have the Paste Add-on as well, ingame use the command “/paste show” then copy the coordinates from this thread, and click paste inside the add-on ingame.

Battle for Azeroth Explorer

Explore Tiragarde Sound

/way Tiragarde Sound 41.14 26.80 Anglepoint Wharf
/way Tiragarde Sound 71.90 17.51 Fernwood Ridge
/way Tiragarde Sound 52.59 28.67 Norwington Estate
/way Tiragarde Sound 63.96 62.15 Abandoned Junkheap
/way Tiragarde Sound 87.12 76.77 The Wailing Tideway
/way Tiragarde Sound 41.1 21.8 way up to Waning Glacier
/way Tiragarde Sound 42.08 16.53 Waning Glacier
/way Tiragarde Sound 67.15 30.1 Boralus
/way Tiragarde Sound 76.97 82.44 Freehold
/way Tiragarde Sound 35.50 28.98 Krakenbane Cove
/way Tiragarde Sound 76.40 63.49 Kennings Lodge
/way Tiragarde Sound 56.01 60.46 Vigil Hill

Explore Drustvar

/way Drustvar 36.76 48.89 Arom’s Stand
/way Drustvar 64.94 31.58 Carver’s Harbor
/way Drustvar 25.51 54.10 Crimson Forest
/way Drustvar 67.46 67.31 Fletcher’s Hollow
/way Drustvar 44.76 37.44 Highroad Pass
/way Drustvar 50.41 73.13 Iceveil Glacier
/way Drustvar 61.19 44.73 Barrowknoll Cemetery
/way Drustvar 28.48 27.42 Corlain
/way Drustvar 56.97 33.90 Fallhaven
/way Drustvar 58.99 66.66 Gol Koval
/way Drustvar 19.36 8.83 Western Watch
/way Drustvar 33.78 13.26 Waycrest Manor

Explore Stormsong Valley

/way Stormsong Valley 56.79 69.34 Brennadam
/way Stormsong Valley 63.70 64.27 Mariner’s Strand
/way Stormsong Valley 44.39 52.36 Deadwash
/way Stormsong Valley 62.76 40.96 Sagehold
/way Stormsong Valley 29.74 64.23 Millstone Hamlet
/way Stormsong Valley 47.46 72.46 Briarback Kraul
/way Stormsong Valley 49.53 35.10 Warfang Hold
/way Stormsong Valley 36.29 50.52 Fort Daelin
/way Stormsong Valley 78.20 26.67 Shrine of the Storm

Explore Zuldazar

/way Zuldazar 43.69 39.10 Atal’Dazar
/way Zuldazar 59.25 18.77 Blood Gate
/way Zuldazar 72.35 66.27 Dreadpearl Shallows
/way Zuldazar 69.30 31.63 Savagelands
/way Zuldazar 59.38 77.95 Tusk Isle
/way Zuldazar 45.26 70.65 Xibala
/way Zuldazar 78.70 38.72 Atal’Gral
/way Zuldazar 59.21 41.63 Dazar’alor
/way Zuldazar 49.72 26.55 Garden of the Loa
/way Zuldazar 61.11 26.88 The Sliver
/way Zuldazar 77.62 49.91 Talanji’s Rebuke
/way Zuldazar 74.07 20.68 Zeb’ahari

Explore Nazmir

/way Nazmir 37.00 73.39 Primal Wetlands
/way Nazmir 42.82 83.27 The Rivermarsh
/way Nazmir 30.92 46.30 Zalamar
/way Nazmir 65.14 40.21 Nazwatha
/way Nazmir 71.92 49.90 The Frogmarsh
/way Nazmir 51.61 59.68 Heart of Darkness
/way Nazmir 39.53 33.52 The Necropolis
/way Nazmir 61.66 29.99 Torga’s Rest
/way Nazmir 63.60 61.21 Zal’amak

Explore Vol’dun

/way Vol’dun 44.92 58.99 Atul’Aman
/way Vol’dun 33.03 76.82 Port of Zem’lan
/way Vol’dun 39.15 34.28 Shatterstone Harbor
/way Vol’dun 53.19 89.49 Temple of Akunda
/way Vol’dun 43.44 49.80 The Bone Pit
/way Vol’dun 24.04 66.45 The Cracked Coast
/way Vol’dun 42.88 61.42 Whistlebloom Oasis
/way Vol’dun 62.84 26.79 Darkwood Shoal
/way Vol’dun 43.57 87.94 Redrock Harbor
/way Vol’dun 51.94 33.05 Slithering Gulch
/way Vol’dun 29.20 51.24 Terrace of the Devoted
/way Vol’dun 57.13 41.45 The Brine Basin
/way Vol’dun 61.63 21.33 Tortaka Refuge

Broken Isles Explorer

Explore Highmountain

/way Highmountain 43.0 33.5 Bloodhunt Highlands
/way Highmountain 47.9 68.9 Highmountain Summit (Path start)
/way Highmountain 56.9 90.0 Highmountain Summit
/way Highmountain 27.3 54.6 Nightwatcher’s Perch
/way Highmountain 38.9 67.8 Riverbend
/way Highmountain 43.7 8.7 Shipwreck Cove
/way Highmountain 58.7 64.7 Stonehoof Watch
/way Highmountain 46.2 61.4 Thunder Totem
/way Highmountain 29.3 33.4 Blind Marshlands
/way Highmountain 47.9 68.9 Ironhorn Enclave (Path start)
/way Highmountain 55.6 83.9 Ironhorn Enclave
/way Highmountain 43.1 51.7 Pinerock Basin
/way Highmountain 56.4 21.8 Rockaway Shallows
/way Highmountain 52.6 44.8 Skyhorn
/way Highmountain 35.6 63.6 Sylvan Falls
/way Highmountain 35.2 45.7 Trueshot Lodge

Explore Stormheim

/way Stormheim 47.2 44.8 Aggramar’s Vault
/way Stormheim 55.6 73.6 Dreadwake’s Landing
/way Stormheim 72.0 60.0 Greywatch
/way Stormheim 73.4 39.7 Haustvald
/way Stormheim 38.8 20.4 Maw/Cove of Nashal
/way Stormheim 44.9 37.0 Nastrondir
/way Stormheim 71.5 50.1 The Runewood
/way Stormheim 65.7 62.6 Skold-Ashil
/way Stormheim 51.4 57.0 Talonrest
/way Stormheim 60.4, 51.1 Valdisdall
/way Stormheim 33.9 34.7 Blackbeak Overlook
/way Stormheim 75.2 54.8 Dreyrgrot
/way Stormheim 65.5 62.2 Gates of Valor
/way Stormheim 44.3 64,5 Hrydshal
/way Stormheim 80.1 59.2 Morheim
/way Stormheim 69.9 22.0 Watchman’s Rock
/way Stormheim 77.8 6.7 Shield’s Rest
/way Stormheim 59.1 31.2 Storm’s Reach
/way Stormheim 58.0 44.4 Tideskorn Harbor
/way Stormheim 34.5 51.3 Weeping Bluffs

Explore Suramar

/way Suramar 30.4 42.3 Ambervale
/way Suramar 19.5 45.2 Falanaar
/way Suramar 47.3 50.4 The Grand Pomenade
/way Suramar 38.1 22.9 Moon Guard Stronghold
/way Suramar 90.9 62.6 Ruins of Elun’eth
/way Suramar 42.2 35.5 Tel’anor
/way Suramar 64.0 42.0 Crimson Thicket
/way Suramar 34.3 74.8 Felsoul Hold
/way Suramar 71.5 51.1 Jandvik
/way Suramar 34.9 31.0 Moonwhisper Gulch
/way Suramar 46.1 59.8 Suramar City

Explore Azsuna

/way Azsuna 48.0 13.6 Lost Orchard
/way Azsuna 52.7 16.8 Ley-Ruins of Zarkhenar
/way Azsuna 46.8 73.1 Isle of the Watchers
/way Azsuna 41.4 39.0 Llothien Highlands
/way Azsuna 57.1 64.8 Temple of Lights
/way Azsuna 53.8 58.9 Oceanus Cove
/way Azsuna 39.6 50.2 Faronaar
/way Azsuna 65.6 49.0 Ruined Sanctum
/way Azsuna 60.6 34.9 The Greenway
/way Azsuna 55.7 41.4 Nar’thalas
/way Azsuna 65.8 27.9 Felblaze Ingress

Explore Val’sharah

/way Val’sharah 67.6 56.4 Andutalah
/way Val’sharah 42.4 58.6 Bradensbrook
/way Val’sharah 25.5 66.5 Gloaming Reef
/way Val’sharah 54.6 73.0 Lorlathil
/way Val’sharah 61.2 73.1 Moonclaw Vale
/way Val’sharah 47.3 85.1 Smolderhide Thicket
/way Val’sharah 47.9 69.6 Thas’talah
/way Val’sharah 38.8 51.8 Black Rook Hold
/way Val’sharah 44.2 30.4 The Dreamgrove
/way Val’sharah 51.9 64.0 Grove of Cenarius
/way Val’sharah 71.6 39.1 Mistvale
/way Val’sharah 61.1 31.1 Shala’nir
/way Val’sharah 54.1 55.4 Temple of Elune

