Unusual character ideas

She was exposed several times before and her joining the illidari was during RP. I don’t really play her that often because, as you said, it makes no sense to stroll around a major city. But for a night’s visit, on occasion, she can get away with it with an illusion.

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A Mechagonian “P.O.L.I.C.E” (Patroller of Organized Law In Case of Emergency") under the rank of “C.O.P” (Controller of Obligatory Peace).
I named them so that their initials could line up with the whole “Taser” thing (Thomas A. Swift’s Electric Rifle into Tera A. Supersafe’s Electric Rifle). They’d have a robo-pet named LAIKA (Law Affirming Intelligent Kennel Animal).

Basically the concept was a guard or town patroller of some sort that didn’t just go with permits and allowances and shutting down people in /y. He’d more so snoop around as a sort of “good cop”. He’d have a buncha electrical paralysis or short circuit gadgets as to not hurt anyone going against the law.
If it wasn’t obvious he was also just a character to play with acronyms with.


That is fair enough then.


I guess Vaxir is an unusual concept.

Mine has to be my newly created Gearfist Prostitute NPC. I’ll always be grateful to my good friend Lionsworn for helping me brainstorm the character concept.

My druid is that, he refuses to harm anyone.

A half High Elf - Half Blood Elf Paladin, born in the mean streets of Stormwind, who actually also learns how to use Void magic in this epic Light/Dark balance combination.

This leads to a man who is both an edgy, stone-cold killer and a supremely altruistic stoic, who protects the meek while meeting out justice on the enemies of Order.

He’s also got a mechanical, gnomish, right arm, since his old one was burnt off while saving children from Teldrassil. Complete with the latest, in-built Buzzboz technology, for all your communication needs.

He learnt martial arts with the Shado-Pan when he was teenager, and lived in the Vale of Eternal Blossums for seven years. He was the watcher on the wall.

Now he’s a noir crime-fighter, who occasionally travels the world to fight for forces of Darkness, and generally do good, and to also meet his Troll girlfriend. They’re in forbidden love, but what he doesn’t know is that she’s actually an agent of the Horde who-…

I’ll stop now.


I’ve worked a little on a character I’ve been meaning to play more. An evil Sailor Spirit who sits covered in sea weed and constantly dripping in brine waters, gangly and sprawled with deep-sea crustaceans still suckling on his weeping skin.

“Ludlow Crow” he’s called.

He haunts sailor ports and I’ll-forgotten shipwrecks. An old folks lore come to life perhaps, for should you come across this disfigured vision you’ll notice him playing with a deck of waterlogged cards - called the “Kraken Deck”.

He’ll be sitting playing a game of cards in haunting silence, laying out three face-down. And as always he’d pause, awaiting a chance for a daring adventurer to pick a card. You’d unwillingly sign a debt owed should you loose - a finger, be the wager. For Ludlow Crow would adorn his boney neck with a rope of mis-matched fingers and thumbs from previous losers to such a game.

Your card chosen, the game begins and ends with but a turn of the next card from Ludlow. Should it be higher than yours? You loose, lower? You win a grime-covered finger from a previous looser, a price must always be paid as he’d reach for his rusted cleaver.

Oh and he only speaks only in riddles.

With a rather big sea faring expansion I thought him rather cool to use, might have to spook some sailors.

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No, keep going, you were just getting to the good bit.

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So what I have been working on that seems rather interesting at least to me is a older Draenei Paladin that after being cast off his home world and seeing the Horde’s slaughter of his people on Draenor has begun to doubt the light more and more but now he galvanises his will with what he believes to be the only incorruptible thing left in this galaxy that being true justice though if he is being honest with himself at this point he would just live out his days as a fisherman but he knows the universe isn’t going to let him rest so easily

Character who comes from stable, loving family where every member is still alive.


I really want to make a character who is a time traveler… either an actual bronze dragon, or just affiliated with them.

Considering all the time-travel stuff in WoW already, and the way things will be set up for leveling in SL, I think this wouldn’t be too out of place.

I’m not sure if I’d make them originally from the past or from the present, but I figure they spend so much time in other time periods or timelines they’re quite disconnected from that anyway.

Timewalker, perhaps?


well a part of the bronze dragon job is locating time “displaced” people and take them back to their right timeline

it is one of many reasons why you can find non dragons in the time cave.

so you could work in a conflict there I guess.

maybe a bronze dragon hunter?
we need more dragon hunters if you ask me.

I’ve always found Warcraft’s relation to dragons kinda weird… a lot of times dragons/drakes are portrayed as beasts, to be hunted or used as mounts. Other times they’re highly intelligent protectors of Azeroth.

I honestly don’t think “dragon hunter” as a trope really fits into modern WoW… imagine Kalec’s or Chromie’s reaction to hearing about that.

That actually would be a cool idea. Maybe a displaced mortal from a different timeline now gone, essentially left homeless in the main timeline.


Gotta keep in mind we as the heroes obviously meet the big shots and they are all “friendly” but individual dragons are not always so kind. In that same regard, not all mortals have as good a relation to dragons as the PC does.
and if you take into account all the kinds of dragons like the proto, the netherwing, twightlight, infinite, black, etc.
there are plenty of flights which we can hunt on a good alligned character but if you want to be more risky and a bit “evil” you could play someone who for a personal reason hunts bronze dragons, I mean magic lizards with time powers, their parts probably sell pretty neatly on a black market


considering within the lore PC’s have killed multiple dragons it seems like you can most certainly do a Dragon Hunter character if you hunt the crazy and evil ones.

Why would the average mortal give a crap about Kalec’s or Chromie’s opinion, much less actually have an idea who the heck they are? Especially in Chromie’s case. As far as I can recall, in most cases only exemplary individuals have interacted with dragons. Druids are one of the few groups who actively engage with them, I believe.

Killing a dragon still makes for a great challenge, and I bet the materials their hunter would gather for them would still fetch a great price. Maybe it’s more of a morally ambiguous activity now that dragons have worked with mortals together more often, but again, unless the Horde and/or the Alliance would have outright banned the hunting of dragons, it’s still a viable occupation.
Which would make for really cool and sensible headcanon, actually, but it would still be headcanon.

edit: good point by Thuzar, there are plenty of draconic species who have no positive relations with the mortal races in the first place, or are barely even sentient, so there should be no issue at all hunting those.


I recall there is one quest in which you as horde have to do some questionable things related to dragons and your orc commander tells you to keep it on the down-low because of the hordes relationship with the red flight, which I assume is something they don’t want to sour more than it already is.


I believe that was a Tauren in Twilight Highlands or somethin’… Using dragon blood that has potent healing properties and dipped bandages in it to heal their soldiers.