I did play prior expansions. Just that I didn’t have enough money to afford playing on Official retail servers ! But NP, I guess you know more about my life than me !
welcome to Why People who want Specific expansions to return are so aggressive to one another
99% of the information is Speculation based on their Opinons realistically… and they get annoyed by any players who Dont think the same way…
Mop class design is made for casuals who wanted all classes to be the same.
I didn’t say I liked every class the best in MoP either, just most classes and MoP can be used the easiest when explaining pruning and the related problems that came with it since it was the last expansion before the pruning waves came.
Classes can be fun in different expansions for different reasons, for example warriors in WoltK were I’d say equally fun to play as they were in MoP in my opinion but the main reason for that was the stat armor pen., and in MoP because you could really shine as a good player and because I liked the pacing of PvP and the fast gameplay of most classes.
and I loved that, I was mostly sticking to one class as well up until MoP but in that expansion I felt something I did only really felt during MoP and that was class envy.
I leveled my main class which was a warrior during that time to 90 and did what I usually do, spam BG’s to get my honor/conquest gear which was always plenty fun. The suddenly I saw a fire mage delete me with the deep freeze/alter time combo and I rerolled mage in that day, not because I was bored of playing my warrior but because I wanted to be able to play a mage as well.
That cycle repeated itself up to the point of me having almost every class at lvl 90 and I enjoyed every second of the leveling experience and then the gearing through PvP and everything because of this “class envy” which creates something really positive in my view and has long been lost.
I remember in Legion I leveled many classes to 110 too but not because I was so excited to play them but because I lost interest in the ones I already played and that happened rather quickly so it was basically the same thing as during MoP but for the exact opposite reason.
I didn’t say that did I ?
and btw. I liked most classes in cataclysm too, if I had to rate expansions by class design it would have gotten like a B- compared to Legion and BfA that would have gotten a D-/F.
tbh thats exactly what i stated in my initial Argument… that MoP is reflected on the most to this reason… and i also did say i’d take MoP before any Expansion after MoPs existance.
tbh i find it the opposite, being a absolute altaholic… i liked alittle detterance haha.
i suffer this in BFA, Legion had Survival hunter which held my interest even though it was considered Sub Par.
the other were referring as if i did prefer the current iterations of classes
No, I don’t know how many times it needs to be said, but no
They’ve committed to a new direction for classes, and it’s not as simple as flipping a switch to go back to the old one
Constructive ideas within the new design is your best bet, asking for the old one is redundant
well then why have Blizzard been talking about “bringing back” old abilities and “going back to” class fantasy over spec fantasy, which is basically the old way of how classes worked.
they basically flipped the “switch” you are talking about by 50%, some people want them to flip it a few percentages more tho and other people, for example many shadow priest players (including myself) want them to flip it another 50% because they hate everything about Voidform,surrender to madness and everything else that came with the Legion “revamp”.
Certain classes were greater offenders than others. I remember having a talent that drained 5 % of your health and gave you a buff that, upon melee contact, would fear the target. Then you had death coil, shadowfury, spammable fear and pet CC. Warlock was insanely packed with CC. Too much.
There’s nothing wrong having opinions, especially on forums. Just this MOP one is where we might disagree
Just I happened to play classes that were abysmally bad in PvE and I think most defenders may be from PvP, but even then it was not improvement over Cataclysm. Tanks not being able to tank raden because Blizzard forgot there are classes like warriors or Dks, 2 button PvE rotations, wrong healer-dps balance in generic PvP, several other odd 25 man HC raid balance problems between specs and classes.
MoP class design just did not work in PvE and bringing it back would be worse than BfA.
I think homogenization is an issue but MoP classes were still 300x more fun to play than they are today. I really wish they’d look to their past to fix their current mistakes, they keep ruining things.
I dont want 45 buttons where half of them are situationally useful but mandatory. I think where BfA went wrong is not azerites or even corruptions but the balancing of these. Another hot take topic inc about this soon
You see I did think that Classic would fun too as I absolutely LIVED inside Vanilla. I got over 100k Hks in vanilla alone, I cleared the Pve content when it was “current” and did crazy things …
Come classic I realised that it is one of the worst games I have played in my life … so conclusion ? memories are best consumed in their own time line.
And Classic did teach me to never-ever go to ask my favourite expansion (WoTLK) re-done again. Because I still have fond memories of it … like ARP frost DK that killed anything that moved, or UH Dks that killed anything that even pillar hoped and holy paladins that no one but arp warriors killed. Or something like that.
Also MOP balance druid was horrible… now to think. This was 1st time I felt forced to play feral. But Thats not MOps fault, the horrible balance druid design started off from wotlk, which made me reroll full time from balance druid (vanilla/tbc) to DK as main.
Admitted me not tolerating moonkin form either contributed to the decision, and the humanoid form glyph was added after I had decided to go to DK.
BFA messed up in not giving so much unique talents to classes like Artifacts, and it also gave us so much passive talents that would not impact your gameplay in meaningful way. It failed in filling the gap that left with the removal of Tier sets.
I really liked MoP class design, but that’s mainly because I started playing around cata firelands raid and most of my charas felt similar or even better to play (especially WL).
Yes the everyone can do everything mentality wasn’t that great.
But I also wonder how people would feel about the classes in MoP if M+ dungeons, as we have them now, would have been a thing back then.
Not every class needs 10 CC and def CDs, good mobility, and great AoE and ST burst.
But in Legion and BfA there were always the not really desired specs, that are just inferior choices while not even shining in raids because balancing most of the time happens for raids.
scrap MoP, take cata or wotlk. Much better just fix the DKs from wotlk and boom.
See? I dont really get this argument
If you dont need these buttons, why do they bother you?
And if you cant deal with that many buttons, what makes you think being ob par with people who can is fair?
But who am i talking to, half the ppl i argue with are LFG raiders and the other half 1.7 arena tryhards. Guess MoP is just bad kek
But alternatively what is the point in having 45 buttons if half of them are so situational that you almost never use them and by the time you do need them you spend so long looking for the spell on your action bar that the moment is over?
Or you could just be a good player and know when to use them, and have them bound.
Well actual good player dont need much time to look for a spell in their bar.
They dont look at all to be exact.
The point is having options and even if you dont need them right now, there will be a situation where you can use them.
I still dont get your argument, i really dont
Just dont put these spells in your bar if you cant be bothered ???
Or maybe just dont complain if you end up performing worse because you ARE playing worse?
This is the exact same casual mentality that brought us warlords of downcraft