Draenor Explorer

Explore Frostfire Ridge

/way Frostfire Ridge 23.4 54.1 Wor’gol
/way Frostfire Ridge 30 41 Bladespire Citadel
/way Frostfire Ridge 31.2 23.5 Frostwind Crag
/way Frostfire Ridge 41.7 19.8 Bloodmaul Stronghold
/way Frostfire Ridge 44.6 31.2 Daggermaw Ravine
/way Frostfire Ridge 46.4 52.2 Stonefang Outpost
/way Frostfire Ridge 48.7 46.8 The Boneslag
/way Frostfire Ridge 52.2 45.5 The Cracking Plains
/way Frostfire Ridge 58.3 31.4 Colossal’s Fall
/way Frostfire Ridge 59.9 58.5 Grom’gar
/way Frostfire Ridge 65.4 47.3 Grimfrost Hill
/way Frostfire Ridge 68 32 Magnarok
/way Frostfire Ridge 74.7 61.2 Iron Waystation
/way Frostfire Ridge 82 57.4 Iron Siegeworks
/way Frostfire Ridge 82.5 60.4 Bones of Agurak

Explore Gorgrond

/way Gorgrond 41.4 74 Deadgrin
/way Gorgrond 43 66.5 Stonemaul Arena
/way Gorgrond 43.4 20.7 The Iron Approach
/way Gorgrond 44.8 76.8 Evermorn Springs
/way Gorgrond 45.4 70.8 Beaswatch
/way Gorgrond 47.4 38.3 The Pit
/way Gorgrond 48.2 42.7 Gronn Canyon
/way Gorgrond 50.5 77.8 Bastion Rise
/way Gorgrond 52.3 59.7 Highpass
/way Gorgrond 54.5 44.7 Everbloom Wilds
/way Gorgrond 54.9 63.5 Crimson Fen
/way Gorgrond 55.6 33.5 Grimrail Depot
/way Gorgrond 57.8 65.5 Tangleheart
/way Gorgrond 61.3 51.2 Iyun Weald

Explore Nagrand

/way Nagrand:Draenor 25.8 19.6 Highmaul Harbor
/way Nagrand:Draenor 38.0 50.1 Ancestral Grounds
/way Nagrand:Draenor 41.6 69.4 Ironfist Harbor
/way Nagrand:Draenor 42.2 27.3 Broken Precipice
/way Nagrand:Draenor 42.7 41.4 Mok’gol Watchpost
/way Nagrand:Draenor 47 60.8 Oshu’gun
/way Nagrand:Draenor 51.9 47.7 Lok-rath
/way Nagrand:Draenor 55.9 15.2 The Ring of Blood
/way Nagrand:Draenor 69.2 64.2 Telaar
/way Nagrand:Draenor 73.0 20.6 Throne of the Elements
/way Nagrand:Draenor 76.2 68.4 Gates of Grommashar
/way Nagrand:Draenor 80.4 67.3 Mar’gok’s Overwatch
/way Nagrand:Draenor 80.7 52.3 Ring of Trials
/way Nagrand:Draenor 84.7 60.4 Hallvalor
/way Nagrand:Draenor 85.4 26.5 Zangar Shore

Explore Shadowmoon Valley

/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 22.7 29.5 Gul’var
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 36.8 27.8 Gloomshade Grove
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 38.8 42.7 Anguish Fortress
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 41.1 80.2 Isle of Shadows
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 41.4 58.0 Shaz’gul
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 46.8 69.9 Socrethar’s Rise
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 47.2 41.4 Embaari Village
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 58 59.9 The Shimmer Moor
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 58.4 79 Darktide Roost
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 58.5 28.2 Elodor
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 71.4 46.8 Karabor

Explore Spires of Arak

/way Spires of Arak 30.9 29.1 Bladefist Hold
/way Spires of Arak 36.5 44.4 The Writhing Mire
/way Spires of Arak 39.9 49.6 Admiral Taylor’s Garrison
/way Spires of Arak 41.3 45.9 Axefall
/way Spires of Arak 41.6 58.8 Southport
/way Spires of Arak 44.8 24.1 Veil Akraz
/way Spires of Arak 47.4 52.6 Windswept Terrace
/way Spires of Arak 49 55.6 Bloodmane Valley
/way Spires of Arak 50.5 46.9 Terrace of Dawn
/way Spires of Arak 50.9 12.6 Skettis
/way Spires of Arak 53.8 51.3 Ravenskar
/way Spires of Arak 56.5 86.4 Pinchwhistle Point
/way Spires of Arak 57.9 55.2 Veil Zekk
/way Spires of Arak 60.8 45.1 Sethekk Hollow
/way Spires of Arak 61 70.3 Pinchwhistle Gearworks
/way Spires of Arak 61.6 24.6 Howling Crag
/way Spires of Arak 72.2 40.3 Lost Veil Anzu

Explore Talador

/way Talador 35.7 70.1 Gul’rok
/way Talador 42.2 58.1 Court of Souls
/way Talador 46.5 89 Telmor
/way Talador 49.7 35.1 Shattrath City
/way Talador 49.7 60.6 Auchindoun
/way Talador 51.4 26.2 Orunai Coast
/way Talador 58.6 39.5 Tuurem
/way Talador 58.6 65.1 Tomb of Lights
/way Talador 62.1 50.2 Duskfall Island
/way Talador 66.5 10.3 The Path of Glory
/way Talador 67.9 68.6 Gordal Fortress
/way Talador 68.7 22.3 Fort Wrynn
/way Talador 75.4 43.2 Aruuna
/way Talador 77.7 55.5 Anchorite’s Sojourn
/way Talador 78.6 27.9 Zangarra

Pandaria Explorer

Explore Jade Forest

/way The Jade Forest 41 21 Tian Monastery
/way The Jade Forest 52 91 Dreamer’s Pavillion
/way The Jade Forest 58 80 Pearl Lake
/way The Jade Forest 46 29 Greenstone Quarry
/way The Jade Forest 25 37 Camp Nooka Nooka
/way The Jade Forest 47 60 Serpent’s Heart
/way The Jade Forest 57 57 Temple of the Jade Serpent
/way The Jade Forest 46 90 Garrosh’ar Point
/way The Jade Forest 29 13 Honeydew Village
/way The Jade Forest 48 45 Dawn’s Blossom
/way The Jade Forest 50 26 Emperor’s Omen
/way The Jade Forest 25 48 Grookin Hill
/way The Jade Forest 40 73 Nectarbreeze Orchard
/way The Jade Forest 40 13 Terrace of Ten Thunders
/way The Jade Forest 52 82 Slingtail Pits
/way The Jade Forest 57 44 The Arboretum
/way The Jade Forest 65 30 Windward Isle

Explore Krasarang Wilds

/way Krasarang Wilds 67 44 Anglers Wharf
/way Krasarang Wilds 33 70 Cradle of Chi-ji
/way Krasarang Wilds 64 31 Dojani River
/way Krasarang Wilds 29 38 Fallsong Village
/way Krasarang Wilds 82 26 Krasarang Cove
/way Krasarang Wilds 70 22 The Krasari Ruins
/way Krasarang Wilds 41 75 Nayeli Lagoon
/way Krasarang Wilds 40 33 Crane Wing Refuge
/way Krasarang Wilds 55 34 Ruins of Dojan
/way Krasarang Wilds 24 45 Ruins of Korja
/way Krasarang Wilds 40 55 Temple of the Red Crane
/way Krasarang Wilds 46 38 The Deepwild
/way Krasarang Wilds 21 35 The Forbidden Jungle
/way Krasarang Wilds 16 56 The South Isles
/way Krasarang Wilds 47 90 Unga Ingoo
/way Krasarang Wilds 77 10 Zhu’s Watch

Explore Townlong Steppes

/way Townlong Steppes 76 82 Gao-Ran Battlefront
/way Townlong Steppes 56 56 Kri’vess
/way Townlong Steppes 54 78 Rensai’s Watchpost
/way Townlong Steppes 41 63 Niuzao Temple
/way Townlong Steppes 67 47 Fire Camp Osul
/way Townlong Steppes 84 72 Hatred’s Vice
/way Townlong Steppes 48 70 Shado-Pan Garrison
/way Townlong Steppes 29 27 Shan’ze Dao
/way Townlong Steppes 22 52 Sra’vess
/way Townlong Steppes 45 86 Sik’vess
/way Townlong Steppes 66 65 The Sumprushes

Explore Vale of Eternal Blossoms

/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 29 37 Ruins of Guo-Lai
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 38 73 Mistfall Village
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 80 34 Mogu’shan Palace
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 21 71 Setting Sun Garrison
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 46 16 The Golden Stair
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 86 65 Shrine of Seven Stars
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 62 20 Shrine of Two Moons
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 56 43 The Golden Pagoda
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 47 72 Tu Shen Burial Ground
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 41 46 Whitepetal Lake
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 17 45 The Five Sisters

Explore Valley of the Four Winds

/way Valley of the Four Winds 13 76 Dustback Gorge
/way Valley of the Four Winds 56 36 Gilded Fan
/way Valley of the Four Winds 54 46 Halfhill
/way Valley of the Four Winds 39 39 The Heartland
/way Valley of the Four Winds 50.7 63.7 The Imperial Granary
/way Valley of the Four Winds 30.1 35.7 Kunzen Village
/way Valley of the Four Winds 68 43 Mudmug’s Place
/way Valley of the Four Winds 18 81 Nesingwary Safari
/way Valley of the Four Winds 16 35 Paoquan Hollow
/way Valley of the Four Winds 60 27 Pools of Purity
/way Valley of the Four Winds 74.18 63.75 Rumbling Terrace
/way Valley of the Four Winds 63 57 Silken Fields
/way Valley of the Four Winds 25 43 Singing Marshes
/way Valley of the Four Winds 18 55 Stoneplow
/way Valley of the Four Winds 34 70 Stormstout Brewery
/way Valley of the Four Winds 75 25 Thunderfoot Ranch
/way Valley of the Four Winds 51 77 Wind’s Edge
/way Valley of the Four Winds 81.53 47.91 Zhu’s Descent

