Unpopular opinion

Why?..it makes absolutely no difference.
What changed things was appealing to all the other people, who were not mentalists, during the Civil Rights era.

That organisation have not only been around since 1865, not actually listening…but they currently have a President to thinks the same.
I think they will probably stop pretending to listen, if that President gets re-elected…and start taking the actions against the minorities that they discuss in great detail, on their forums, which differ very considerably from the sanitized versions, that they share with their moderate acquaintances.

This is nonsense. Why delaying the game? How is that improving anything?

give me a break, trump isn’t a triple k supporter… he is the only one to call the family of one of the victims murdered a week or 2 ago nobody else did.

Id argue biden is more in support of them as he has been spotted multiple times in pictures with triple k members and leaders. and this organization is pretty much dead almost no members are left and literally everyone condemns them.

When virtually every Right-wing organisation is crazy for a politician, but you say that politician is being maligned, you might want to google what ‘the Overton Window’ is.

Read the linked article, it’s explained therein, in the very first paragraph. It’s similar in spirit to how Blizzard postponed the recent Shadowlands Developer Livestream. That was delayed for very similar reasons, too.

I read it and I don’t see the reason. Plenty of products are released every day. Gaming industry shouldn’t be bothered by political movements. They’re there to make fun stuff so people could escape reality.

i’ve heard of it. and i’d argue its the exact opposite of what you think. i know what your referencing, he did not call them “very fine people” that was more lies from the media i actually was watching the video and he specifically said and i quote

“I’m not talking about the (bad people forums censor) and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally."

he was talking about people on both sides of the parties who were there to protest pulling down a statue that is important to american history. as always the media twisted it to push their narrative of “orange man bad”

Im no trump fan but putting words in his mouth he didnt say is just as wrong as doing it to anyone else.

The reason is that they want to send a political message: that there are other things to keep the spotlight on. Other things that matter much more than a game.

It is exactly this apathy why their actions are both important, and worthwhile.

people dont like this because games are a form of escapism. it should be kept separate from real life things no matter how important it is. not to mention the whole movement is biased.

And lo and behold, it’s not in the game. It’s an action by a company, who are very much part of real life.

Entertainment industry shouldn’t get involved with political stuff, it’s not about apathy but because these are two completely different things that at no point are correlating with anything.

I’d sooner expect that Co-vid would be much more sensible reason to postpone release but then again everything is streamlined and you don’t even need a physical copy. So nothing prevents it from being released. I’d say that people need it now more than ever because that pandemic stuff really hit some people now and they just need some stuff for entertainment drastically.

I’m greatly annoyed that they did that for USA political movement, but they didn’t think about thousands of people locked at their homes all around the globe wanting to get some ease in those times.

So that decision is nonsensical.

I don’t really like it myself, but we can’t blame them as a company to take stance, imo, they are free to do so and it also promotes them, being good or bad is another debate.
If it’s not too intrusive (for example, like Fortnite that literally shoved it in game on giant screens) but just a message on social medias/launchers, it doesn’t boggle me too much, even if I’d like myself to “escape” as you said while playing the game.
Still, you see that message for 1min at most, after that your “escape” is successful in the end.

I don’t really know how I want to word all that myself, so sorry for the confusion.

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fair point but i think it wasn’t a great movement to begin with. They claim its for black lives and that black lives matter (well duh not a single soul says otherwise so idk why they act like people do)

However they also claim its for police brutality which is a serious issue that need to be taken care of now! But George floyd was not the only man killed the way he was, tony timpa was killed in a nearly identical way and nobody cared for one reason, they couldnt use it to get democrats elected. it’s pretty clear at this point after all the looting and murder of black people and burning down of black owned businesses and low income housing it has nothing to do with black lives anymore and hasn’t been for a long time.

BLM founders even say right now that its been taken over by radical insurrectionists and they dont like it

You are convinced that a politician is being maligned, despite an explosion in supremacist events, where those taking part all think that politician is the best thing ever… if you are not making a connection between those two facts, there is no logical way of reaching you, so there is no point in continuing the discussion.

Despite the accusations of echo chambers, some of us ‘Leftists’, actually spend a lot of time on RIght-wing forums just watching what is going on and saying nothing or just agreeing and seeing how far/frequently the envelope gets pushed… Centrists have absolutely no idea what is going on.

Of course it is, the white Hawaiian Shirt brigade, regard it as an opportunity.

Care to show me any of these so called “supremacist” events? All i’m seeing is state sanctioned riots and burning and murder of over 25 people at the hands of blm and antifa while the mayors do nothing about it. The whole chop or chaz thing was a dumpster fire, blm members literally segregating designated areas for blacks only and whites only.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

i dont even know what that is to be honest. The founders are saying its far left extremists that are taking them over and making them look bad and i got to agree.

Good example is those 2 piece of garbage that murdered an 8 year old girl for no reason at all. They were BLM members who killed her too. care to explain how thats not extremism?

And why shouldn’t a company get involved in politics? I mean, they have to care about their workforce too, many of whom belong to minorities and/or otherwise support such movements. A good company takes care of its employees. To do that, sometimes you gotta get political.

And that’s ok. They can still make great games that have nothing to do with politics - because like you said, the two are completely different things.

There are quite a number of entertaining things other than one particular game (which also costs money, which those most hit by the pandemic, will have considerably less of, btw). Yet, highlighting political matters works, and is beneficial, because it keeps the spotlight where it matters.

They are a US company, so no surprises that they care about their own politics first and foremost.

They did. We got the XP buff. We had the rep buff. We get a good few weeks of continous timewalking over past expansions - with expansion-appropriate rep buff.

We got plenty of in-game boosts in response to the pandemic.

I’m afraid I will have to disappoint you. There are sadly way too many people who do say otherwise.

there are just as many people who say white lives dont matter as well. Point is this is a very small minority of people. im strictly speaking us here so keep that in mind. we have over 340 Million people and only maybe a few thousand at most say black lives dont matter and the same small number say white lives dont matter.

The old saying rings true, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, these small groups of people yell the loudest and it gets picked up by the media because to most people its shocking so they look bigger than they are.