Unpopular opinion

I’m still waiting for all my cheques from Soros too.

Project veritas hahaha. Known for their deliberate and literal fake news.

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You have no idea what alt-right even is.

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oh like the bbc? check out their cropped image of blm riots. they conveniently cropped out the guy with a large stick mid swing about to hit a police officer.

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I like this.

to them anyone who disagrees with them is alt right

We give them a ‘Fireman’s lift’… they’ll be fine.

Actually the bbc has a history of posting reliable news, unlike what conspiracy clowns like you want to believe. Project veritas have been convicted of fraud, try harder next time.

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Not necessarily all of them.
I do have a friend who is Antifa.

And we tend to have chill political conversation despite some disagreements.

But we do agree on a lot of points, we just disagree on the methods used.

So I guess that might be why we talk so well with each other.

But he is also a very scrawny dude, whereas I am not. If he did try to act up with any kind of violent bull-, he sure knows that he is down.

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now THAT’S a strawman. not a soul here even mentioned the “guys in the sheets” which btw the overwhelming majority of people dispise oh and just for the record. little uncle joe biden has been in multiple photos with leaders of the hooded terrorist (cant say their name). juss sayin.

LMAO omg bro. you are so out of the loop. they are on the levels of CNN with their propaganda, like just recently they tried to claim the arab slave trade was good… or how about their job listing a few years ago that was for “non whites only” sounds pretty sketchy to me.

Seems like it.

Let’s look at my voting history:

First election I could vote: Social democrats.

Then I didn’t vote until the EU election 2019. In which I voted for the pirate party.

Damn, I’m so alt-right.

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i really respect that. I have plenty of friends who are far left and a few who are pretty far right and like you we have loads of chill conversations all the time.

Don’t forget your tinfoil hat and please continue to watch your debunked “news” sources. People like you are a joke, immune to facts and don’t even live in reality. Maybe you should ask Alex Jones for a Corona cure.

the irony of them calling me alt right is i was a berny supporter lol. i was all for him winning.

Berny would have been the best for America.

Sadly the Americans were all about “FEMALE PRESIDENT, YAAAAAAAAS QUEEN!”

The majority of danish men could smell the Trump victory after Bernie was left in the dust.

Many earned some money on Trump’s victory too, because we had a very favorable gamble.

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give me a break pal the bbc is outright left wing propaganda just like fox is right wing.

also you never did give me a response to my question earlier. Id love to know what your reply would be about who your able to openly discriminate against.

Lmfao, calling the BBC leftwing propaganda. Really shows what an ignorant imbecile you are. The BBC has a left centre bias with high factual reporting. Unlike FOX who are known for literally making stuff up. What a clown, get the fk outta here,

i was pretty bummed out when clinton screwed him over. the clinton family is notorious for being extremely corrupt.

again, your not giving me an answer. what the matter you afraid i might be right about something hmm?