Explore Kun-Lai Summit

/way Kun-Lai Summit 72 91 Binan Village
/way Kun-Lai Summit 44 86 Firebough Nook
/way Kun-Lai Summit 55 91 Gate of the August Celestials
/way Kun-Lai Summit 75 13 Isle of Reckoning
/way Kun-Lai Summit 35 65 Kota Peak
/way Kun-Lai Summit 59 72 Mogujia
/way Kun-Lai Summit 45 51 Mount Neverest
/way Kun-Lai Summit 68 73 Muskpaw Ranch
/way Kun-Lai Summit 49 40 Peak of Serenity
/way Kun-Lai Summit 34 47 Shado-Pan Monastery
/way Kun-Lai Summit 68 48 Temple of the White Tiger
/way Kun-Lai Summit 47 67 The Burlap Trail
/way Kun-Lai Summit 57 47 Valley of Emperors
/way Kun-Lai Summit 62 29 Zouchin Village

Explore Dread Wastes

/way Dread Wastes 40 34 Heart of Fear
/way Dread Wastes 55 35 Klaxxi’vess
/way Dread Wastes 57 17 Kypari Vor
/way Dread Wastes 59 57 Kypari Zar
/way Dread Wastes 35 19 Rikkitum Village
/way Dread Wastes 56 70 Soggy’s Gambrle
/way Dread Wastes 70 25 Terrace of Gurthan
/way Dread Wastes 39 65 The Briny Muck
/way Dread Wastes 47 35 The Clutches of Shek’zeer
/way Dread Wastes 50 11 The Sunset Brewgarden
/way Dread Wastes 66 44 Writhingwood
/way Dread Wastes 30 75 Zan’vess

Cataclysm Explorer

Explore Hyjal

/way Hyjal 62 25 Nordrassil
/way Hyjal 53 28 The Verdant Thicket
/way Hyjal 43 28 The Circle of Cinders
/way Hyjal 39 29 Lake Edunel
/way Hyjal 33 32 The Wolf’s Run
/way Hyjal 29 28 Shrine of Goldrin
/way Hyjal 28 34 Gar’gol’s Hovel
/way Hyjal 22 37 Rim of the World
/way Hyjal 20 37 Grove of Aessina
/way Hyjal 18 45 The Inferno
/way Hyjal 19 48 Ashen Lake
/way Hyjal 27 61 Santuary of Malorne
/way Hyjal 31 61 The Flamewake
/way Hyjal 44 75 Sulfuron Spire
/way Hyjal 57 87 Ascendant’s Rise
/way Hyjal 67 75 Gates of Sothann
/way Hyjal 76 65 Darkwhisper Gorge
/way Hyjal 76 51 Seat of the Chosen
/way Hyjal 92 52 Doom’s Vigil
/way Hyjal 33 75 Sethria’s Roost

Explore Deepholm

/way Deepholm 62 59 Deathwing’s Fall
/way Deepholm 26 33 Needlerock Chasm
/way Deepholm 22 48 Needlerock Slag
/way Deepholm 26 70 Stonehearth
/way Deepholm 56 76 Storm’s Fury Wreckage
/way Deepholm 49 49 Temple of Earth
/way Deepholm 41 18 The Pale Roost
/way Deepholm 56 13 Therazane’s Throne
/way Deepholm 35 82 The Quaking Fields
/way Deepholm 68 78 Twilight Overlook
/way Deepholm 39 69 Masters’ Gate
/way Deepholm 72 41 Crimson Expanse
/way Deepholm 55 25 The Scoured Reach

Explore Twilight Highlands

/way Twilight Highlands 29 73 The Twilight Citadel
/way Twilight Highlands 38 89 Elementium Depths
/way Twilight Highlands 44 87 Alter of Twilight
/way Twilight Highlands 47 77 Crushblow
/way Twilight Highlands 57 81 Obsidian Forest
/way Twilight Highlands 71 71 Twilight Shore
/way Twilight Highlands 78 75 Highbank
/way Twilight Highlands 75 57 Dragonmaw Port
/way Twilight Highlands 63 55 The Devouring Breach
/way Twilight Highlands 54 63 Highland Forest
/way Twilight Highlands 47 67 Dunwald Holdout
/way Twilight Highlands 45 69 The Twilight Gate
/way Twilight Highlands 46 69 Dunwald Ruins
/way Twilight Highlands 43 58 Victor’s Point
/way Twilight Highlands 47 55 Dunwald Hovel
/way Twilight Highlands 51 55 The Boneyard
/way Twilight Highlands 51 56 The Nosebleeds
/way Twilight Highlands 61 56 Firebeard’s Patrol
/way Twilight Highlands 62 49 Gorshak War Camp
/way Twilight Highlands 56 42 Bloodgulch
/way Twilight Highlands 57 40 Verrall RIver
/way Twilight Highlands 64 40 Verrall Delta
/way Twilight Highlands 70 41 Slithering Cove
/way Twilight Highlands 59 30 The Black Breach
/way Twilight Highlands 57 18 Kirthaven
/way Twilight Highlands 51 11 The Maw of Madness
/way Twilight Highlands 44 14 Ruins of Drakgor
/way Twilight Highlands 39 21 Humboldt C
/way Twilight Highlands 47 28 Thundermar
/way Twilight Highlands 47 32 Thundermar Ruins
/way Twilight Highlands 40 46 The Twighlight Breach
/way Twilight Highlands 37 39 The Gullet
/way Twilight Highlands 36 35 Glopgut’s Hollow
/way Twilight Highlands 34 33 Vermillion Redoubt
/way Twilight Highlands 25 37 Dragonmaw Pass
/way Twilight Highlands 29 48 Wyrms’ Bend
/way Twilight Highlands 24 56 Grim Batol
/way Twilight Highlands 75 16 The Krazzworks

Explore Vashj’ir

/way Abyssal Depths 47 24 The Scalding Chasm
/way Abyssal Depths 43 26 Deepfin Ridge
/way Abyssal Depths 57 33 Seabrush
/way Abyssal Depths 43 50 Underlight Canyon
/way Abyssal Depths 35 52 L’Ghorek
/way Abyssal Depths 33 73 Abandoned Reef
/way Abyssal Depths 70 30 Abyssal Breach
/way Abyssal Depths 55 67 Korthun’s End
/way Shimmering Expanse 50.5 76.4 Beth’more Ridge
/way Shimmering Expanse 49 22 Shimmering Grotto
/way Shimmering Expanse 50 41.2 Silver Tide Hollow
/way Shimmering Expanse 48 47 Glimmeringdeep Gorge
/way Shimmering Expanse 51 48 Nespirah
/way Shimmering Expanse 66 45 Ruins of Thelserai
/way Shimmering Expanse 35 78 Ruins of Vashj’ir
/way Kelp’thar Forest 40 30 Legion’s Fate
/way Kelp’thar Forest 51 28 Seafarer’s Tomb
/way Kelp’thar Forest 52 51 Gurboggle’s Ledge
/way Kelp’thar Forest 60 46 Skeletal Reef
/way Kelp’thar Forest 60 58 Gnaws’ Boneyard
/way Kelp’thar Forest 58 78 The Clutch

Explore Uldum

/way Uldum:Kalimdor 63 20 Khartut’s Tomb
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 62 22 The Gate of Unending Cycles
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 28 23 Vir’naai Oasis
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 54 23 Sahket Wastes
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 46 15 Ruins of Ahmtul
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 42 12 Maker’s Ascent
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 37 11 Oasis of Vir’sar
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 30 16 Obelisk of the Moon
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 37 41 Orsis
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 32 33 Temple of Uldum
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 25 53 Schnott’s Landing
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 28 65 Ruins of Ammon
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 40 68 Cradle of the Ancients
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 45 58 Obelisk of the Sun
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 49 70 Neferset City Outskirts
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 50 78 Neferset City
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 57 76 Vir’naal River Delta
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 63 72 Lost City of Tol’nir
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 60 60 Gate of Hamatep
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 53 52 Akhenet Fields
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 49 39 Mar’at
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 52 39 Vir’naai Lake
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 54 32 Ramkahen
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 55 42 Vir’naai Dam
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 56 47 Vir’naai River
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 59 45 Rekahen Legion Outpost
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 64 30 Obelisk of the Stars
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 67 41 Nahom
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 72 47 Tombs of the Precursors
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 78 46 Keset Pass
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 82 47 The Cursed Landing
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 81 53 The Steps of Fate
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 80 57 The Trail of Devastation
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 79 63 Tomb of the Sun King
/way Uldum:Kalimdor 60 38 Tahret Grounds

Northrend Explorer

Explore Borean Tundra

/way borean 85.42 25.24 Temple City of En’kilah
/way borean 49.15 25.16 Steeljaw’s Caravan
/way borean 46.05 78.79 Riplash Strand
/way borean 65.8 46.87 Kaskala
/way borean 31.92 52.74 Garrosh’s Landing
/way borean 82.37 46.69 Death’s Stand
/way borean 32.66 28.26 Coldarra
/way borean 49.7 10.10 Bor’gorok Outpost
/way borean 45.26 34.25 Amber Ledge
/way borean 41.42 53.62 Warsong Hold
/way borean 58.78 68.55 Valiance Keep
/way borean 67.08 32.19 The Geyser Fields
/way borean 75.58 17.05 The Dens of the Dying

