You still don’t get it, do you ? You’ve been linking polls about the best expansion, that barely has anything to do with class design itself ? Classic and TBC were great expansions overall but class design was massivly lacking. Legion was aight but class design was lacking
do you even know what the topic is about ? Lol
honestly, if its only about class design i barely feel a difference in any of the past 3 expansions. Can’t really tell because all 3 feel like a browser game to me.
No developer in their right mind would use a design that is used by previous developers, its a insult. Each developer must design a game based on their own design in which it would improve their resume.
You can’t use the subs drop as an argument that the expansion was bad and acknowledge that these people didn’t even give it a try.
This takes the expansion in its globality, with the daily quests and others problems. I’m not suggesting to delete the last 3 expansions, just to go back to MoP’s class design.
I think the bigger insult would be a developer that doesn’t want the game to be as good as possible, no matter if the concept that brings him there is a re-used one from the past or something completely new that he came up with.
Some classes suffer from it more than others - enh shaman is full of procs, monks only get one with traits - but it still feels a bit unsatisfying. I didn’t earn this free spinning crane kick, I didn’t do any setup to make it happen, and I can’t nudge it to happen when I want it to. It just sometimes does and sometimes doesn’t. Be happier if they were tied to critical strikes, at least I’d have some means of getting more.
While Cataclysm did start with slight homogenization with the class designs, in MOP it took even more drastic design action and ended up very wiered and poor to play with.
MOP design is not good nor creative, any one can just give everything to everyone it does not require intelligence to do so. Just throw everything in the blender and then give Priest vanish. LOL. While it may be appealing for few low skilled priests to have this sort of advantage it was not really fun nor it made sense.
What is so good about all having burst/cc/interrupt? Then having strange things like Moving casters/Vanish Priests/Healing mages? How I used to be top dps/heals in raids as discipline by doing my 3 buttons rotation LOL or
Nah, it was a mess. Only the vocal minority panda boys in social media sites today wants that garbage.In reality, if Blizzard re-released MOP as classic release. Nobody would play it.
The only people wanting this MOP trash clearly did not play it since release or maybe none at all.
The fact is MOP is the least received expansion in WOW history. Check initial orders and you will find the lowest numbers ever in WoW history till today. Check the social media site like Youtube videos, the lowest likes, check metacritic the least score (Only recently panda boys upvoted them LOL how desperate)
Imagine if LOTR had pandas, what a theme breaking $%^@ that would be. This is what happened to WOW. Sadly it never got recovered after that at all.
I am still convinced the most MOP- recent fandom stands on legs and idea of some streamer. I just haven’t figured out which one it is as prior BfA no one ever mentioned MoP ever and it was used as an example, where WoW started to go wrong.
This isnt fact. Only thing it shows how entilted players are. They voted based on their own experience without seeing whole picture. Classes were completly homoginized but if someine plays just 1 char you can hardly tell. But devs seen it how suddenly all of their classes could do everthing. Its not healthy for mmorpg game no matter how much players praise it. Players are clueless whem comes to game desing. Most people feedback is based on what is good for them. For their own experience. No what is good for the game. Such feedback is completly useless becouse what you think is good for your experience is axtualy completly toxic for entire game. But that person doesnt see it becouse he look at game from 1 angle.
The stripping of class fantasy over 6 years. To then insert temporary power which is stripped every 2 years to then remove tier sets to add another temporary fixture to classes, which they wrap several bandaids around said fixture… and then remove them all again upon the next expansion.
This is what was wrong.
All of the class designs we have seen over the course of WoW have had their pros and cons. Excluding everything after WoD. Which have had nothing but cons.
Aslong as they get the execution correct. And fix the mistakes and problems in the designs they could effectively improve classes taking influence from any of the prior expansions
The theme of the expansion was poorly received at start. That’s why the trailer had an almost 50/50 dislike ratio. Look at it now, and see how it evolved. The expansion ended up being much better than anticipated.
What is not creative is inventing a lot of tools, and giving only one or two to each class for the sake of differenciation. MoP was creative because it managed to give a lot of tools to each class while making each of them play differently.
Why are you giving your opinion then? Stop giving feedback if you don’t think yourself capable of knowing what is best for the game.
