Clearly this game had 2 big issue.
1: Horde BG Que
2: Alliance as less faction.
Blizzard could solve this 2 problem at once just by adding paid or free faction transfer.
But they choose to solve Que time at the expense of making second issue far worse.
If thats the roadmap we know whats gonna be end of the road.
And i dont want to be in dead faction so im leaving.
If you still enjoy good luck to you.
This is basic feedback so not gonna argue some kids under this.
Proof : https ://
Horde players will unsub aswell due to high queue times, unsubbing as you have is further impacting your faction.
It is also at 40/60 split.
thats why i also pointed out horde que time is a PROBLEM.
But they can solve this problem by just giving horde players to FREE ( better ) or PAID Faction transfer.
And if horde player ( and their friends ) still doesnt want to play alliance maybe long que is not a big deal for that player.
already gave to some low lvl passing by.
Just 1 question: how horde queue times effect your gameplay?
Why you enjoy other peoples suffering? Or you just want your free honor farm with premades continue?
You are just an ignorant crybaby and wont be missed.
Couldn’t have said it better.
You lose this subscriber , but gain 2 more that resubscribed because now they finally can get some BGs going.
So its a win win, we don’t need baby screamers on the forums.
normally i would answer question but since u jump next sentence to
‘’ You are just an ignorant crybaby ‘’ hahahah its so obvious you are not asking a question you are just a butthurt kid.
I don’t think your alone and your 100% right there are two issues here and they took the path of least resistance that is very damaging to the game as a whole.
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This is a hilarious juxtaposition that i see failures post regularly.
If you lose 1 alliance and gain 2 horde when faction balance is 40:60…guess what…you have dead PvP servers in a few weeks.
It’s hilarious . You’re playing an RPG game on a PvP server and you dont care about the RPG or PvP aspects.
You know people on PvE servers can queue BGs too right?. Another step closer to retails mono server type bs.
Maybe read the original post of the test before saying stupid things.
Bye! Please keep your word and do not come back, ever.
I wont be taking that char transfer even if it was free… I want to play horde for other reason than so called OP racials… I like the horde races more than I do the Alliance races…
And so many more other Horde players will think the same…
So no you CANNOT fix both issues by offering free char transfers… You just think everyone will transfer cuz its free…
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Great. If you want to play Horde and thats your priority you can play horde.Thats totally okay.
But it means Playing horde > Shorter Que for you.
AND when you have a shorter que chance and you didnt want to do it you cant whine about it.
Im sorry you cant have it all once.
But i’m sure lots of player will just transfer with their friends.
Horde Que’s not gonna be instant but maybe 20-30min. And as far as i know thats tolerable.
And this is the kind of comment that shows that you are a butthurt baby
I am up for fixing both issues and not just saying QQ you chose horde so u chose long queue times.
No I did not chose horde to get long queue times.
And You guys are QQing about faction imbalance… U chose alliance so u chose faction imbalance right? so in your own words you should be crying about it maybe go get a faction change…
See where is discussion is leading when you are not open for change?
99/100 horde player thinks there should be something done about the faction imbalance, but the thing is that faction imbalance is not fixed over night… You cant force people to play a different faction.
And thats when we look at the second problem Queue times for hordes. Why should that not get fixed when it can be done easily? Just because you are still butthurt that the issue your faction is facing can’t be resolved easily?
Come on and grow up little child
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Well i answered your questions but you accuse me with being ‘’ baby and butthurt ‘’
that explains who is baby and who is trying to have a reasonable argument.
Maybe you should grow up and try to have a reasonable argument without insulting ?
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I fully agree with you.
Worst change ever, how long more as alliancer we are going to experience injustice?
Remove this nonsense immediately.
If they add it back to the game. I will cancel my sub
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And there we go ignoring all the other stuff i said… just confirms what I was saying…
Have a great day man!
Oke bye bye you wont be missed just unsub now cuz it will be back
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