Explore Dragonblight

/way Dragonblight 55.6 34.1 Galakrond Rest
/way Dragonblight 40.0 67.4 Lake Indule
/way Dragonblight 47.5 48.7 Ruby Dragonshrine
/way Dragonblight 40.7 31.9 Obsidian Dragonshrine
/way Dragonblight 71.0 74.2 New Hearthglen
/way Dragonblight 87.3 47.8 Naxxramas
/way Dragonblight 84.0 26.1 Lights Trust
/way Dragonblight 25.1 43.2 Icemist Village
/way Dragonblight 63.6 73.6 Emerald Dragonshrine
/way Dragonblight 55.0 20.0 Coldwind Heights
/way Dragonblight 37.7 17.4 Angrathar the Wrath Gate
/way Dragonblight 36.7 46.8 AgmarsHammer
/way Dragonblight 59.8 54.2 WyrmrestTemple
/way Dragonblight 14.1 47.4 Westwind Refugee Camp
/way Dragonblight 78.0 63.0 Venomspit
/way Dragonblight 82.4 68.4 The Forgotten Shore
/way Dragonblight 60.5 20.2 The Crystal Vice
/way Dragonblight 72.5 26.0 ScarletPoint

Explore Zul’Drak

/way Zul’drak 82.1 20.7 Gundrak
/way Zul’drak 51.8 75.3 Drak’Sotra Fields
/way Zul’drak 49.4 56.1 Ampitheater of Anguish
/way Zul’drak 40.6 38.6 Altar of Sseratus
/way Zul’drak 53.6 36.8 Altar of Rhunok
/way Zul’drak 77.0 59.2 Altar of Quetz’lun
/way Zul’drak 76.1 43.3 Altar of Mam’toth
/way Zul’drak 63.9 71.0 Altar of Har’koa
/way Zul’drak 59.7 57.6 Zim’Torga
/way Zul’drak 21.5 76.5 Zeramas
/way Zul’drak 28.3 46.6 Voltarus
/way Zul’drak 17.2 58.6 Thrym’s End
/way Zul’drak 32.0 75.6 Light’s Breach
/way Zul’drak 62.0 77.6 Kolramas

Explore Crystalsong Forest

/way Crystalsong Forest 23 57 The Azure Front
/way Crystalsong Forest 18 15 The Decrepit Flow
/way Crystalsong Forest 78.5 50.2 Sunreaver’s Command
/way Crystalsong Forest 47 44 Forlorn Woods
/way Crystalsong Forest 74 80 Windrunner’s Overlook
/way Crystalsong Forest 14 34 The Great Tree
/way Crystalsong Forest 15 42 Violet Stand
/way Crystalsong Forest 60 61 the unbound thicket

Explore Icecrown

/way Icecrown 70 37 Sindragosas_Fall
/way Icecrown 42 25 Shadow_Vault
/way Icecrown 32 35 Jotunheim
/way Icecrown 33 29 Valhalas
/way Icecrown 11 50 Onslaught_Harbor
/way Icecrown 30 63 Fleshwerks
/way Icecrown 41 68 Corprethar_Horror_Gate
/way Icecrown 44 64 Conflagration
/way Icecrown 51 59 Ymirheim
/way Icecrown 52 47 Aldurthar_Desolation_Gate
/way Icecrown 78 59 Scourgeholm
/way Icecrown 62 40 Bombardment
/way Icecrown 53 89 Icecrown_Citadel
/way Icecrown 68 65 The_Broken_Front
/way Icecrown 83 73 Valley_of_Echoes

Explore Howling Fjord

/way Howling Fjord 25 57 Kamagua
/way Howling Fjord 57 36 Cauldros Isle
/way Howling Fjord 48 10 Camp Winterhoof
/way Howling Fjord 27 24 Apothecary Camp
/way Howling Fjord 78 30 Vengeance Landing
/way Howling Fjord 30 26 Steel Gate
/way Howling Fjord 34 78 Scalawag Point
/way Howling Fjord 68 54 Nifflevar
/way Howling Fjord 36 10 Gjalerbron
/way Howling Fjord 39 50 Ember Clutch
/way Howling Fjord 68 27 Giant’s Run
/way Howling Fjord 60 15 Fort Wildervar
/way Howling Fjord 78 46 Ivald’s Ruin
/way Howling Fjord 50 53 Halgrind
/way Howling Fjord 52 67 New Agamand
/way Howling Fjord 45 35 Skorn
/way Howling Fjord 51 27 The Vibrant Glade
/way Howling Fjord 58 46 Utgarde Keep
/way Howling Fjord 30 43 Westguard Keep
/way Howling Fjord 72 71 Baelgun’s Excavation Site
/way Howling Fjord 66 39 Baleheim

Explore Grizzly Hills

/way Grizzly Hills 21 65 Conquest_Hold
/way Grizzly Hills 18 28 DrakTharon_Keep
/way Grizzly Hills 72 26 DrakilJin_Ruins
/way Grizzly Hills 78 59 Dun_Argol
/way Grizzly Hills 16 49 Granite_Springs
/way Grizzly Hills 49 44 Grizzlemaw
/way Grizzly Hills 50 58 Rage_Fang_Shrine
/way Grizzly Hills 67 17 Thor_Modan
/way Grizzly Hills 15 80 Venture_Bay
/way Grizzly Hills 29 75 Voldrunem
/way Grizzly Hills 32 59 Amberpine_Lodge
/way Grizzly Hills 37 37 Blue_Sky_Logging_Grounds
/way Grizzly Hills 65 47 Camp_Oneqwah
/way Grizzly Hills 57 30 Westfall_Brigade_Encampment

Explore Sholazar Basin

/way Sholazar Basin 48 63 River_s_Heart
/way Sholazar Basin 29 38 Makers_Perch
/way Sholazar Basin 53 55 Rainspeaker_Canopy
/way Sholazar Basin 73 36 The_Avalanche
/way Sholazar Basin 25 81 Kartak_s_Hold
/way Sholazar Basin 46 25 The_Savage_Thicket
/way Sholazar Basin 36 75 The_Mosslight_Pillar
/way Sholazar Basin 79 55 Makers_Overlook
/way Sholazar Basin 33 52 The_Suntouched_Pillar
/way Sholazar Basin 65 59 The_Lifeblood_Pillar
/way Sholazar Basin 49 38 The_Glimmering_Pillar
/way Sholazar Basin 26 35 The_Stormwright_s_Shelf
/way Sholazar Basin 40 83 WayGate

Explore Storm Peaks

/way Storm Peaks 27.5 67 Bor’s Breath
/way Storm Peaks 28 72 Frosthold
/way Storm Peaks 36 85 Sparksocket Minefield
/way Storm Peaks 43 82 Garm’s Bane
/way Storm Peaks 48 69 Brunnhildar Village
/way Storm Peaks 62 60 Dun Niffelem
/way Storm Peaks 64.8 47.4 Temple of Life
/way Storm Peaks 70 49 Thunderfall
/way Storm Peaks 58 44 Terrace of the Makers
/way Storm Peaks 41 56 Engine of the Makers
/way Storm Peaks 34 56 Temple of Storms
/way Storm Peaks 25 57 Valkyrion
/way Storm Peaks 25 51 Nidavelir
/way Storm Peaks 29 44 Narvir’s Cradle
/way Storm Peaks 27 45 Snowdrift Plains
/way Storm Peaks 40 24 Ulduar

Outland Explorer

Explore Hellfire Peninsula

/WAY hellfire pen 69 71 Zeth’Gor
/WAY hellfire pen 27 61 Falcon Watch
/WAY hellfire pen 55 63 Honor Hold
/WAY hellfire pen 42 31 Pools of Aggonar
/WAY hellfire pen 22 40 Temple of Telhamat
/WAY hellfire pen 56 37 Thrallmar
/WAY hellfire pen 14 42 Fallen Sky Ridge
/WAY hellfire pen 54 83 Expedition Armory
/WAY hellfire pen 49 50 Hellfire Citadel
/WAY hellfire pen 32 28 Mag’har Post
/WAY hellfire pen 15 60 Ruins of Sha’naar
/WAY hellfire pen 69 53 The Legion Front
/WAY hellfire pen 63 18 Throne of Kil’jaeden
/WAY hellfire pen 29 74 Den of Haal’esh
/WAY hellfire pen 76 63 Void Ridge
/WAY hellfire pen 64 31 Forge Camp Mageddon
/WAY hellfire pen 45 83 Warp Fields
/WAY hellfire pen 76 71 Void Ridge

Explore Terokkar Forest

/way terokkar 41 22 Cenarion Thicket
/way terokkar 38 35 Grangol’var Village
/way terokkar 51 29 Tuurem
/way terokkar 60 40 Raastok Glade
/way terokkar 54 20 Razorthorn Shelf
/way terokkar 33 69 Auchenai Grounds
/way terokkar 34 52 Refugee Caravan
/way terokkar 31 53 Shadow Tomb
/way terokkar 24 59 Veil Rhaze
/way terokkar 66 71 Skettis
/way terokkar 55 54 Allerian Stronghold
/way terokkar 68 36 Firewing Point
/way terokkar 50 48 Stonebreaker Hold
/way terokkar 35 30 Shattrath City
/way terokkar 29 12 The Barrier Hills
/way terokkar 64 52 Bonechewer Ruins
/way terokkar 42 52 Carrion Hill
/way terokkar 36 63 Ring of Observance
/way terokkar 43 76 Derelict Caravan
/way terokkar 50 66 Writhing Mound
/way terokkar 20 63 Bleeding Hollow Ruins

