Unpruning: Can we just go back to MoP class design and take it from here?

yeah early MoP was truely a mess. However, I’m mainly adressing S14 and 15 here tho.

Let’s start out with reducto ad absurdum.


Cata was quite good. Just everyone had too much HP, especially classes that were traditionally low HP. This caused the matches to get quite stale. I think if you’d just have sliced off the HP a bit, then Cata would easily have been my favourite. It was a bit annoying as feral to not have shapeshifting out of roots, but I can get over that if it makes everyone else have more fun. And it was fun.

I personally think WotLK middle-seasons had the best class design and pacing overall. S5 was completely broken, S8 was dominated by wizards. But in between those you had tons of different comps and great class balance. Somewhere around 100,000 people still play WotLK private servers for the PvP. Don’t see anything like that for Cata and certainly not MoP.

I think you’d have to be crazy to consider the amount of CC in MoP to be appropriate. Obviously I realise that means I’ve just called a bunch of people in here crazy, but… yolo. I think it’s crazy.

There’s a VERY broad spectrum between getting CC’d 80% of the game and just PvE’ing one another, and within that spectrum lies the correct value. In either of those two extremes you end up doing effectively nothing, and that’s not fun.

In what dream world does this guy live

im genuinely curious

punishment for being bad. Sorry but if youre even 30% of the time in CC in MoP youre doing something absolutely wrong


Both Warmane and Dalaran are doing waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy better any Vanilla private server. So that’s why at this date, I still don’t get why Blizzard didn’t opened Wotlk classic first, if they were to reach out the maximum players.

Those expansion are seen as “BAD” because we all know that If(expansion.IsPostWotlk()){ expansion.sucks() = true );}
Moreover, there are not many functionnal private servers for these expacs, because there is so much engineering behind made by blizzard (Chiefly worgen’s starting zone is a mess) or so many non functionnal spells (Because there was many more spells than in wrath) and boss mechanics (Cata pushed mechanics so hard) and a non functionnal private server always end up with no player. There is a MoP pserv that is 100% functionnal, but its focus is Central Europe community (Hungary, CZ, slovakia) thus they don’t have any international playerbase. All others MoP pservers are too buggy, no sane player would consider playing on those.

? Hows that an answer to my question

Warmanes population on their PvP realm is below 4k and 30k people across the other 3 realms are mainly PvE on blizzlike realms.

about Dalaran, according to the ladder, most active PvPer dont even have 10k honor, i think a season isnt even out yet.

so no … seriously, no xD

I never say PvP was alive. I’m just saying that they have a lot of players. Regarding PvP, I have no clue since I lost interest in PvP. And yeah, Warmane’s pvp population was upset aboot something, about a server merge, but I don’t know much more aboot.

Well, you should then check who / what I was even quoting.

About PvE yes, Everything thats not Classic/WoD/Legion/bfa I’d prefer anyway.

Arf, Scheiße !!

At this point, BFA made me love WOD !

I know what server he is talking about but it’s only around 1k peak.

Yeah, alot of ppl still playing wrath for PvP but to even assume its close to a quarter of 100k is dumb.

That number is literally from BlizzCon tournaments but ok m8.

I wish I’d be able to tell you where it is, but I’d break the ToS.

So do you think you will use ancient latin “sententio” and you will look smart.

First of all MoP didn’t have more CC than Cata - check if classes actually got more of it - no they didn’t.

Mage for example:

-Deep Freeze
-Counterspell blanket Silence
-PoM Ring of Frost

Mage had exactly the same CC in Cata except Ring of Frost was just instant. Actually MoP removed that random proc stun from fire talents. The problem was that MoP went back to Wrath pace at the begining and gave Mage too much unstoppable instant damage. You couldn’t stop Mage/Demo Warlock because Frost Bomb -> Fire Blast was instant. All you had to do was cast Frost Bomb -> Deep Freeze -> pop CDs -> trigger detonation -> finish with few instant procs. What wrong I can say about MoP was that there were too many instant damage spells.

Also if you want to talk about CC duration in Wrath most of CC spells lasted 2 more seconda against players. Don’t believe? Check Poly, Fear, Cyclone etc. duration in Wrath and MoP.

I personally prefer Cata over Wrath because in Wrath Ele/Destro/x were cancer. The fact that basic damage dealing spell takes 30-45% of your hp is not fine and Chaos Bolt/Lavaburst did. Also 1 heal from hybrid was like 50% hp. In Cata it was normalized so you firstly had to pressure - then make a setup.

Other reason why people didn’t like Cata private servers is that private servers are built around last patch of the expansion. Everyone knows that S11 and late Cata patches were clownfiesta because they balanced classes around PvE items and when on Cata AT people played only in PvP gear some specs like Fire Mage were insanely op. Wrath late patches were actually good. I’m 100% sure that if Cata would be built on Firelands patches it would be great. The only thing that was cancerous back then was Feral Druid becauase it was dps and tank at the same time but it could be stopped by roots at least.

I did not say Sententio and I don’t know what it means.

I also don’t care what it means, so don’t bother wasting your time telling me.

Ring of Frost went from a 2 minute to a 30 second cooldown.
Also you could pick some new things instead like double frost nova or an 8 second root+silence
Every spec could get PoM, including Frost, which was very interesting indeed.

