Unpopular opinion

Why would I talk about black people when you asked me specifically about our problems? Black people don’t face the problems finns do, because… they’re not finns. Our history with Sweden stretches back several centuries, back to when Sweden was an empire. This is something BLM doesn’t care about at all. They completely ignore it. Because we’re white. We’re just fine because we’re white. Our history never happened.

Because you have mentioned problems that occur in every country, relating to the nationals of its close neighbours… that is not the same as discrimination based on skin colour alone.

So I ask you again… do you have any black friends who you have discussed experiences of discrimination with… or is this just you feel that black people you do not know, you suspect may be getting something you are not… despite there being ample opportunity (several centuries) to have an organisation representing Finnish people in Sweden.

It’s like you can’t even understand what you’re reading. If you even read.

You’re trying hard to shoehorn something that doesn’t fit into Swedish history nor in present time society.

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I’m making allowances for English not being your first language but the fact is you are not answering my questions.
Apart from the fact that Black people are not representing Finnish people in Sweden via BLM… and you are annoyed that Swedish schools didn’t immediately teach you all about Finland, because your relatives were too busy… I don’t think you actually know if black people face worse discrimination than Finns, in Sweden.

I didn’t know we were engaging in victim olympics. If we’re to play victim olympics, the romani are the only ethnic group that have ever been expelled and banned from the country under penalty of death if they return. Black people have nothing on them in victim olympics.

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Don’t you know that they were brought in en masse, abused and mistreated to work on plantations, were hung from trees, had to fight for equal rights, had to fight for voting rights, just because of their skin colour? Have to endure racial profiling on a daily basis, have to fear for their lives every single because of their skin colour, get beaten/murdered by cops solely due to their skin colour, yet in the majority of cases not a single conviction? Oh wait, those aren’t the Finnish…

Finns are overrepresented in deaths in work environment because we were doing the bad jobs. The dangerous jobs, for bad pay. My father died due to cancer caused by asbestos, which was due to his job.

You mean just like we have had to do in Sweden? You know that we, along with other national minorities, were target groups for the eugenics program Sweden was running during the 20th century, yeah?

How do you know and what have you done to advance your Sami and Romani friends’ rights in Sweden… you do have Sami and Romani friends, yes?
Otherwise this does indeed sound like a victim Olympics, are you telling the Sami and Romani they should be doing more for Finnish people in Sweden?

You’re the one trying to say that black people facing problems nullifies our problems.

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Imagine comparing yourself to what black people have gone through. Are you really comparing bad jobs to slavery? Was your dad beaten with whips and held in chains like animals aswell?

No, he and his family was told to work or go back to Finland, which was in shambles after the war. Yeah, really nice to be told to work or to go back to a country ravaged by war, yeah? :slight_smile:

Yup, that’s really close as to what slaves had to endure. Bravo!

I guess the Syrians should just go back to Syria then according to you?

So you do understand fighting for equal rights… yet disapprove of BLM… curious…there must be something different between the two, although you seem to have difficulty articulating it… I still don’t think you actually have any black friends you have discussed this issue with.

I said everyone has problems…but some have more than others.

Because they downplay other minorities problems. Acting as if everything is fine because we’re white. We don’t have the same dynamics as the US does. It’s completely ahistorical to think we’d have the same dynamics.

Getting really desperate now, aren’t you?

No, I’m just applying your logic.

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Oh really. So according to you, me pointing out your fallacy between slavery and your father, means I think Syrians should go back to Syria. That’s some awesome mental gymnastics there, well done sir!


No black people alive today in Sweden have lived through slavery. There are finnish people that lived through the war or participated in the war or who came to sweden after the war to try to create a new life for themselves.

So you do not have any black friends you have discussed discrimination with…but you are sure there couldn’t possibly be any similarities with the US… despite my telling you there are indeed similarities in the UK and I that makes it very likely Sweden has a similar issue.

You’re main re-iterated complaint is that you don’t like BLM because you suspect the movement might be getting black people more attention/help than Finns.

So, if representing other minorities is important why haven’t you been doing more for black people, Sami and Romani…after all that is your argument, see how that works on the rebound?

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