Explore Blade’s Edge Mountains

/way Blade’s edge 52 12 Bash’ir Landing
/way Blade’s edge 40 53 Bladespire Hold
/way Blade’s edge 46 77 Bloodmaul Outpost
/way Blade’s edge 53 43 Circle of Blood
/way Blade’s edge 73 41 Forge Camp: Anger
/way Blade’s edge 40 40 Forge Camp: Wrath
/way Blade’s edge 65 24 Gruul’s Lair
/way Blade’s edge 76.4 65.9 Mok’Nathal Village
/way Blade’s edge 65 53 Razor Ridge
/way Blade’s edge 72 23 Skald
/way Blade’s edge 64 14 Crystal Spine
/way Blade’s edge 35 76 Veil Lashh
/way Blade’s edge 71 61 Vekhaar Stand
/way Blade’s edge 70 42 Bladed Gulch
/way Blade’s edge 55 27 Bloodmaul Camp
/way Blade’s edge 77 24 Broken Wilds
/way Blade’s edge 64 67 Death’s Door
/way Blade’s edge 28 81 Forge Camp: Terror
/way Blade’s edge 39 20 Grishnath
/way Blade’s edge 49 70 Jagged Ridge
/way Blade’s edge 31 28 Raven’s Wood
/way Blade’s edge 62 34 Ruuan Weald
/way Blade’s edge 37 64 Sylvanaar
/way Blade’s edge 52 56 Thunderlord Stronghold
/way Blade’s edge 64 31 Veil Ruuan
/way Blade’s edge 30 64 Vortex Pinnacle
/way Blade’s edge 61.6 39.6 Evergrove FP

Explore Shadowmoon Valley

/way shadowmoon valley:outland 45.5 28.3 Coilskar Point
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 46.1 68.9 Eclipse Point
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 23.3 38.2 Legion Hold
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 70.5 85.4 Netherwing Ledge
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 29.2 28.7 Shadowmoon Village
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 73 43.8 The Black Temple
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 40.4 39.2 The Deathforge
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 50 40.5 The Hand of Gul’dan
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 60.1 48.7 Warden’s Cage
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 35.8 58 Wildhammer Stronghold
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 61.7 29.1 Altar of Sha’tar
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 29.5 55.3 Illidari Point
/way shadowmoon valley:outland 64.2 57.6 Netherwing Fields

Explore Zangarmarsh

/way Zangarmarsh 83 82 Umbrafen Village
/way Zangarmarsh 81 38 The Dead Mire
/way Zangarmarsh 79 64 Cenarion Refuge
/way Zangarmarsh 70 80 Darkcrest Shore
/way Zangarmarsh 68 48 Telredor
/way Zangarmarsh 61 41 Bloodscale Grounds
/way Zangarmarsh 58 62 The Lagoon
/way Zangarmarsh 47 53 Twin Spire Ruins
/way Zangarmarsh 46 63 Feralfen Village
/way Zangarmarsh 42 30 Orebor Harborage
/way Zangarmarsh 31 50 Zabra’jin
/way Zangarmarsh 29 61 Quagg Ridge
/way Zangarmarsh 29 33 Hewn Bog
/way Zangarmarsh 22 40 Marshlight Lake
/way Zangarmarsh 18 50 Sporeggar
/way Zangarmarsh 18 7 Ango’rosh Stronghold
/way Zangarmarsh 17 23 Ango’rosh Grounds
/way Zangarmarsh 14 62 The Spawning Glen
/way Zangarmarsh 84.7 55.1 Swamprat Post FP

Explore Nagrand

/way Nagrand:outland 19.1 51.5 Forge Camp: Fear
/way Nagrand:outland 56 36.3 Garadar
/way Nagrand:outland 42.7 44 Halaa
/way Nagrand:outland 70 81.5 Kil’sorrow Fortress
/way Nagrand:outland 46.7 19.4 Laughing Skull Ruins
/way Nagrand:outland 36 71.4 Spirit Fields
/way Nagrand:outland 31.6 43.1 Sunspring Post
/way Nagrand:outland 53.7 70.6 Telaar
/way Nagrand:outland 65.9 56.1 The Ring of Trials
/way Nagrand:outland 60.2 23.1 Throne of the Elements
/way Nagrand:outland 27 21.1 Warmaul Hill
/way Nagrand:outland 74.4 66.9 Burning Blade Ruins
/way Nagrand:outland 62 63.8 Clan Watch
/way Nagrand:outland 24.6 35.9 Forge Camp: Hate
/way Nagrand:outland 49.4 55.5 Southwind Cleft
/way Nagrand:outland 8.6 43.1 The Twilight Ridge
/way Nagrand:outland 72.6 36.6 Windyreed Pass
/way Nagrand:outland 72.7 52.6 Windyreed Village
/way Nagrand:outland 33.4 15.6 Zangar Ridge Kenshyneus

Explore Netherstorm

/way netherstorm 33 65 Area 52
/way netherstorm 22 70 Manaforge B’naar
/way netherstorm 48 84 Manaforge Coruu
/way netherstorm 59 67 Manaforge Duro
/way netherstorm 26 38 Manaforge Ara
/way netherstorm 62 39 Manaforge Ultris
/way netherstorm 54 25 Ruins of Farahlon
/way netherstorm 71 65 Tempest Keep
/way netherstorm 31 76 The Heap
/way netherstorm 40 75 Arklon Ruins
/way netherstorm 72 40 Celestial Ridge
/way netherstorm 56 85 Kirin’Var Village
/way netherstorm 32 56 Ruins of Enkaat
/way netherstorm 56 78 Sunfury Hold
/way netherstorm 44 36 The Stormspire
/way netherstorm 22 56 Gyro-Plank Bridge
/way netherstorm 45 13 Eco-Dome Farfield
/way netherstorm 55 42 Ethereum Staging Grounds
/way netherstorm 29 15 Socrethar’s Seat
/way netherstorm 37 25 Forge Base: Oblivion
/way netherstorm 45 54 Eco-Dome Midrealm
/way netherstorm 49 18 Netherstone

For Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms you need to be inside the zone and then paste the coordinates using "Paste" along with TomTom


Kalimdor Explorer

Explore Durotar

/way 44.17 64.68 Valley of Trials
/way 43.15 42.55 Southfury Watershed
/way 64.14 74.41 Echo Isles
/way 52.83 42.81 Razor Hill
/way 40.90 26.51 Thunder Ridge
/way 54.97 09.96 Skull Rock
/way 49.82 81.50 Northwatch Foothold
/way 55.98 74.36 Sen’jin Village
/way 59.51 58.30 Tiragarde Keep
/way 49.11 48.81 Razormane Grounds
/way 52.60 21.52 Drygulch Ravine
/way 42 8 Orgrimmar

Explore Mulgore

/way 39 82 Red_Cloud_Mesa
/way 34 62 Palemane_Rock
/way 49 58 Bloodhoof_Village
/way 53 66 Winterhoof_Water_Well
/way 61 67 The_Rolling_Plains
/way 62 48 The_Venture_CoMine
/way 53 47 Ravaged_Caravan
/way 49 35 The_Golden_Plains
/way 44 45 Thunderhorn_Water_Well
/way 32 48 BaelDun_Digsite
/way 60 21 Red_Rocks
/way 52 11 Windfury_Ridge
/way 42 14 Wildmane_Water_Well
/way 36 29 Thunder_Bluff

Explore Teldrassil

/way 62 45 Shadowglen
/way 48 53 Ban’ethil Hollow
/way 57 60 Dolanaar
/way 45 76 Gnarlpine Hold
/way 56 70 Lake Al’Ameth
/way 42 67 Pools of Arlithrien
/way 68 59 Starbreeze Village
/way 40 32 The Oracle Glade
/way 44 42 Wellspring Lake
/way 27 57 Darnassus
/way 57 93 Rut’theran Village
/way 51 38 The Cleft

Explore Azuremyst Isle

/way 77 43 AmmenVale
/way 62 54 AmmenFord
/way 49 50 AzureWatch
/way 26 66 Bristlelimb
/way 58 17 Emberglade
/way 42.5 6 Fairbridge
/way 59 68 Geezle
/way 52 42 Moongraze
/way 46 71 Odesyus
/way 37 62 PodCluster
/way 53 61 PodWreck
/way 34 12 Silting
/way 13 80 SilvermystIsle
/way 45 20 StillpineHold
/way 31 40 TheExodar
/way 21 54 ValaarsBerth
/way 32 77 WrathscalePoint

Explore Northern Barrens

/way 66 12 Boulder Lode Mine
/way 58 19 The Sludge Fen
/way 42 15 The Mor’shan Rampart
/way 27 31 The Dry Hills
/way 36 44 The Forgotten Pools
/way 42 38 Dreadmist Peak
/way 53 41 Grol’dom Farm
/way 67 40 Far Watch Post
/way 58 49 Thorn Hill
/way 49 58 The Crossroads
/way 67 72 Ratchet
/way 70 89 The Merchant Coast
/way 55 80 The Stagnant Oasis
/way 40 74 Lushwater Oasis

Explore Southern Barrens

/way 50.20 84.20 Bael Modan
/way 50 49 Forward Command
/way 39.22 14.50 Honor’s Stand
/way 66.30 47.14 Northwatch Hold
/way 45.36 53.21 Ruins of Taurajo
/way 41.1 46.8 Vendetta Point
/way 46.17 68.15 Battlescar
/way 41 79 Frazzlecraz Motherlode
/way 39.81 21.36 Hunter’s Hill
/way 50.9 70.4 RFK - DISCOVERY
/way 41.0 94.0 RFK - ENTRANCE(Actually enter it)
/way 48.34 34.51 The Overgrowth