Then there’s the slightly less hard-CC things like the slow on CoC being buffed or Frost Bomb slowing you to 70% or baseline slow on Blizzard (which was cast around corners) and then there’s a defensive kindda CC where you’re not technically locked down but you can’t do anything because the opponent is literally immune to damage. MoP has a lot of this compared to previous expansions, but I didn’t even count that in the 80% figure.

Then there’s of course your admission that there were too many instant and unstoppable spell casts. Yes - yes indeed there was. And in fact, this was the reason for the 80% lockdown. It was just way too easy to get the chain started and, once it did, it was just neverending, because the DR’s hadn’t been merged yet. There were something like 20 categories and 4-5 spells within each one, which basically means there were somewhere in the region of 100 CC spells in PvP. It sounds ridiculous but it was absolutely real, and it was very, very annoying!

You had comps like RMD who could literally lock someone down FOREVER. And I don’t mean kindda forever, I mean literally forever.

I think it was MoP that “fixed” a couple of spells as well to not have problems with the tickrate by giving them durations after they would expire, such as Spell Reflect and Stealth, allowing the rogue to literally spam out openers, all of which are CC’s.

This is not strictly correct. The nerf was added during MoP because people were siting in CC’s eternally - but yes, it did happen.

I’d kill to have that back, honestly. It was the thing that feral was all about. The fact that this died was as a result of Blizzard murdering unique and fun gear, which in turn resulted in the same gear being optimal for both bear form and cat form, making druid overpowered.

What they did in MoP to feral druid is unforgivable. They literally took a spec and just cut it down the middle.

Could you even imagine someone going “wow it’s so OP that shamans can use shocks and totems at once. Let’s make two specs - one that only does one and one that only does the other”.

It’s absurd. That duality, that shapeshifting, it is Feral Combat. Feral has never been in a healthy place, though sometimes it has been in an overpowered state, since that decision was made.

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Of course that if you played Feral you loved it… but imagine that Feral was a meme in Cata. People joked around that you could Mangle till 2400. It was insanely overtuned in 4.2 and had no CD instant Cyclone from Predatory Swiftness. All you had to do was to get 5 CP - do a finisher - instant CC. Also in Cata noone hit Feral to kill it but to force it to go Bear Form so it didn’t deal that broken damage. The fact it benched Rogue in 4.2 and people played FMD and FLS over RMD and RLS says a lot.

Also if you are so strict why didn’t you bring that Wrath Blizzcon scandal where match against L.S.D. lasted almost 30 min. and Blizzard forgot that it should last 20 min. and according to the rule the one that dealt more dmg should win. There was exactly the same amount of CC except Resto Druid was in Tree Form so it was Poly immune.

DR changes in WoD killed a lot of comps that were popular and was done wrong. It was overkill. CD on RoF wasn’t big deal as you couldn’t just extend your chain without spending PoM on it and if something is casted - it’s stoppable.

CC duration was nerfed in fact in Cata not in MoP - you are wrong. Read patch notes. First poly in Wrath lasted 7 sec while since Cata it’s 5.

MoP since S14 was really good - in fact it was the most balanced time. Bring me other season than S15 where you had rank 1 player of every dps and healer spec? I’ll tell you that was the only season it happened.


“Sententio” is the way you call phrases like the one you used. Like let’s say “Rex mundi”, “Lex non retro agit”. Someone skipped latin classes.

Shows how much they knew. Mangle did terrible damage, it was all about Shred.

Yep, that should never, ever have been added to the game. 100% agree with that. It is completely opposed to the entire concept of the feral druid (which is NOT a hybrid but a shapeshifter!)

How so? Because only rogues are allowed to be consistently strong?

yeah except that little resto druid part ;'D Not important at all.

But there was a problem in S7 and especially S8, which is why I said “mid WotLK” so early S7 and S6 is what I liked. I did not like S8.

The reason for this problem was MP5 and ICC trinkets. They completely broke the game.

It’s not stoppable just because it’s casted lol. That certainly depends on how much other CC is around - and there was a lot.

Okay. Don’t really care. I’m ranking by how fun it is to play, not whether literally every single spec is represented. Yeah, poor balance sucks, but I don’t want to play a broken, boring game with perfect balance.

I actually didn’t. I got a B in Latin 14 years ago. But I’ve forgotten nearly all of it and I can’t recall any word “Sententio”. I do find it rather amusing that you’re using latin words as a way to make me look like a prat because I use a latin word.

By the way, the word that I use isn’t just a “latin word”, it’s one of the well known fallacies of debates. It’s literally called reducto ad absurdum, and it basically means to simplify an opponents argument until it seizes to make sense, then arguing against that instead of the real argument.

Could we just move past that?

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I’m actually for this.

Stop eating so much fat food because you have memory problems. Cholesterol will kill you.

There is that meme I mentioned. Feral was a huge topic on forums because there was a short period of Cata when it had better stealth and stealth detection than Sub but you simply don’t remember.

This is early Cata video from <4.0.6 when they actually fixed a lot of things but still. And no - I’m not French

Maybe if you get more than waycrest 7 with your ilvl just maybe then you can try to act like better than those.

xDDD Mind linking anything other than just saying “it just b like that”?

You’re not 80% of the time cc’d, not even close to that. You’re talking absolute nonsense.

and again, you’re just talking out of your a**

Mind backing anything up what you’re saying ? Lol

dragon roar… btw and next time read carefully, btw if you like pandaland class design so much go play pandaland… its popular for gamers who started to play wow at pandas, not so much for ppl who played it from the very beggining …