Unpopular opinion, i still prefer Retail

Its mostly due to the “retail vs classic war”. While you have nothing to be afraid of in retail forums. Just try going into the classic section and say something even remotely close to classic critisism there. It will be like wearing a meat costume and going into a cage with hungry lions. :rofl:


That’s not unpopular at all. The playerbase of Classic is steadily decreasing. Lot of realms went from full to medium or even low population, retail actually feels like it gained players instead of losing them. Even some people in my guild started appreciating retail more after Classic came out. So vanilla already served its purpose. To show people that it could be worse than BfA.


That’s a lie.

Spy addon could easily ruin world PvP for classic - #8 by Mesrea-sylvanas - “addon that will ruin classic” - nobody ate him;
Little things that kill the joy in Classic :) - “stuff that kills the joy in classic” - nobody killed him;
The ultimate ragequit reasons - Classic - “the ultimate reasons to ragequit classic” - nobody ate him either;
Both classic and retail are boring in my opinion - “finds both classic and retail boring” - didn’t get any abnormal answers at all;
Is Classic killing BFA? - “is classic killing bfa” - most posters disagree with him;
As boring as expected - “classic is as boring as expected” - not exactly the most popular position there, but he did pick up 62 likes on the way. He is still not crucified, the most upvoted reply is telling him to essentially go play bfa (with as loaded language as his OP).
AH add-ons that are ruining Classic - “AH addons that are ruining classic” - has quite a few upvotes;

and of course, the gems of the forum, retail players coming to the Classic forum to tell us how we are “delusional” for playing what we like:

or to tell us Classic is a “slow boring leveling grind”, as if anyone forced them to play it:

If you really thought that only some Classic trolls exist, think again. And no, nobody will “crucify” you for having an opinion, usually there is far more crucifixion going on when someone comes to the Classic forum with a thread of the type “Classic suxxxx poggers ur all stoopid”, pretty much the same as when there is someone coming on the retail forum with a thread of the type “BfA suxx0rz u all sux”.

That’s just another lie. The lowest few servers, the newly opened ones, are medium in the evenings, most are high or full.


Which probably have less layer = less room = shown faster at medium.

Blizzard already stated that there are much less layer than people thought and that full isn’t as insane as many thought

That could be so, however the queues on the full servers have barely decreased. And it doesn’t change the fact that this guy is spreading misinformation saying “lots of servers went from full to medium” and the rest.

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Can’t really talk about queues since my server ( german pvp ) never had any

Before after noon many German server are at low to medium, but go to medium/ high the later it gets.

On the other hand it really became harder to find groups the last few days, and I don’t see any people in my leveling zone :confused:

which level are you? the low levels are still full of ppl. i think many (like me) rerolled some char to find a comfort zone to play

I don’t know about how “popular” retail is.

What I know is that when I log-on on my server (Moonglade/Sha’Tar/STW) Orgrimmar and Dazar’alor are empty. The server was never that full, right, but I’ve never seen a situation where there were only 1-2 people in the cities.

Mine had 8k last evening at 12, which is pretty much not that much smaller than before they opened free migrations from it, when it was ~10k.

Last night i gave a shot to log into Gehennas at 20,i was greated by an 7k quee…its less then the 12k from last week,but still a big one.

I have no clue how they intened to remove layering in phase 2.And none wants to move from there servers,its like everyone will whine about quee times but none will move since then you have those “i joined a dead server,or it will die out eventually”…thats the logic we are dealing with.


33-40 the zones are empty as hell . Sadly no one to quests with

There is that term again… “retail players”
I play retail, and I play classic. Im a wow player. Same as I imagine the majority of the players consider themselves. I really doubt that the majority of the people who play classic are returning players who only play classic.

For me classic really has it’s charm, but it also made me appreciate the modern game more. I actually finished leveling my second paladin the other day. :smiley:


Plenty share that opinion, just you tend to get lynched if you voice it.

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  • Make it so every expansion matters (hard lvl cap 60, no power creep bs). It would mean that every xpac comes with new unique mechanics which are end game viable.
  • Our resources should matter, make potions/food great again.
  • Make professions important part of the game instead of some sort of mini game.
  • Rework combat into something less effortless
  • … update old zones please. Right now it feels like playing different games while you walk in elwynn forest compared to lets say kultiran zones. Old zones may demotivate newcomers coz game looks seriously outdated.

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It will take exactly the same XP in a level squish to reach 60 as it would to reach 120 now.


Yeah, I get that someone would not like it (different peoples, different opinions) but from my point of view, one of WoW biggest flaws is making old content vanish. Right now every xpac instead of expanding the world, just make it “replace” with new end game content making old progression pointless. Also RP/lore wise… its really gamebreaking if you see BFA world mobs being way, WAY stronger than lets say Ragnaros. I seriously thinks that WoW needs a BIG world rewamp with new xpac, or meaby next one.


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I like both Classic and Retail personally. I slightly prefer Retail over Classic, but there are some elements in Classic I wish were in Retail as well.

I still miss TBC and MoP though. Those were the two periods this game was truly amazing for me. TBC was like Classic but with balanced classes, and MoP classes were just overall fun and satisfying to play.


thats fine neither is wrong for prefing one over other, and people(from both sides) need to stop going after others cause they dont prefer same game as you