Explore Winterspring

/way 31.72 49.70 Frostfire Hot Springs
/way 36.92 55.71 Timbermaw Post
/way 49.78 54.10 Lake Kel’Theril
/way 55.95 63.54 Mazthoril
/way 48.80 41.08 Starfall Village
/way 46.11 15.35 Frostsaber Rock
/way 62.76 25.67 The Hidden Grove
/way 66.62 47.73 Winterfall Village
/way 59.73 50.41 Everlook
/way 66.90 54.59 Ice Thistle Hills
/way 63.15 75.14 Owl Wing Thicket
/way 62.13 86.08 Frostwhisper Gorge

Explore Darkshore

/way Darkshore 33.41 83.43 Nazj’vel
/way Darkshore 40,33 41,39 Ruins of Auberdine
/way Darkshore 40,38 83,13 The Master’s Glaive
/way Darkshore 42,23 70,75 Wildbend River
/way Darkshore 43,05 53,97 Eye of the Vortex
/way Darkshore 43,10 56,33 Ameth’aran
/way Darkshore 43,51 39,85 Withering Thicket
/way Darkshore 50,90 18,70 Lor’danel
/way Darkshore 61,21 20,30 Ruins of Mathystra
/way Darkshore 61,72 11,40 Shatterspear War Camp
/way Darkshore 70,09 19,03 Shatterspear Vale

Explore Bloodmyst Isle

/way 63.20 87.76 Kessel’s Crossing
/way 58.06 82.22 The Lost Fold
/way 64.97 78.23 Bristlelimb Enclave
/way 68.85 68.09 Wrathscale Lair
/way 82.56 47.68 Bloodcurse Isle
/way 66.44 47.59 The Crimson Reach
/way 62.70 43.50 Ruins of Loreth’Aran
/way 72.74 20.71 Talon Stand
/way 80.27 26.58 The Bloodcursed Reef
/way 74.70 11.89 Veridian Point
/way 69.47 18.84 Wyrmscar Island
/way 52.97 18.08 The Warp Piston
/way 37.88 23.66 The Bloodwash
/way 34.13 22.99 The Hidden Reef
/way 52.04 32.64 Ragefeather Ridge
/way 45.66 47.10 Bladewood
/way 41.98 30.43 Axxarien
/way 31.67 37.93 The Foul Pool
/way 30.63 46.11 Vindicator’s Rest
/way 25.88 41.18 Tel’athion’s Camp
/way 22.81 37.38 Amberweb Pass
/way 19.29 52.02 The Vector Coil
/way 38.60 61.11 The Cryo-Core
/way 40.47 78.80 Nazzivian
/way 31.59 87.09 Blacksilt Shore
/way 44.11 84.87 Mystwood
/way 51.55 77.07 Middenvale
/way 54.60 56.81 Blood Watch

Explore Ashenvale

/way Ashenvale 15,35 15,53 The Zoram Strand
/way Ashenvale 21,15 39,38 Lake Falathim
/way Ashenvale 21,54 47,41 The Shrine of Aessina
/way Ashenvale 26,43 22,20 Orendil’s Retreat
/way Ashenvale 26,79 36,08 Maestra’s Post
/way Ashenvale 32,01 64,89 The Ruins of Stardust
/way Ashenvale 35,32 53,42 Astranaar
/way Ashenvale 37,25 37,40 Thistlefur Village
/way Ashenvale 45,74 39,53 Thunder Peak
/way Ashenvale 51,48 61,66 Silverwind Refuge
/way Ashenvale 53,68 40,06 The Howling Vale
/way Ashenvale 61,87 51,74 Raynewood Retreat
/way Ashenvale 66,42 81,78 Fallen Sky Lake
/way Ashenvale 73,52 61,50 Splintertree Post
/way Ashenvale 80,55 68,48 Felfire Hill
/way Ashenvale 80,74 49,68 Satyrnaar
/way Ashenvale 86,95 60,00 Warsong Lumber Camp
/way Ashenvale 91,27 38,61 Bough Shadow

Explore Thousand Needles

/way 86 49 Splithoof Heights
/way 58 62 The Twilight Withering
/way 45 50 Freewind Post
/way 33 58 Twilight Bulwark
/way 11 35 Highperch
/way 12 10 Westreach Summit
/way 33 38 Darkcloud Pinnacle
/way 32 23 The Great Lift
/way 69 83 Sunken Dig Site
/way 70 61 The Shimmering Deep
/way 43 27 Razorfen Downs
/way 91 75 Southsea Holdfast

Explore Stonetalon Mountains

/way 64.28 91.62 Boulderslide Ravine
/way 68.48 84.69 Webwinder Path
/way 71.30 90.67 Malaka’jin
/way 73.37 87.91 Greatwood Vale
/way 75.09 77.58 Unearthed Grounds
/way 67.66 63.27 Krom’gar Fortress
/way 61.36 56.00 Windshear Crag
/way 58.52 54.91 Windshear Hold
/way 58.86 72.76 Webwinder Hollow
/way 49.56 72.81 Ruins of Eldre’thar
/way 49.70 62.15 Sun Rock Retreat
/way 51.57 46.36 Mirkfallon Lake
/way 40.91 40.20 Battlescar Valley
/way 44.92 32.30 Cliffwalker Post
/way 40.67 17.02 Stonetalon Peak
/way 39.74 32.00 Thal’darah Overlook
/way 34.74 68.46 The Charred Vale

Explore Desolace

/Way 50 08 TethrisAran
/Way 29 07 RanazjarIsle
/Way 29 31 SlitherbladeShore
/Way 55 28 ThunderAxeFortress
/Way 66 06 NijelsPoint
/Way 76 24 Sargeron
/Way 72 46 MagramTerritory
/Way 65 48 CenarionWildlands
/Way 71 72 ShokThokar
/Way 80 77 ShadowbreakRavine
/Way 51 77 MannorocCoven
/Way 52 58 KodoGraveyard
/Way 37 71 ThargadsCamp
/Way 30 62 ValleyofSpears
/Way 24 70 ShadowpreyVillage
/Way 36 83 GelkisVillage

Explore Dustwallow Marsh

/way 45 16 Blackhoof Village
/way 58 15 Dreadmurk Shore
/way 71 18 Alcaz Island
/way 66 49 Theramore Isle
/way 46 47 Direhorn Post
/way 36 31 Brackenwall Village
/way 29.7 48.3 Shady Rest Inn
/way 41 72 Mudsprocket
/way 52 75 Wyrmbog

Explore Feralas

/way 84 46 Lower Wilds
/way 46 18 The Twin Colossals
/way 45 49 The Forgotten Coast
/way 59 44 Dire Maul
/way 54 56 Feral Scar Vale
/way 65 59 Darkmist Ruins
/way 59 69 Ruins of Isildien
/way 75 61 The Writhing Deep
/way 75 42 Camp Mojache
/way 69 41 Grimtotem Compound
/way 77 31 Gordunni Outpost
/way 31 43 Ruins of Feathermoon
/way 46 46 Feathermoon Stronghold

Explore Tanaris

/way 30.62 64.56 Thistleshrub Valley
/way 34.25 47.71 The Noxious Lair
/way 41.30 56.76 Dunemaul Compound
/way 40.83 72.10 Southmoon Ruins
/way 37.47 78.58 Valley of the Watchers
/way 49.45 84.76 Land’s End Beach
/way 53.88 68.19 The Gaping Chasm
/way 47.28 64.75 Eastmoon Ruins
/way 64.09 60.36 Southbreak Shore
/way 72.23 47.07 Lost Rigger Cove
/way 64.56 50.07 Caverns of Time
/way 52.86 45.72 Broken Pillar
/way 44.86 40.16 Abyssal Sands
/way 51.40 29.28 Gadgetzan
/way 39.27 21.47 Sandsorrow Watch
/way 39.38 20.62 Zul’Far

Explore Azshara

/way 20 57 Gallywix Pleasure Palace
/way 58 50 Bilgewater Harbor
/way 78 28 Tower of Eldara
/way 50 28 Darnassian Base Camp
/way 26 41 Bear’s Head
/way 27 78 Orgrimmar Rear Gate
/way 47 67 Southridge Beach
/way 35 75 Lake Mennar
/way 55 75 Storm Cliffs
/way 42 42 The Shattered Strand
/way 61 26 Bitter Reaches
/way 71 31 Ruins of Arkkoran
/way 44 75 The Secret Lab
/way 33 34 Blackmaw Hold
/way 31 51 Ruins of Eldarath
/way 62 75 Ravencrest Monument
/way 46 82 The Ruined Reaches

Explore Felwood

/way Felwood 39,88 39,26 Shatter Scar Vale
/way Felwood 41,35 56,04 Jaedenar
/way Felwood 41,90 65,59 Ruins of Constellas
/way Felwood 43,42 83,49 Jadefire Glen
/way Felwood 45,00 15,82 Jadefire Run
/way Felwood 42,00 49,00 Bloodvenom Falls
/way Felwood 48,25 85,41 Deadwood Village
/way Felwood 49,78 16,84 Irontree Woods
/way Felwood 51,75 81,23 Emerald Sanctuary
/way Felwood 53,62 83,86 Morlos’Aran
/way Felwood 63,00 10,00 Felpaw Village
/way Felwood 63,10 21,57 Talonbranch Glade

Explore Un’Goro Crater

/way 30 37 The Screaming Reaches
/way 29 59 Golakka Hot Springs
/way 32 64 Terror Run
/way 43 41 Mossy Pile
/way 50 47 Fire Plume Ridge
/way 53 26 Lakkari Tar Pits
/way 61 17 Fungal Rock
/way 77 30 Ironstone Plateau
/way 68 36 The Roiling Gardens
/way 64 55 The Marshlands
/way 55 62 Marshal’s Stand
/way 50 79 The Slithering Scar

