Unpopular opinion

Yes, because unlike in the US, being white doesn’t matter here. The ethnic nationalists here would purge Sweden from anyone that isn’t an ethnic swede. Polish, finns, baltic people, samis, nobody would be spared even though we’re white. We’re not ethnic Swedes so we would be purged if they got to decide. Black people would be purged too because they’re not ethnic swedes, not because they’re not white.

No, I said they’re downplaying our problems. Learn to read.

What special problems?.. your father died of asbestos… asbestos manufacturing was a serious issue in the UK too as was Black lung from coal mining… I’m not blaming BLM for that.

Why do BLM have to represent you, when you have had centuries to set up your own activist group… slavery after Independence is a US issue, discrimination on skin colour ALONE is not.
Skin color is not and you have not demonstrated it to be, a discriminatory problem you have…it IS a problem that black people face.

Again, they’re downplaying the problems other minorities face. Learn to read.

All you’ve done is show that you don’t understand the dynamics in Sweden, at all. We’ve been considered a problem by the people into ethnic homogeneity for centuries.

Why do they have to represent you, when you will not represent them and resent their activism.

I haven’t said they need to represent me. Learn to read.

Make your mind up… that was the complaint you were making… by saying downplaying your dreadful struggles as a white person and not representing other minorities

Come on man, give him a break. They’ve already went through enough, the struggle is real.

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There is no “as a white person” in Sweden.

Yep… the dreadful burden of being white…in a white country… because Swedish schools wouldn’t teach Finnish.

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You thinking cultural erasure isn’t bad is kind of telling about your person.


Don’t forget working bad jobs which is comparable to forced labour, getting whipped, put in chains and being murdered.

No no, I think it devolved too much from the main point Elahri wanted to make. S/he didn’t want to belittle the BLM movement but wanted to share than if it’s something that is for sure big, s/he is quite bummed by the fact it puts all the other people in one global bag, here being the whites, whereas they have their fair share of troubles too.

Again, not speaking about the US where yes white priviledge is real, but his/her own country and experience and how people tend to just brush it off because « hey white »

Anyway that’s how I understood it and I think it is a fair point to express a will for all minorities.


As another Brit, I’d just like to apologise on behalf of one of our own projecting their world view on you without any understanding of your country’s history, politics, demographics and/or culture.

You don’t have to put up with it, nor should you. #Cancelled.

Hyperbole. You are not erased…neither is Finland’s culture…and you will not be stopped and searched by the police for being of Finnish heritage, while in Sweden.


Experts warn Finnish could die out in Sweden, with reports of official policy being contravened

But complaints that minority language policies are not being respected are mounting. Reports for the Swedish government in the past 12 months point to failures with respect to Sweden Finns in particular, but paint “a dark picture” of the situation for national minority languages in Sweden as a whole.

Pupils at one school in Gothenburg have reported being told to stop communicating in Finnish altogether. One nine-year-old, said teachers had told her not to speak her mother tongue.

“They tell us to stop speaking Finnish if they hear us,” she said. “That feels sad. It doesn’t feel good when I’m not allowed to speak Finnish, because for me it is the easiest language.”

The Council of Europe last year reported that Sweden was “experiencing an increase in instances of interethnic intolerance, racism and hate speech” that was affecting national minorities, including language teaching.

Yeah, ok.

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I don’t think Elahi knows whether there is white privilige in Sweden or not. I think this has a great deal more to do with who is getting beneficial treatment… and unfortunately that does very much feel like an argument that Finns should get more recognition in Sweden than other minorities.

Elahri has effectively tried to make out that BLM reflects a US experience, not that of black people in Europe… and that is patently not true… there is also the usual complaint about everybody having problems, which I acknowledged but pointed out that being white, in a white country means skin colour is NOT one of them.
Elahi has not demonstrated that it is…instead going off on various tangents about nationality.

Nope. My nationality is Swedish. As is anyone’s that lives in Sweden and has citizenship. I’m talking about ethnicity.

Because it does. Its completely ahistorical approach proves this. It doesn’t fit into Swedish history at all or present time society. The dynamics are not the same here.

Why then is it Sweden’s responsibility to keep Finnish culture alive in Sweden… when Finland still exists… and you have Finnish relatives… do you need spoon feeding?


Maybe you should read that.

Stark difference between not preserving Finnish culture and actively supressing it. FYI.

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