How do you explain that MoP was one of the expansions where people created a lot of rerolls? Every class felt different. And class specific buffs ensured that none of them would ever be completely obsolete. Would you agree with giving a spell kick to only rogues so that they feel different? How about stealth? Let’s take that away from druids, and combo points too. Because every class must be different in every single way right?
How exactly is that? MOP has made almost every class a combo class, it also managed to make a warlock play like melee with infinit mana and casting while moving LOL
What ? It is a fact, people like you just try so hard to twist the story so it fits their own narrative.
Nope, they werent and “having everything” doesnt mean classes are completly homoginized. Can someone please explain this again ? I’m getting tired, this is like talking to 13y olds.
god. Nah, i’ll dip out of this thread now. It feels like youre talking to casuals who havent ever played anything but WoD legion or BFA.
After checking the character I’m talking to, I’m not even surprised anymore
at this point this is probably true for many defenders of those expansions.
this is also a trend under those people always crying about stuff like class homogenization in MoP, button bloat, more buttons ≠ complexity and class fantasy.
the absolute vast majority haven’t done any or little content in WoW where this “complexity” falls into weight, yet they constantly comment on topics to make sure it stays as hard to differentiate a bad from average and average from good players as possible because this way they can feel better about themselves.
and I’ve played since Vanilla, This account i think is since MoP… if u actually looked at my first Achievements u’d reliese that THis account was created in MoP Lmfao.
trying to judge Crap With half assed comments lmfao.
ur guilty of the exact same BS.
Yes it is, when All classes share the same Tools and capabilities it is a form of homogenization… the MORE different classes are the LESS homogenized the classes are… Sharing toolkits is homogenization.
you just enjoy to put a “Positive” spin on anything u think…
your concepts Are beyond me… “he doesnt agree with me so he couldnt of experienced it”… “his opinon is Different to mine, clearly hes wrong”…
Please wait til the weekend before bothering to post again.
again this account existed since MoP, do u just beleive anything people reply to people with?..
nothing to do with "Not playing this game at its “hardest” " or defending the current expansions… which i even agreed Was better then any of the Expansions after MoP? Lol.
I dont get how Not wanting Recycled content… stands for defending the current state on the game. I dont want a Re-iteration of MoP. because i’ve already played MoP. I dont wanna wake up to Playing identical to how i did throughout MoP Either.
and no Classes were more homogenized, u could play any class and With a twist of THematic Aesthetic… do the exact same things…
i just think its wrong to assume 100% of the player base want MoP back lol… or that Shooting the game back to MoP would maximise the return of players either.
and onto the second thing.
as i write several Posts above.
I quit for 2 years during WoD. and i quit til 8.3 in BFA… because i beleived both these expansions sucked, i also took a 1 year break through Legion due to not being massively fond of that expansion either… its a Terrible expansion… we dont all stick through it
I did make it to heroic Raiding in antorus though.
could you give some examples when all classes shared the same toolkit, and which abilities specifically were the ones shared and which expansion had the best class design while having low rates of “homogenization” ?
and could you elaborate on this as well, which classes felt the same and in what way ?
Yeah imma Just state this because throughout my posts i’ve said the same stuff and U seem to beleive im “For WOD/Legion/BFA” lol.
I dont Like WoD, legion or BFA. Since WoDS release i’ve played this game as Little as possible, i got to the point i was playing overwatch instead of WoW and i dont even like FPS’s.
I dont think MOP was the Prime of every classes Design either.
For example
I prefer Boomkins Playstyle back in WoTLK comparitively to anything past Cata.
I prefer Shadow priests design during Cataclysm.
This doesnt mean i Hated MoP either, i enjoyed MoP When it was here.
but MoP also Left me without a Main, after cataclyms i didnt enjoy boomkin and turned my shadow Priest. which in MoP was turned into a Off-healing Support role throughout MoP… which i hated. Which led to the point when i simply started Healing for my guild as they needed one and i didnt really have a Desire to main anything by this point.
I dont get how
Prefering Cataclysm Designs in Some classes… Makes me a “pro WoD/BFA/Legion era Player”
P.S my opinons are COMPLETELY irrelevent to the state of PvP.
i’ve never PvP’d seriously, nor participated in Arena.
So Dont take my opinon as Anything worth anything in a PvP enviroment during MoP.