Unpopular opinion

So you’re against fascism, but also against antifacism. Now you’re not making sense at all.

You seem stuck on this very simple fact.
Antifa are poorly named. They named themself Anti-Fascists, but then act exactly like Fascists would. They just do it from the left, not the right, and before you make the stupid mistake of saying ‘HURR, DA LEFT CANNAT B DA FASCISTS, DEY R DA LEFT’ - the former soviet union would like a word with you about that.


Their called “ANTIFA” they literally attack people.

You can be anti-fasict, but ANTIFA is the real problem. Were talking about that extremist group



You’re very special if you think that antifa is (1) an actual organization and (2) if they are a violent organization.

they have merch and chapters, they even have websites and facebook groups for locations. Do you really think they aren’t organized? They just spontaniously combust into existence when a theoretical fascist might appear?


Ok their MoVeMeNt then.


By the way lets not derail the thread

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Finally, someone that understands that Antifa is not better then any other right ring fascist group… This whole BLM and antifa situation is hurting the actual goal more then it should help…


Terrence Mckenna was right, these people don’t have a thought process, they run an ideaological operating system. I’m out.
You can’t get through to people who claim the moral high ground while thinking a whole race of people are bad / evil. They think because they hate white people it isn’t racism, they are morons.


What do you expect from a ideological driven fascist? :man_shrugging:


Yes, and companies shouldnt feel obligated to give their views on it

Always, like i say it does make my left breast swing without moving the right.

That’s the thing, if you stay neutral and want to keep politics out of it. You will get labeled rAcIsT.

And yes, cancel culture is a thing, of course it’s like a boycott, but nowadays it’s more like a witch hunt…


I agree with serious and swaggerboi
but i think we can do without this kind of thread’s they can only do harm to the wow community

entire companies and governments roll over these days no one expected blizzard to be the anti-system rebel


If that is the case, then I really don’t mind that much. But saying the mantra of the criminals, and they are criminals, they don’t care about justice, they want the power to commit more crimes consequence free. Black Lives Matter is a criminal organization hiding behind a slogan that you can’t disagree with while their agenda and actions reflect an entirely different narrative that is in fact racist and therefore hypocritical. The only thing they have done is make it worse for everyone including for blacks. And this is not something said lightly, this is something that we see every day on TV. And that is why it bothers me, because this is one of the places I can go to so I don’t see that crap. That’s why I don’t like it when they take political stances.

Because that was in another part of the world. Where different ideas have power. Have you checked what they did during pride celebrations and OWL? Full on show for the western audiences but it was pretty much censored in South Korea because LGBT rights is controversial there.

Lmao, they’re considered one of the threats to democracy in my country along with national socialists and islamists.

One guy belong to antifa stabbed a guy in the back with a knife and was then prosecuted for attempted murder, “Anti-fascism is always self-defense” is what was claimed in defense.


HQ backed it up until the backlash.

Anyway, I wish they’d just go back to charity. I loved it when they put in an NPC voiced by a kid that was dying who got to their office, for instance. And they did a lot of this. Or donating to disaster relief or video games for hospital kids, etc. It was so wholesome.

They might still do it, but they’re not very vocal about it. Now it’s all about politics.

You clearly care, mate. You made a thread about it. You also complained about Blizzard not supporting the cause you allegedly care about, the HK stuff. There’s no hypocrisy by the way - Acti Blizz is an American company, and them being more in tune with American problems perfectly makes sense.

I’m not sure how you can say them doing this is inappropriate, but not say some player using their platform to push his own politics is perfectly appropriate. Imo, if Blitzchung did nothing wrong then, Blizz did nothing wrong yesterday.

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They didnt give us more details!!! XD

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