Unpopular opinion

If being anti-racist and anti police brutality is a controversial topic to you then you’re the issue.

Who cares? It’s a win-win. Why is that a bad thing?

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Care to tell me how you get shot eight times by the police while asleep in your bed, in your own home?

Care to tell me how you get shot through the window of your home, while playing computer games?

Care to tell me how you get shot because someone walked into your home, allegedly thinking it was theirs?

Care to tell me how you get shot while trying to explain that you are a care giver and one of your patients is holding a toy vehicle not a gun?

Care to tell me how a police department acknowledges 1000s of innocent people had weapons and chemical enhancement products planted on them?

This is all false. BLM is USA problem, it is a notion that claims that police purposely attacks black people. Statistics sais otherwise. If Americans have problems with police they need to deal with it via legislation/ administration way.
I fail to see what polish gaming company could do about it. That is not really their job to get involved in politics of foreign country.

They’re distributing games to other countries, and those countries don’t have said issues. Nobody is picking up on blacks, and in each country police works differently.

If they get involved because of an event where cop kills a man, then why not to get political and do stuff where in matter of days thousands of people died? What makes BLM more important than actual global issue?
This is why it’s all a PR farce.

They saw it as something trending and wanted to get themselves attached to it, without thinking it through.

CD Project is polish studio.

That is WoW, but were talking about CD Project Red.

can you prove those were driven by “supremacist” or just pieced of garbage? thats an awfully slippery slope my guy.

One could argue shooting a black police officer and letting him bleed to death on the sidewalk just so you could steal a tv is also a “supremacist” event no?

or how about the unarmed black teenager murdered by several blm members who shot up his car and in the video walked up and said “oh your still alive? what if i pistol whip you?” that could also be called “supremacist” correct?

or the poor 8 year old girl those 2 blm members murdered by shooting their vehicle would also be “supremacist” right?

thats just a small number of the over 25 murders by antifa and blm members

and you know white people are killed by police too right and often the same way, my uncle in the early 70’s had a cop plant a bunch of drugs on him and arrested him for it and this was in good old canada.

Are these all ‘cases’ supplied by Project Veritas?.. last time I checked every crime committed during any Protest is committed by a BLM or Antifa activist… apparently all other criminals just vanish… extraordinay coincidence

no they were reported by literally every last mainstream media outlet and everyone was outraged, the family of the poor 8 year old even said “if black lives matter why did you kill your own?” “If Black lives matter, they have to matter all the time” and these people were admited BLM members you can see them on the videos protesting and rioting and chanting blm statements.

this isnt some random murder spree this is verifiable done by BLM members and antifa members. In most cases there is even videos of the murders.

It’s easy: the game is eagerly awaited worldwide. CDPR might be a polish company, but their games are played, and written about worldwide. By taking a stance, they highlight a problem they believe, matters.

While BLM might be most prominent in the US, the core issues (oppression of minorities, police brutality, etc) are not restricted to said country.

If we followed that logic, then noone should ever get involved in politics, or we should all be outraged 24/7. There are a whole lot of reasons why things escalated to such decisions now.

Shame you didn’t get so worked up about the 330 murders carried out by Right-wing extremists in the last ten years in the US… almost as though there was something different about the perpetrators… can’t quite identify what it is…

Hmm just my 2 cents, Arianatar and Cathbadh, but I think you should both drop the subject, as it is surely starting to go a bit too far no ? We are not in the topic anymore and I kinda worry it is getting in iffy territory. You both have nice voices so it’d be a shame to lose y’all.

Sorry to intrude in your convos :beer:


who says i didn’t? I dont want anyone to be murdered i dont care what race or gender you are, nobody deserves to be murdered period especially for things you cant change.

It’s pretty obvious your a racist, it isn’t only white people who commit awful things. Every group has terrible people to pretend only one is to blame for all of it is racist plain and simple.

i was just thinking this, its not productive anymore and its getting late here in the states and im getting tired.

either way i’ve said what i had to say so, im going to attemp to end on a peaceful note. have a good evening/morning depending on where you are cathbadh. cheers


Spread awareness, make the problem heard, simply put would be my guess. Even if we don’t have that kind of trouble next to our house, with all the tools we have nowadays, making worldwide “opposition” (… That’s not the word I’m looking for but well) could/is a thing. For better or for the worse.

I kinda actually agree with it, to some extent, it can be a PR farce ( and is I guess for some society) but you bring up a point that really makes me wonders sometimes; the scale of the “trending” troubles.
As you said, BLM is a really strong movement and I salute it… But I still find the time for it to be the worst possible. Covid is far more important right now (Or maybe I’m wrong, anyway that’s what I think).

All in all, mixed feelings for me.

Can’t be, I’m white.

Have a good night, Arianatar.


But games are different issue, I am greatly annoyed that becuase of situation in one country entire world has to wait to simply play a game.

these are different things, if you’re BLM supporter then how is that getting in the way of getting game sooner? They’re unrelated and therefore game shouldn’t be postponed because of that.

A lot of things are being escalated now, people nowadays are acting absolutely hysterical about lots of issues. I think that majority of us should simply take one step back and think things through before jumping on bandwagon.

There are too many false information going around BLM, and the movements itself also is showing quite some disturbing messages. This is why I believe this company shouldn’t get itself attached to it because it’s trending stuff.

I am obviously against needless brutality, and I obviously think that all lives matter. But In USA police shot more whites than blacks for committing the same crimes, and there is more blacks on black violence issues. That is American problem, each country has their own problems and it’s not gaming company’s scope to address it- they as much could get involved with getting awareness about honor killing in the middle east or woman being circumcised. Obviously, most of us are absolutely against it, but why again gaming company would meddle with foreign political stuff? They’re not activists, they’re producers.

Except BLM doesn’t care about all minorities.

Clue’s in the name, they are addressing a particular issue… Save the Whales, doesn’t mean all other threatened wild animal species are not important… why is this so very difficult for you to comprehend?

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Mmh, except in Sweden there’s no “white” identity. I’m white, but I’m part of a national minority group but these people in BLM thinks everything is juuuuuust fine because I’m white.

I wasn’t aware that White people were a minority, smaller in number than the Black population… tricky things, statisitics.

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Yeah isn’t that telling that minority has commited more crimes than majority?

Because this is what statistics also show. This is still besides the point, and the point is, that it’s USA’s problem. They should be the ones dealing with it, not gaming companies.