Explore Moonglade

/way Moonglade 36 41 Shrine of Remulos
/way Moonglade 48 39 Nighthaven
/way Moonglade 56 55 Lake Elune’ara
/way Moonglade 68 60 Stormrage Barrow Dens

Explore Silithus

/way 34.56 14.80 The Crystal Vale
/way 49.43 24.08 Hive’Ashi
/way 53.7734.53 Cenarion Hold
/way 32.36 52.30 Hive’Zora
/way 35.91 83.42 The Scarab Wall
/way 59.71 70.85 Hive’Regal
/way 64.62 50.10 Southwind Village
/way 81.13 18.70 Valor’s Rest

Eastern Kingdoms Explorer

Explore Elwynn Forest

/way 42.38 66.20 Goldshire
/way 48.16 42.08 Northshire Valley
/way 54.25 66.22 Crystal Lake
/way 64.88 69.86 Tower of Azora
/way 73.48 58.85 Stone Cairn Lake
/way 81.82 66.54 Eastvale Logging Camp
/way 84.60 79.44 Ridgepoint Tower
/way 69.34 79.30 Brackwell Pumpkin Patch
/way 48.15 87.17 Jerod’s Landing
/way 38.64 82.32 Fargodeep Mine
/way 24.40 74.53 Westbrook Garrison

Explore Badlands

/way Badlands 80 56 Lethlor Ravine
/way Badlands 42 11 Uldaman
/way Badlands 33 59 Scar of the World Breaker
/way Badlands 40 34 Angor Fortress
/way Badlands 52 52 Bloodwatcher Point
/way Badlands 47 56 Agmonds End
/way Badlands 15 63 Camp Cagg
/way Badlands 26 52 The Dustbowl
/way Badlands 60 20 Camp Kosh
/way Badlands 22 42 Kargath

Explore Burning Steppes

/way 65.92 72.56 Blackrock Pass
/way 72.64 66.55 Morgan’s Vigil
/way 77.42 52.32 Terror Wing Path
/way 69.73 43.28 Dreadmaul Rock
/way 58.18 38.04 Ruins of Thaurissan
/way 39.83 55.24 Black Tooth Hovel
/way 18.87 62.99 The Whelping Downs
/way 10.04 29.71 Altar of Storms
/way 21.22 43.38 Blackrock Mountain
/way 32.66 35.10 Blackrock Stronghold

Explore Duskwood

/way 11.17 58.74 The Hushed Bank
/way 22.49 71.33 Addle’s Stead
/way 19.13 56.80 Raven Hill
/way 20.78 44.12 Raven Hill Cemetery
/way 36.69 72.24 Vul’Gol Ogre Mound
/way 46.52 38.03 Twilight Grove
/way 63.30 25.28 Brightwood Grove
/way 65.44 18.02 The Darkened Bank
/way 77.25 35.19 Manor Mistmantle
/way 74.36 47.21 Darkshire
/way 79.54 70.61 Tranquil Gardens Cemetery
/way 64.63 68.77 The Rotting Orchard
/way 49.81 75.79 The Yorgen Farmstead

Explore Loch Modan

/way 37.82 62.62 Grizzlepaw Ridge
/way 34.90 45.68 Thelsamar
/way 19.33 16.97 North Gate Pass
/way 35.52 18.07 Silver Stream Mine
/way 45.01 13.07 Stonewrought Dam
/way 48.40 17.55 The Loch
/way 69.96 23.19 Mo’grosh Stronghold
/way 81.80 61.27 The Farstrider Lodge
/way 69.65 62.55 Ironband’s Excavation Site
/way 30.96 80.28 Stonesplinter Valley
/way 23.49 74.97 Valley of Kings

Explore Tirisfal Glades

/way 35 59 Deathknell
/way 36 50 Solliden Farmstead
/way 48 39 Agamand Mills
/way 48 64 Nightmare Vale
/way 53 57 ColdHearth Manor
/way 59 51 Brill
/way 59 35 Garrens Haunt
/way 68 45 Brightwater Lake
/way 75 61 Balnir Farmstead
/way 78 55 Crusader Outpost
/way 79 29 Scarlet WatchPost
/way 81 32 Whispering Gardens
/way 84 47 Venomweb Vale
/way 81 69 The Bulwark
/way 61 66 Undercity/RuinsOfLordaeron
/way 46 53 CalstonEstate

Explore Searing Gorge

/way 33 43 Firewatch Ridge
/way 49 50 The Cauldron
/way 22 80 Blackchar Cave
/way 48 70 The Sea of Cinders
/way 64.7 73.5 Tanner Camp
/way 62 62.3 Grimesilt Dig Site
/way 72 27 Dustfire Valley
/way 36 21 Thorium Point
/way 37 80 Blackrock Mountain

Explore Ghostlands

/way 48.91 92.60 Thalassian Pass
/way 54.42 50.31 Sanctum of the Sun
/way 64.79 61.60 Zeb’Nowa
/way 68.64 63.15 Amani Pass
/way 72.53 34.08 Farstrider Enclave
/way 78.32 19.83 Dawnstar Spire
/way 62.86 12.80 Suncrown Village
/way 48.39 11.51 Elrendar Crossing
/way 45.37 28.54 Tranquillien
/way 34.34 34.12 Sanctum of the Moon
/way 34.29 47.80 Bleeding Ziggurat
/way 40.38 49.49 Howling Ziggurat
/way 34.57 76.12 Deatholme
/way 13.22 57.39 Windrunner Spire
/way 18.69 43.24 Windrunner Village
/way 25.80 15.04 Goldenmist Village

Explore the Cape of Stranglethorn

/way 47, 20 Gurubashi Arena
/way 45, 70 The Sundering
/way 63, 25 Crystalvein Mine
/way 55, 30 Ruins of Jubuwal
/way 60, 47 Ruins of Aboraz
/way 54, 58 Mistvale Valley
/way 51, 66 Wild Shore
/way 56, 73 Jaguero Isle
/way 44, 72 Booty Bay
/way 42, 52 Nek’mani Wellspring
/way 38, 39 Hardwrench Hideaway

Explore The Hinterlands

/way 59 78 Jintha’Alor
/way 72 66 Overlook Cliffs
/way 72 53 Shaol’watha
/way 63 27 Seradane
/way 57 39 Skulk Rk
/way 46 39 Agol’watha
/way 48 52 Creeping Rn
/way 48 68 Altar of Zul
/way 40 59 Valorwind Lk
/way 33 71 Shadra’Alor
/way 23 58 Zun’watha
/way 31 48 Quel’Danil Lodge
/way 24 42 Plaguemist Ravine
/way 14 47 Aerie Peak

Explore Wetlands

/way Wetlands 10.77 59.53 Menethil Harbor
/way Wetlands 17.26 37.17 Bluegill Marsh
/way Wetlands 31.03 30.19 Sundown Marsh
/way Wetlands 44.27 25.46 Ironbeard’s Tomb
/way Wetlands 44.01 43.36 Angerfang Encampment
/way Wetlands 56.50 40.23 Greenwarden’s Grove
/way Wetlands 60.87 25.46 Direforge Hill
/way Wetlands 57.46 71.70 Slabchisel’s Survey
/way Wetlands 23.66 52.47 Black Channel Marsh
/way Wetlands 33.61 48.36 Whelgar’s Excavation Site
/way Wetlands 31.98 18.22 Saltspray Glen
/way Wetlands 49.90 18.19 Dun Modr
/way Wetlands 53.06 63.55 Thelgen Rock
/way Wetlands 64.44 53.25 Mosshide Fen
/way Wetlands 48.06 74.43 Dun Algaz
/way Wetlands 69.89 38.34 Raptor Ridge

Explore Western Plaguelands

/way 60 73 Darrowmere Lake
/way 51 78 Sorrow Hill
/way 27 57 The Bulwark
/way 46 53 Dalson’s Farm
/way 46 36 Northridge Lumber Camp
/way 48 45 Redpine Dell
/way 68 43 The Weeping Cave
/way 68 66 Caer Darrow
/way 43 69 Andorhal
/way 36 56 Felstone Field
/way 52 66 The Writhing Haunt
/way 44 16 Hearthglen
/way 62 58 Gahrron’s Withering
/way 69 47 Thondroril River

Explore Eastern Plaguelands

/way 08.63 66.20 Thondroril River
/way 22.31 68.15 The Marris Stead
/way 24.24 78.57 The Undercroft
/way 35.05 84.39 Darrowshire
/way 35.75 68.82 Crown Guard Tower
/way 35.52 46.65 The Fungal Vale
/way 13.74 27.79 Terrordale
/way 27.59 21.44 Plaguewood
/way 27.07 11.63 Stratholme
/way 48.27 14.69 Quel’Lithien Lodge
/way 51.77 19.65 Northpass Tower
/way 46.57 43.49 Blackwood Lake
/way 48.90 62.25 The Infectis Scar
/way 54.50 61.84 Corin’s Crossing
/way 56.80 73.64 Lake Mereldar
/way 72.09 70.14 Tyrs Hand
/way 85.59 79.64 Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave
/way 74.95 53.10 Light’s Hope Chapel
/way 69.99 53.76 Pestilent Scar
/way 62.29 42.29 Eastwall Tower
/way 77.10 37.02 The Noxious Glade
/way 65.03 25.67 Northdale
/way 67.39 09.17 Zul’Mashar

Explore Isle of Quel’Danas

You just kinda just have to be there then Bam!!! You will get it.

