Unlock Firemaw

Seems like we need to storm US forums boyz.


Stop thinking Blizzard is planning some sort of 3D Chess move. This is literally just incompetence. Nothing more. They don’t know / cba to fix it.

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Keep it locked please!
The AH is falling over, Stormwind is a lagfest, Hellfire General Chat is the new Barrens Chat.
Don’t let us end up like poor old Gehennas at the moment!


Guys just move to Earthshaker i did some weeks back no queues. Firemaw will have queues for weeks now!

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Reach out however you can at this point, as this is gettin completely ridiculous. To think that my entire WotLK hype should be killed off by some stupid thing like this… It is just unbelievable. Might just skip WotLK entirely due to this.


How exactly my alt that is stuck on a dead unplayable server will affect queue on a server I’m already playing on?


Don’t bother. This consept of already playing on the server is too advanced for some people.

As of August 31st, Firemaw has been locked for 100 days.

So people can boost here but I can’t bring my alts lol

Also firemaw does not have a queue today

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Yeah doesnt make any sence, blizzard just sat there on there hands doing nothing


Not gonna lie Firemaw is popping off.
Hope it stays locked for a while so the entire EU alliance pop doesn’t transfer here, it’s not fair for us to sit through 4 hour queues again.


Then unlock it for accounts with 70’s on the server. Also, it is already unlocked for character creating and now boosting, which is more harmful for the queue times. I’ll bet my left nut that 90% of the people who wants to transfer here is already maining Firemaw and just want access to an alt who is not here.


They just doubled down on the lock. Maybe we should just ask to keep it locked forever, mess with their heads, so they unlock it.

As of September 1st, Firemaw has been locked for 101 days.

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Everlook, a german server is close to becoming bigger than Firemaw. How sad lol

You mean how awesome! everyone can swarm to that one and Firemaw can be Queue Free, it’s pretty obvious that they can’t unlock the server for transfers just for people who already have an account here otherwise they would have. It’s either unlock fully or keep locked and they’ve chosen the latter to stop Firemaw becoming what Gehennas is like now.

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If you’re also basing the population on ironforge.pro you’re gonna have a bad time, Firemaw is GDKP scam central. I imagine half the raids don’t even get logged.

So you‘re telling me they were able to previously restrict character creation to people WITHOUT a character on firemaw, but now are absolutely unable to check if a user already has a 70 on the realm and use that as a condition for allowing transfers?