Unpopular opinion

You are… you are in the majority and unless you get a tattoo on your face saying something obscene, or exhibit other concerning behaviour, other people in the majority will not judge you (physical disability is the exception that proves the rule), before you open your mouth… because of the colour of your skin.

No, I’m not.

Sweden has five recognised national minorities . These are the Sami, Roma, Tornedalers, Jews and Swedish Finns . Sweden has also adopted a law to strengthen the minority groups ’ opportunities and rights to gain influence and to promote the use of the minority languages Sami, Meänkieli, Finnish, Yiddish, and Romany.

I’m part of the Swedish Finns minority.

This dividing people into white/black and other groups doesn’t exist here. It’s ethnicity that matters. If you’re not an ethnic Swede, you’re a minority.

Groups like BLM just continuously downplay our problems because they think we have no problems because we’re white. That kind of thinking is an import from USA, which has an entirely different approach to people and their origin than Sweden does.

It gets even worse when they talk about the samis, who to this day are not granted indigenous rights because it means the government would have to give back their lands to them. As far as I know, black people haven’t had their lands stolen here by the government. But hey, everything is fine, there’s no problems, because they white.

Now do that statistic based on household income… crime is prevalent in impoverished areas, always has been.

You realise that there are also plenty of super poor white people too, right? This is not exclusive to blacks.

So do you walk down the street in traditional Finnish attire at all times waving the Finland flag and singing the Finnish national anthem through a loudhailer?.. If not, then until you indicate you are from that minority no-one is judging you, because you are white…and if you have excellent credentials and a Swedish passport it’s fairly unlikely you will be targeted by the police for driving a Mercedes while white…or denied a job on the basis you are the wrong colour.

Everyone has problems, but blaming someone else for putting some effort into resolving their specific problems, seems a little unfair, no?

BLM isn’t putting effort into resolving their specific problems here though. They’re downplaying OUR problems, because we’re white and thus we’re somehow not a minority even though we’re recognized as such. The sami people are even the ONLY indigenous group here. Jews and the romani are the most persecuted groups in Sweden.

Romani are probably the most persecuted group out of all the minorities here. They’re the only group to have ever been banned from Sweden.

Are you one of those who thinks people can’t tell ethnicities apart? People can tell from how I look that I’m not Swedish. Constantly heard it in school “Are you finnish? You don’t look Swedish.”.

I can pick out a pole among swedes relatively easy, same with other finns and sami people. Due to looks.

The way I look indicates that I’m not Swedish. Being white matters naught.

That’s why I want to see those stats, all stats have other stat forcings…without all the relevant data you do not have a complete statistical picture, you have propaganda instead.

‘There are lies, damned lies and statisitics’ - Benjamin Disraeli.

Tbh, most white people look much the same to me, apart from hair/eye colour.

How often are you stopped and searched, or pulled over in your car for looking Finnish?

That’s a US phenomena.

So you are not… it’s not just a US problem, it happens in the UK too… I suspect it also happens in Sweden.

So apart from people asking you if you are Finnish and then whether you are a famous Rally car driver, what specifically are the problems you face?

Maybe people assuming that we always carry knives on us.

Maybe people labelling us as alcoholics.

Maybe people labelling us as having short tempers and violent.

Those are harmful stereotypes and people interact with us according to those stereotypes.

Maybe people calling us finnish devils.

Maybe the discrimination in the housing market, applies to everyone that’s not an ethnic swede but for some reason BLM thinks we’re fine because we’re white.

Maybe the discrimination in the labor market, applies to everyone that’s not an ethnic swede too but BLM thinks we’re fine because we’re white.

“They stealing our jerbs” type of rhetoric, which we get the brunt of along with poles and romanians and baltic people.

I, and others, were denied studying Finnish at school because we knew Swedish so they think we had no need for studying Finnish. A gross violation of our minority rights but nothing was done about it. But everything’s fine, because we’re white. Yeah. As a result of this, a lot of people, including me, never really learnt Finnish due to lack of exposure to it, my father was livid over it. Samis have the same problem. It’s practically erasure of language and culture, it was tried in larger scale with the samis.


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Most of those particular issues, I would assume relate to local history.
If you mention Finland in the UK…

Positives: it’s Land of the Midnight Sun, Father Xmas, Reindeer, Ice Hotels, Rally Car drivers, Nokia, Saunas.

Negatives: You’re foreign and ‘stealing our jerbs’ from a small percentile of the population… however in the past (don’t mention the ‘B’ word) relatively unimportant to most employers and landlords… who, provided you had the qualifications, could speak English and had a salary would be relatively uninterested in anything else.

How come you were not taught Finnish at home?..most of my foreign friends in the UK have kids who are bilingual, English at school/Heritage at home.

Because my parents were busy working.

What you never saw them?..who brought you up?

Yes? BLMs approach is completely ahistorical to our region, because it spawned in the US. They’re completely ignorant of local history and thinks because of how things works in the US, that’s how it works here too.

Always hilarious to see people parrot alt-Reich propaganda and claim they are “centrists”. You’re not fooling anyone. Also no surprise they always try their best to defend human trash such as Trump. Birds of a feather…

Does it?.. have you had that conversation with your black friends?

(Should point out on the ‘foreign’ thing in the UK, this can apply to white English people from 20 miles down the road, who have moved into a new town and/or support the wrong football team in the same town… it is also frequently applied to ‘Northerners’, ‘Southerners’, Irish, Scottish and Welsh)

I just explained to you in more detail than it should need to that no, it doesn’t work like it does in the US. People don’t care if you’re white or not here, they care whether you’re an ethnic swede or not if they’re racist.

How?.. you haven’t mentioned any details about the lives of black people in Sweden and/or discrimination.
Obvious question, do you actually have any black friends… or is this all stuff you have just heard about on TV.