Explore Deadwind Pass

/way 42 34 Deadman’s Crossing
/way 58 64 The Vice
/way 45 73 Karazhan

Explore Westfall

/way 56.56 19.28 The Jansen Stead
/way 49.57 19.40 Furlbrow’s Pumpkin Farm
/way 44.58 25.38 Jangolode Mine
/way 45.91 38.62 The Molsen Farm
/way 56.09 31.19 Saldean’s Farm
/way 56.85 47.31 Sentinel Hill
/way 60.91 58.69 The Dead Acre
/way 38.49 42.59 The Raging Chasm
/way 36.65 54.23 Alexston Farmstead
/way 43.70 69.47 Moonbrook
/way 34.01 74.31 Demont’s Place
/way 30.22 85.64 Westfall Lighthouse
/way 39.91 80.56 The Dagger Hills
/way 65.55 70.95 The Dust Plains

Explore Swamp of Sorrows

/way 18.01 68.86 Purespring Cavern
/way 21.24 51.61 Splinterspear Junction
/way 18.60 37.94 Misty Valley
/way 28.87 34.45 The Harborage
/way 37.50 46.02 The Shifting Mire
/way 46.47 52.96 Stonard
/way 69.00 76.48 Stagalbog
/way 81.44 87.82 Misty Reed Strand
/way 83.80 52.27 Pool of Tears
/way 84.16 39.70 Sorrowmurk
/way 69.19 37.07 Marshtide Watch
/way 71.90 15.52 Bogpaddle

Explore Northern Stranglethorn

/way 47.37 11.09 Rebel Camp
/way 44.13 23.25 Nesingwary’s Expedition
/way 26.22 22.81 Ruins of Zul’Kunda
/way 19.81 23.98 Zuuldaia Ruins
/way 25.94 42.43 The Vile Reef
/way 34.60 35.78 Bal’lal Ruins
/way 37.79 50.21 Grom’gol Base Camp
/way 45.98 54.08 Mizjah Ruins
/way 42.95 41.82 Kal’ai Ruins
/way 52.35 34.51 Lake Nazferiti
/way 57.75 21.02 Kurzen’s Compound
/way 67.53 32.85 Zul’Gurub
/way 62.95 39.13 Bambala
/way 66.17 48.69 Mosh’Ogg Ogre Mound
/way 60.28 55.50 Balia’mah Ruins
/way 53.00 66.65 Fort Livingston

Explore Silverpine Forest

/way 45.41 82.23 The Battlefront
/way 45.05 67.95 Shadowfang Keep
/way 51.14 67.42 The Forsaken Front
/way 60.03 61.90 Ambermill
/way 56.38 46.15 Deep Elem Mine
/way 46.92 53.94 Olsen’s Farthing
/way 44.97 41.66 The Sepulcher
/way 38.90 33.19 North Tide’s Run
/way 38.56 29.20 North Tide’s Beachhead
/way 35.78 14.19 The Skittering Dark
/way 44.66 21.64 Forsaken Rear Guard
/way 52.56 26.59 Valgan’s Field
/way 56.88 33.53 The Decrepit Fields
/way 65.76 26.21 Fenris Isle
/way 57.75 10.00 Forsaken High Command

Explore Eversong Woods

/way 33.68 86.85 The Scorched Grove
/way 27.20 82.75 Golden Strand
/way 33.72 80.02 Goldenbough Pass
/way 31.52 70.13 Sunsail Anchorage
/way 26.60 62.75 Tranquil Shore
/way 35.12 59.65 West Sanctum
/way 37.85 72.43 Saltheril’s Haven
/way 44.04 68.13 Fairbreeze Village
/way 53.11 70.15 East Sanctum
/way 53.70 76.36 The Living Wood
/way 43.92 85.52 Runestone Falithas
/way 55.29 83.92 Runestone Shan’dor
/way 63.13 78.94 Zeb’Watha
/way 65.61 76.61 Lake Elrendar
/way 69.20 73.63 Tor’Watha
/way 64.91 72.16 Elrendar Falls
/way 61.14 62.54 Farstrider Retreat
/way 69.27 46.54 Duskwither Grounds
/way 72.62 44.37 Azurebreeze Coast
/way 61.60 53.80 Thuron’s Livery
/way 72.34 85.70 Silvermoon City
/way 54.72 55.85 Stillwhisper Pond
/way 44.22 52.39 North Sanctum
/way 45.34 38.91 Ruins of Silvermoon
/way 38.08 30.78 Sunstrider Isle

Explore Redridge Mountains

/way 78.73 63.04 Shalewind Canyon
/way 66.75 70.39 Render’s Valley
/way 42.49 66.07 Lakeridge Highway
/way 52.77 55.50 Camp Everstill
/way 51.03 51.73 Lake Everstill
/way 60.16 50.86 Stonewatch Keep
/way 71.25 54.57 Stonewatch Falls
/way 70.28 34.66 Galardell Valley
/way 47.69 41.01 Alther’s Mill
/way 28.45 43.71 Lakeshire
/way 16.96 64.59 Three Corners
/way 28.61 24.38 Redridge Canyons
/way 34.28 11.17 Render’s Camp

Explore Hillsbrad Foothills

/way 34 72 Azurelode Mine
/way 33 47 Brazie Farmstead
/way 48 48 Corrahn’s Dagger
/way 50 24 Crushridge Hold
/way 67 25 Chillwind Point
/way 30 36 Dalaran Crater
/way 43 12 Dandred’s Fold
/way 48 54 Darrow Hill
/way 63 79 Dun Garok
/way 68 60 Durnholde Keep
/way 50 32 Gallow’s Corner
/way 39 48 Gavin’s Naze
/way 43 38 Growless Cave
/way 35 26 Misty Shore
/way 57 75 Nethander Stead
/way 26 86 Purgation Isle
/way 46 28 Ruins of Alterac
/way 49 72 Ruins of Southshore
/way 49 19 Slaughter Hollow
/way 55 38 Sofera’s Naze
/way 29 64 Southpoint Gate
/way 58 24 Strahnbrad
/way 57 46 Tarren Mill
/way 42 51 The Headland
/way 36 58 The Sludge Fields
/way 40 18 The Uplands

Explore Dun Morogh

/way 84.14 51.49 Helm’s Bed Lake
/way 88.42 41.12 North Gate Outpost
/way 77.81 25.96 Ironforge Airfield
/way 70.84 48.33 Amberstill Ranch
/way 75.84 56.37 Gol’Bolar Quarry
/way 67.48 57.28 The Tundrid Hills
/way 58.34 57.61 Frostmane Front
/way 54.06 50.76 Kharanos
/way 49.27 52.72 The Grizzled Den
/way 42.71 64.22 Coldridge Pass
/way 36.80 70.03 Coldridge Valley
/way 34.50 51.69 Frostmane Hold
/way 33.22 38.73 New Tinkertown
/way 42.95 38.47 Iceflow Lake
/way 48.47 39.33 Shimmer Ridge
/way 60.35 33.43 Gates of Ironforge

Explore Blasted Lands

/way 32.63 80.28 The Tainted Forest
/way 45.52 86.96 Surwich
/way 50.16 78.78 The Red Reaches
/way 50.07 72.99 Sunveil Excursion
/way 54.90 52.99 The Dark Portal
/way 45.06 38.21 Dreadmaul Post
/way 67.52 31.67 Shattershore
/way 61.40 29.41 Serpent’s Coil
/way 60.41 16.94 Nethergarde Keep
/way 52.61 18.63 Nethergarde Supply Camps
/way 45.03 26.57 Rise of the Defiler
/way 41.75 14.25 Dreadmaul Hold
/way 36.95 28.29 Altar of Storms
/way 32.58 44.78 The Tainted Scar

Explore Arathi Highlands

/way 63.04 75.75 Witherbark Village
/way 56.62 60.15 Go’Shek Farm
/way 47.98 78.79 Boulderfist Hall
/way 39.57 96.10 Thandol Span
/way 28.90 82.81 Faldir’s Cove
/way 19.57 66.96 Stromgarde Keep
/way 12.90 34.85 Galen’s Fall
/way 18.97 30.99 Circle of West Binding
/way 25.77 29.58 Northfold Manor
/way 29.09 45.21 Boulder’gor
/way 29.76 59.77 Circle of Inner Binding
/way 40.13 47.87 Refuge Pointe
/way 46.39 52.16 Circle of Outer Binding
/way 49.64 40.59 Dabyrie’s Farmstead
/way 61.62 30.33 Circle of East Binding
/way 69.06 36.18 Hammerfall

I will update this thread as more locations gets added


Can’t like anymore right now, so you get it here :heart:

This post should be pinned :smiley:

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Great post, thank you for doing this :slight_smile:

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Twiluna does the hard work so you don’t have to! Nice job :+1: if I didn’t already have the achievement, I’d definitely use this to help get it! Enjoy your travels around Azeroth (and Draenor and Outland) everyone!


It’s a pleasure :smile:


Thank you :smile:

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Blimey. That’s a lot of text.

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is this the achi where u gotta uncover the world and fly around everything?

Yes it is haha, i just need to do the classic zones then im done

You should see it in the editing mode xD

As Ceranity said, would use this guide if didn’t already have the achievement.
Good work, Twilly

1 Like

now i only have Eastern Kingdoms to do :smiley:

Are they gonna add SL zones to that achievement? :frowning:

I would imagine so, but if you get it now you won’t need the Shadowlands zones for the Achievement & Title.
You will need them for their own separate achievements though.

Most probably, and i see the AL achievement needs the “Adventurer” achiements with the explorer ones 0.0, so im glad i did it now.

I finally did it!



1 Like

Thank you!

Ah, nice. I always have to use WoWhead to find those pesky invisible places.

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