Unpopular opinion

No one forced you to reference Project Veritas… ya could have picked a more neutral source, but you chose a sketchy one.

’ The lady doth protest too much, methinks’

  • Shakespeare.


I heard the opposite from the americans I talk to.

They voted for trump solely because the democratic candidate was Hillary. Said that they’d rather have trump than her even though they don’t like trump, lmao.

What are you even talking about? Find me the post where I did that, please.

Thing is, he didn’t win by popular vote.
In any other country of a smaller scope, Hillary would have won, but the voting in America is not at all akin to the scandnavian countries as I understand it.

But yeah, many probably voted Trump because Bernie was kicked away, and some just didn’t trust a Clinton.

Oops, my bad. it was Arianatar. I apologise.

i chose them because it was a weird name for a thing so it stuck in my head i dont know any others right off the bat, but they do exist.

the reason why is because population density is not even like most of europe. 2 states have most of the people so it would be them deciding and nobody else’s vote would matter.

One ism to rule them all !
and that should be metabolism!

Make sure to eat healthy,and leave political gibberish.

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I mean, political gibberish is also important.
But yeah, eat healthy!

Check the background of ‘Think tank’ type organisations carefully…once broadband internet became widespread for private users around 2000/2001, the ‘Neoconservative’ movement as it was then, weaponised them for astroturfing.

This just tells us that once internet came to.
It made it easier for everyone to find each other.

This includes those we agree with and those we disagree with.

A small handful of people can suddenly sound like a million.

Anyway, all this talk of politics, political violence, fascism and whatever.

People need to know of one of my personal heroes.

You get further with dialogue, you get far from your goal with violence.

This prejudice against the other side from both sides is unhealthy.
Even more unhealthy is the refusal to have that dialogue, and instead strive to interrupt that dialogue using intimidation and terror.

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Sometimes…it often helps if the dialogue is backed by a position of strength…talk softly by all means, but carry a big stick as insurance.

People have been talking to that particular organisation, since 1865…just saying.

Eh… disagreed.
Violence breeds violence, which fuels the hatred and does not solve the ignorance that breeds… forexample, racism.

Hmmm…fairly sure that some rather ‘robust’ measures were required to defeat fascism the first time round… also fairly sure that virtually all Human Rights required intense activism to originally get onto the statute books… the powerful do not give up any of that power without a considerable struggle.

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Not much of a historian, I am not entirely certain what event you speak of.
But in case of World War 2.

That was not defeating fascism. That was armies fighting each other… but of course, perhaps you just view soldiers as an extended arm of a government’s opinions, goals and personal desires… rather than employees like any other.

And a fascist only rose to power due to violence, scare tactics, and the desperation of a people… it also helped that socialist mantras was used.

What groups in this day and age uses socialist mantras and violence to get what they want?

Somewhat of a joke, but also food for thought.

Pretty sure, it was over the violent politics… and you seem to be leaning into that rather over-used ‘Alt-Right’ meme that a certain organisation had ‘socialist’ in its name, except that organisation liquidated Ernst Rohm in 1933, at which point any tenuous link to ‘socialist wealth redistribution’ got entirely replaced with violent populist and racist nationalism… as Arianatar pointed out earlier, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is not democratic.

I wrote that they used socialist mantras.

So, just say no to violence…unless there is violence… in which case, the other side is going down?

Not sure that is entirely logical or bolsters your argument…since I could say the exact same thing, but with the roles reversed.

Yeah, that is a heavily used Alt-Right meme… generally to try to claim that this indicates that German organisation was not actually Right-wing at all, but a cunning Leftist plot.

The propaganda being that the Right-wing should not be blamed for anything that organisation did in the past, or for waving their flags…chanting their slogans… giving their salute… and pursuing the same political idealogy… which obviously lacks any logic whatsoever.

It was the Ernst Rohm faction and he/they were liquidated by Himmler’s SS, on Hitler’s orders, during the Knight of the Long Knives Purge, in 1933.
Fascism is always competing with Socialism, for Working class supporters and they know that socialist mantras have greater mass appeal, than violent racist nationalism…so yeah, they use socialist mantras until they acquire enough power not to need them anymore, after which genuine Socialists go to the shower block, along with their other scapegoats.

At which point it’s a bit late/foolish, to be pointing out to the guard that you are bigger than him and will take robust measures against any violence directed at your person, so a civilised debate would be better.

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i remember this guy, he did what people thought nobody could. The world needs more people like him.